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Posts posted by RyneOh1040

  1. 1 hour ago, filmlover said:

    Our Brand Is Crisis going that low just shows that no star is safe when the movie looks completely unappealing anymore.

    1000% yes to this.  If anyone has legit star power right now, it's her.  But this just appealed to no quadrant and completely alienated most people who see films because she's in them.  I mean think of how terrible All About Steve looked (and was) but still, it was in her wheelhouse and got over a 10 million OW.  This movie was for absolutely no one other than Clooney and Bullock and appears to be a huge mistake.

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  2. This might the most shocking film of the year for me.  I know that sounds like I'm being sarcastic but I truly am not.  I was obsessed with these books in elementary school and frankly, I thought the trailer looked terrible.  But I LOVED the movie.  Other than Kingsman, it's the most fun I've had at the theater all year.  And that's what Goosebumps should be.  Making Slappy the leader of the monsters was genius.  This will become a Halloween staple for me.

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  3. I needed a study break and decided to take the time to do this, once again.


    1. DH Part 1.  I truly think this is a perfect film, and not just as a part of the Potter series.  I was so incredibly frustrated with the TONE of the films when Yates was behind the wheel and then he just proved me completely wrong with this.  He got everything right.  It really is that simple.  I will always say that splitting the films into two parts was WAY more beneficial to Part 1, because I know a large majority of the plot from that portion of the book would have been cut for the sake of battles and action.  This film has several of my favorite moments of the entire series, including the graveyard scene which is the best single scene of the franchise.  10/10.

    2. Prisoner of Azkaban.  I still remember seeing this and being somewhat haunted by it, but in the best way.  The scene where the first dementor is introduced on the Hogwarts Express is another standout scene in the series.  It's chilling and absolute perfection.  This is where the trio start to grow up very quickly and Alfonso did an incredible job of portraying the juxtaposition of the light-heartendess of the first two films (where the story had been), to this very real sense of terror (where the story was headed).  I also think this is when more casual fans, at least from my experience of discussion, took the series to be more of an epic.  It wasn't just a children's series, it was a story that would find it's ranks among the all time greats.  9.5/10.

    3.  Sorcerer's Stone.  I know this is higher than what most people rank this film, but I think we often take for granted just how BAD the ship could have set sail.  The casting, for one, is out of this world.  I would argue the best in any franchise.  There isn't a single character who isn't spot on to Rowling's descriptions (with the exception of a few physical characteristics).  This film also gives me the biggest sense of nostalgia.   I rewatched it a few weeks ago and the end I was legitimately crying because I was just so happy.  Simple as that.  I know it's certainly more kid-fare than the later entries, but that's what it had to be and we can't forget the importance of that.  9.5/10.

    4. DH Part 2.  I WANT to rank this film higher, I really, really do.  It's easily my favorite book in the series (a perfect novel, in my humble opinion) that is unfortunately translated into a pretty good film.  Don't get wrong, again, as is often for me with Yates, his films have some of my favorite moments of the series but also some that flat out spark outrage in me.  The forest scene, King's Cross, The Prince's Tale (dear god) all stunning, cinematic achievements.  But I feel like there are some very missed marks here that could have taken the film to the next level.  My biggest complaint will always be the final battle.  The epicness and sense of finality is just not there for me.  Why stray away from perfectly constructed source material?  I understand it's an adaptation, but sometimes you can't improve upon perfection and Rowling wrote the ultimate climax when this battle took place in the Great Hall, in front of everyone, with everything at stake.  Harry doesn't just kill Voldemort with a final spell, he destroys him with words.  Words that are so beautifully and expertly crafted and in the film we get none of that.  Don't even get me started on the Bellatrix death scene.  8.5/10.

    5. Order of the Phoenix. - Arguably the hardest book to adapt due to sheer length, I think this is one of the most enjoyable films overall.  If I were just a casual fan of the series, this and GOF would be the ones I think I would like the most simply because of their entertainment factors.  The ministry battle between Voldemort and Dumbledore is one of the few times in the series where the action was actually better than I anticipated.  Plot wise, this film has to cover so much ground that it can't really go into depth with the narrative but again I think that's saved by highlighting things like the D.A. and Umbridge's torture of the school.  8.5/10.

    6.  Chamber of Secrets. - I watch this film every year at Christmas, because for some reason it plays like a Christmas film to me.  I know that's inexplicable but it's just true for me. Maybe it was because I remember seeing this around the holidays or the overall warmth of the movie but at times I think I would rank it higher, maybe even above OOTP.  This is the film that seems to get the least love of the series and I don't really understand why.  The scene where Harry tells Hagrid there's no Hogwarts without you, to this day, destroys me. 8.5/10.

    7. Goblet of Fire. - For most casual fans of the series, this seems to be their choice pick and I totally understand why.  The Triwizard Tournament is so damn exciting and works great as narrative structure for the film.  The graveyard scene is the standout moment in this film for me, and is flat out jaw dropping.  Fienes invigorates so much life into the series with his Voldemort.  The reason I personally rank this film lower is because I think omitting both Dobby and Sirius storylines (no the head in the fireplace isn't enough) from the film takes away from the gravitas of their loss later on.  Particularly Dobby, while who's death is heart-breaking, would have been even more devastating if he had a presence somewhere in the middle of the film series.  Also some of the characterization is way off, particularly the scene where Dumbledore erupts after Harry is chosen by the Goblet.  8/10.

    8.  Half-Blood Prince. - I'll probably get shit for putting this here but I don't care.  I've definitely gotten over the majority of my dislike for this film, to the point where I can appreciate things like the cinematography, The Cave, and a few other scenes but I hands down have the most problem with this film.  At times it plays like a romantic comedy and I find that infuriating.  Yes, Rowling focused on the teen angst of it all and relationships but never in a humorous tone.  Ron was destroying Hermione, Harry was being eaten alive for his feelings for Ginny and what that meant with his friendship with Ron and Ron was oblivious to all of it.  I know the film covers that at times but I just don't think the severity of the seriousness of this book is adapted well.  And I will never. ever. ever forgive them for two things: 1. Having Snape kill Dumbledore while Harry isn't under the body bind curse and under the cloak and 2. Deciding to omit Dumbledore's funeral.  The latter is legitimate blasphemy and something that burns me up every time I watch this film.  For that reason, it get's my lowest rating of 7.0/10.  

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  4. Truly catastrophic for every opener.  I have no clue what the FUCK Lionsgate was thinking giving a 70 million budget to a film called 'the last witch hunter'.  Paranormal Activity is a ghost (pun intended) of its former self, but it'll be fine and in the end will put a few coins in the studios pocket.  Jem and Kasbah really don't even deserve discussion, the PTA are going to be insane.  This feels wayyyyy more like an early September week than a near end October week.  

    Spectre, save us.

  5. Just let it sink in that a critically acclaimed movie about Steve Jobs starring Michael Fassbender, Kate Winslet, Seth Rogen and Jeff Daniels, written by Sorkin and directed by Danny Boyle is going to open within a million dollars of a critically panned movie about Steve Jobs starring...Ashton Kutcher.

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  6. Really great for almost all holdovers.  That is a fantastic drop for The Martian and particularly Sicario.  Glad to see The Intern continuing to have some of the best holds and most of all glad to see Maze Runner finally getting some late legs.  Should close around 80, which is decent, but I would have liked to see it build on the first.  It at least guarantees that we get The Death Cure.

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  7. Get that coin, Intern.


    Caught Sicario today.  REALLY dark but damn it was so good.  The cinematography, score, and performances were fantastic.  I don't know if it will end up being too early for this to get major Oscar noms but Blunt, Del Toro and Brolin should all be considered (though I think Blunt and Del Toro probably have the strongest shots).  

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  8. Good hold for The Intern. Is the movie any good? I usually can't stand Nancy Meyers and her style-porn for middle aged white women. I feel like the only direction she gives on set is "make the kitchen look more fabulous!!" 

    I would say this is her most accessible work for different demos.  I'm a sucker for a good rom-com type film, but this doesn't necessarily fall in that category because it's much more focused on De Niro's character.  It's also the most charming role you'll ever see him in.  I would see it, even if you don't like her stuff.  The story has more flawed characters than are typically in her films, which I liked.

  9. That seems good enough... For anyone who is really good with OS numbers, what kind of total does this indicate?

    IDK a ton about international numbers, but I think last weekend it was around 82 on BOM, so that means it pulled in another 40 this week which seems strong.    Not sure if it's opened in every market or not yet. 


    Also anyone else notice the insane amount of retweets Box Office gets when it's Maze Runner related, lol.

  10. I personally think it's nice and refreshing to see a YA franchise, with very modest and respectable budgets find moderate success.  I think because of THG, HP, and Twilight we often forget just how many of these series have crashed and burned with one film.


    Maze Runner has carved a niche for itself and in the end will be a profitable little franchise for Fox, while making enjoyable films.  I can respect that.

  11. Sounds like you are from a similar place that I grew up.  I am from a smallish city in Canada called London.  It has about 350,000 people (not too small, not too big).  It's located about halfway between Detroit and Toronto.  There's a video rental store there called Jumbo video and it's the only one in the city.  It's busy every day.  I miss it dearly.

    yeah our population is 15,000 hahahaha. so so small.  if you watch house of cards, its where Kevin Spacey's character is from, which is still the weirdest thing.  i remember watching season one and couldnt believe they chose here (of course, none of it is actually filmed here)

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