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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. Warcraft will barely make 50M DOM......fuck. In other news that's a fantastic number for conjuring. #anothersuccess
  2. Oh I know but I have a hard time seeing the producers taking their time to go through it, it seems to me like they would skip it......that is if there even are going to be sequels at this point.
  3. I actually love the game (or should I say loved, I've stopped playing) and was all for the horde. However, the movie blows and it's just a fact.
  4. Holy shit, I would have thought despite the negative reviews that Warcraft would of at least made something around 60M OW. Can't say I feel bad though, movie was crap.
  5. OMG YES!!! I laughed so hard at the beginning when you quickly saw a Murlock running with that fucking annoying voice. I made a joke with my sister (who also played the game) that if the movie had a murlock in it, even for a second, it would just automatically be awesome because of how annoying those fuckers were. Of course.......it was in fact NOT the most awesome movie......but at least I got my murlock shot.
  6. Just saw it last night, and I walked in with the lowest expectations........and unfortunately I wasn't proved corrected. First of all, the movie felt nothing like the game for me, I mean seriously how lazy are the writers/director for making all the characters 95% all warriors and the last 5% because 2 mages and whatever you wanna call the villain (I consider him a mage too). I mean really would it have been hard for the creators to just start with the basics and introduce SOME of the classes like maybe a rogue? (now come on, that would of been pretty badass to see) A hunter? Priest? Hell why not just make one of the warriors at least a Paladin for christ's sake. I know perhaps they couldn't do all of em, but would a little variety help? Jeez, it was just so boring seeing a billion boring warriors over an over again just fighting swords and axes. For example the first battle in Elwynn forest with the horde could have soooooo better had you have variety styles of fighting (warriors fighting with swords, say maybe a warlock range fighting with spells and even a pet, or you could have had a hunter with a bow and arrow badassing it. It would of even been cool to see a priest actually maybe healing someone to add another big detail of how the game works). It just seemed so lazy and it took my already low expectations even lower. Secondly, again with the characters, none of them stood out to me. I really felt like they really just through a bunch of characters at us and didn't bother to really give them much merit. I guess Durotan maybe stood a bit out, but then against the rest were so dull that I'm not if he's standing out really do to him being interesting or if it's just a lack of interesting characters around him. I found the whole romance between Garona and the main character (not really bothered to look up his name as he wasn't really interesting to remember period) to be kind of weird and just plain awkward. The scene where he loses his son was just not emotional what so ever, because again I felt no connection what so ever. I just feel like the movie would have been so much better had they just tried simplifying it a bit rather than going in a bunch of different directions and too many characters have motives. That shit works in sequels because you have an understanding of them and have world building. Throwing a whole bunch of shit in a first movie just makes it complicated and really just bad. Being a horde fan, I actually would of loved this movie better had they made this from the perspective of the Alliance, flesh out and introduce characters perhaps a warrior like the main character, but also have like I said others such as a rogue, warlock, and so forth (maybe like 4 or them?) and perhaps just focus on life on one side (aka alliance, just because for a movie's sake it would help the general audience who doesn't play the game learn it better rather than going to the horde side) and getting to know the cities like Stormwind, Ironforge, and so forth (one of the bright things the movie did was making the cities look identical to the game). Would it make audiences look badly on the horde? Yeah it probably would, and I wouldn't mind it as guess what, you can always explain their side later in the movie or hell better yet save the twist for the sequel, thus the sequel being more horde orientated. I just feel like this movie in terms of story telling was totally rushed and seemed to skip so much from the games. It's almost as if they're just rushing through material just so they can get to Lich King. Even some of the CGI work in this wasn't great, like when they rode they Hippogryph it just looked really fake to me, not a very good cgi. Music at least was good, but again it's one of the few things going for it. To sum it up, I knew that it was going to have flaws considering how enormous of a Game it is and how much story there is, but god it just looked like they didn't even try to incorporate even the biggest details of the game into this. I'm hugely dissapointed. I give this a big fat solid D and and an overall score of 4/10.
  7. Given how much I hated the first Alice and how Tim Burton basically ripped my heart out, spat on it, stomped on it, pissed on it, then buried it under ten kilotons of cow dung: This movie is only deserving of maybe $1.00.......doesn't even deserve a footlong at subway.
  8. Time to nuke this planet from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.......that this movie never happens
  9. Everything you said basically was my initial reaction
  10. Nice! 60M for JB on it's second weekend is crazy in hindsight. Hell, people were thinking it was going to make that in it's OW or even less. 300M+ is guaranteed at this point, WOM is incredible for this, everyone I know loved it. I hope it can hit 350M mark, either way it's a huge success for Disney and well deserved.
  11. Just got back from seeing it with the family: My first thoughts were WOW! How on earth could computer animated CGI make a jungle look so real?! I felt like I could reach out and pet the animals fur, or scoop up some water at the stream. It was just so surreal. Now for the characters: First judging it from a character of the story I found Mowgli and Sher Kahn to have developed the most vs. the animated version. Mowgli in the cartoon was always an after thought, when you think of the cartoon version everyone always remember Baloo for being his funny silly way and the other animals for their other quirky characteristics. However Mowgli was always just flat and for the main character of your story to be flat, it says something. Here, I love that Mowgli actually made logical decisions, for example who reasoned with himself that it would make the best sense for him to leave, as him staying would endanger his family (whereas the cartoon version Mowgli was so self centered regardless of the peril and doom around him). We also got a very nice background story to how he came to the jungle, which leads...... To us discussing Sher Kahn, as we get a more detailed look into why Kahn wants to kill Mowgli so bad, whereas in the cartoon it just seems so random and out of place with him wanting to kill Mowgli with no other reason than "eh, because I want too". Kahn here we truly see and feel his motive, which makes his characters all the more menacing when he appears on screen. Kaa's character was changed not only from being male to female but also in attitude, as Kaa is more of hypnotic, seductive snake vs. the cartoon's sillier version. Now onto the actor's/actresses: I thought the boy who played Mowgli did a superb job, considering the challenges of having to act in front of nothing but a screen. It never felt like he was acting at nothing, he carried a lot of emotion where things went sad and carried humor and laughter when it was needed. Bill Murray as Baloo was a good, maybe not as goofy as the cartoon but his cool charm still made this film work. Bagheera in this seemed to be exactly the same as the cartoon version, being played by Ben Kingsley, and if I didn't know any better I would have thought it WAS the same actor from the cartoon playing him as both voices sound identical. King Loius was okay, I'll into my only gripe with him in a bit. Kaa was exceptional, although it was disappointing we only got one scene with her, seemed like such a waste. My stand out though was clearly Sher Kahn. Every time his presence took up the screen, you knew shit was going to go down. The scene where he kills the alpha wolf was so random and quick, it made me and my family jump. We didn't see it coming. He's definitely a villain I could see terrorizing young children for sure. Now, for my complaints I really only have two: First I already mentioned that I wished there was more Kaa, seemed like a waste to have a big name actress play her, and to also showcase how amazing she looked, only to utilize her once. My biggest gripe though with the film are the songs, which I heard is what others have said (here and critics). I have to say I agree, more so in particular the song I wanna be like you by Loius more so than Bare Necessities by Baloo. It just felt so out of place and really didn't sound good at all to me when Loius was singing the song. I think taking the songs out would have made the film so much better. I realize what they were trying to do here, but it just didn't work and it really took me out of the film. Other than that though I loved everything else, the pacing was awesome, characters great, overall a huge achievement by Disney. Rating is an A-, 9/10
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