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Everything posted by dxmatrixdt

  1. I think I found something like this when I was reading the Urban dictionary on teen angst months ago. The 911 operators probably get sick of hearing it. But then 1/10,000 can happens or whatever and it can be completely uncoincidental.
  2. I think smoking just one can activate some kind of something for cancer that lasts for like a month until it vanishes. not sure. but the way I read it was it is best to smoke a pack, stop for a month or two, then resume by smoking one, then stopping for another month or two, etc.
  3. 1,000 people for the weekend, $10 each = $10,000. 10 of those is 100k. Maybe the top movie makes that much when evenly distributed. It seems difficult to make an actual count of all the drive ins across the area
  4. if you used any search engine, I know the first few pages for this does not help much. one would have to be committed to digging up all the main and more importantly most expensive $$ double feature drive in venues across 50 states + other territories and then keeping tabs on what is playing where.
  5. boy, if A Wrinkle in Time gets all those double features, 100M might be locked.
  6. from the post above, it appears as if each movie is increasing day-to-day.
  7. It probably helped that Black Panther's budget was so large. 200M+ vs IW which is 300M I think?
  8. ok, this is the behavior and language and approach that you should employ to yourself to try and get those plants removed growing into that gravestone. maybe do something sour, sore, or repulsive. see what you can do, ready! go!
  9. yes, for my Star Wars movie fandom it is my least favorite. I will definitely need to see it again, I don't remember too much for overall story remembrance.
  10. about the first 20-30 min, my expectations had risen to placing this slightly above Rogue One, but Solo: Star Wars is my tenth favorite Star Wars films. It is still my favorite movie of the year by a long shot though. It will be interesting to see what they do with the sequel.
  11. I predict this will open above 35M for the 5-day. It opens on Wednesday, July 4th. I don't think the total will go much higher than 70. Maybe 75. The reception will either pave a path like Saw IV or Saw V 1 The Purge: Election Year Uni. $79,213,375 2,821 $31,515,110 2,796 7/1/16 2 The Purge: Anarchy Uni. $71,962,800 2,856 $29,816,675 2,805 7/18/14 3 The Purge Uni. $64,473,115 2,591 $34,058,360 2,536 6/7/13 Adjusted for Ticket Price Inflation Rank Title (click to view) Studio Adjusted Gross Unadjusted Gross Release 1 The Purge: Election Year Uni. $85,263,500 $79,213,375 7/1/16 2 The Purge: Anarchy Uni. $81,581,600 $71,962,800 7/18/14 3 The Purge Uni. $70,693,300 $64,473,115 6/7/13 Those are my final predictions. The end.
  12. for gosh sakes, I wish they would hurry the hell up and put out that damn number for Soulfly already. I get sick and tired of waiting for it.
  13. Beirut opened on a Wednesday and I don't think anyone even knew. http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=daily&id=beirut.htm I don't think it had any effect on the other movies while AQP stayed at #1 that Wednesday. I don't think there will be any overwhelming #s for Superfly, but I don't see how this hurt by putting it out today. Seems like it should go for mediocre walkup #s and place 5th above IW for Weds...
  14. does anyone remember that news moment when someone had an epic scheduled Obama meeting, and the Air Force One landed, he exits the airplane, comes out with a smile and shakes the persons hand. then turns back around and get back onto the Air Force One and it takes off.
  15. business should be picking up for Superfly on the west coast. I sure hope it comes ahead of forecasts and makes 10m OD
  16. i don't know if outer earth aliens worry about physical appearance as much as humans do. furry animals groom their fur, but I'm not sure their instinctual worries run deep over their real image appearance on other beings. I'm not sure what advanced space traveling aliens would be worried about? *i hope they would retain some of the primal instincts that earth's mammals have.
  17. about 5 showings between 6pm-730pm in Northern California are empty. two others are about 40% full. I am putting that on par with Hereditary today which could be around $550 per theater average. Superfly is showing at 2,220 locations and ($550)(2,220) = 1.221. No previews the night before, but anything above 1m should put Superfly at #5 for the day above IW
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