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Heat Vision

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Everything posted by Heat Vision

  1. Define flopping. With a budget of 75 million this doesn't need a huge opening.
  2. Ant-man doesn't need a sequel. He's better as a supporting character like Falcon. Dr. Strange will be the same.
  3. I love it when two flops come together. This is going to flop hard though.
  4. Budget is 75 million. A mid 20s opening is good for this. Over 30 would be great.
  5. NWA isn't your average black biopic. Whites and Hispanics are going to be all over this.
  6. Is getting good reviews but Compton is getting better reviews. Both films are nostalgic and should attract older demos as well. A lot of the older people in my job talk about NWA being the shit back in the day and how they use to watch UNCLE every week.
  7. Kind of took away the bonding experience of all four getting their powers together.
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