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Heat Vision

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Everything posted by Heat Vision

  1. Audience scores can't be trusted for this. DC fanboys are giving 6 stars and Marvel trolls are giving it the lowest rating.
  2. Rick is practically a cripple now in the comics. Something Kirkman deeply regrets. That being said it makes me question why Rick got his leg broken.
  3. If they move forward with Gambit, Fox will have a flop that will kill the momentum from Deadpool. They need to focus on Deadpool and X-Force.
  4. They need to do X-Force and put Deadpool and Wolverine in it. Scratch Gambit. That movie has flop written all over it and will ruin Fox's momentum.
  5. Superhero films are not going anywhere. People keep talking about this fatigue bullcrap. Superheroes films are taking over any genre you can think of and with movies like Deadpool, Doctor Strange and Suicide Squad showing that they can come up with different formulas this year, the fan base will remain interested and continue to grow.
  6. He will drop his car from the top of Empire State building and it will go through the ground all the way to the center of the earth and walk out unharmed
  7. Toreto's character makes it hard for me to enjoy the movie. He literally survives everything and beats up everybody.
  8. I don't want another one of these *goes to see it on opening day*
  9. Say what you want about Bay but this franchise has generated 4 billion in 4 movies
  10. People saying Kylo isn't redeemable because he killed Han Solo. Vader did a lot worse than him and he returned to the light.
  11. They pretty much confirmed that E2 Henry Allen is Zoom. Zoom hits Barry exactly where he needs to hit him to cripple him. How would Zoom know this? Because he is a doctor like E1 Henry Allen. Later E1 Henry Allen comes to visit and checks his spine. Coincidence? Or maybe dropped intentionally by the writers? Also Wells hesitated to shake Henry Allen's hand at the end of the episode. He knows E2 Henry Allen is Zoom but if he tells Barry, he knows Barry will hold back. He also matches Henry Allen's build and eyes. Also Jay has never seen Barry's dad either. Is possible they are keeping separate for a reason.
  12. I'm at the theatre right now. Black Mass, Sicario and MR2 are all playing at fourish. Can't pick which one to watch.
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