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Everything posted by IndustriousAngel

  1. Latest trend: 300k admissions for TASM; 60k SW&H, 50k MiB3 - really not bad for Spidey considering the circumstances, let's remember MiB3 which also opened on a very bad cinema-weekend but showed amazing legs afterwards.
  2. Sorry, 19 was a typo when assembling the list, correct number is inserted.Spiderman will be interesting to watch; but we have to consider that Thursday (premiere day) and Sunday will be more or less cinema-less days as the Euro semifinal and final are played. Plus, it's shaping up to be the hottest weekend this year yet. So, don't expect big numbers, a 5 Million US$ opening would be a real success under these circumstances. More interesting will be to watch Spidey's holds as they will tell more about the quality.
  3. Germany + Austria Top 13 June 22-24 TW LW Movie Studio Weekend Change Gross Week 1 1 Men in Black 3 Sony $ 1.168.720 -30,7 24.886.220 5 2 2 SnowWhite&H UPI $ 1.009.243 -32,8 12.487.772 4 3 N Chernobyl Diaries WB $ 458.388 - 509.290 1 4 3 Street Dance 2 Universum/Const. $ 440.016 -31,0 2.791.269 3 5 4 The Dictator UPI $ 282.551 -36,4 13.099.638 6 6 5 Hanni und Nanni 2 UPI $ 282.386 -5,2 4.957.613 6 7 6 LOL Constantin $ 215.419 -20,8 2.463.001 4 8 8 Dark Shadows WB $ 173.353 -24,4 9.340.642 7 9 9 Avengers Disney/UPI $ 150.264 -28,7 33.164.527 9 10 N The Way Koch/Filmladen $ 136.615 - 181.148 1 11 N A Thousand Words PPI $ 128.451 - 234.836 1 12 10 Safe Concorde $ 125.623 -33,7 1.739.399 4 13 7 Rock of Ages WB $ 125.188 -51,1 500.748 2 Men in Black 3 Nr.1 again in week 5, Snow White had the higher PTA again and more admissions. Chernobyl Diaries cracked the Top 3 while last weeks "Rock of Ages" fell out of the Top 12. This week, Spiderman should breathe some life into the nearly dead BO.
  4. Germany + Austria Top 12 June 15-17 TW LW Movie Studio Weekend Change Gross Week 1 1 Men in Black 3 Sony $ 1.685.988 -46,5 23.187.811 4 2 2 SnowWhite&H UPI $ 1.500.009 -45,1 12.262.854 3 3 3 Street Dance 2 Universum/Const. $ 637.676 -41,4 2.124.261 2 4 4 The Dictator UPI $ 444.429 -48,9 12.686.719 5 5 5 Hanni und Nanni 2 UPI $ 297.994 -56,9 4.603.362 5 6 6 LOL Constantin $ 271.930 -49,7 2.170.450 3 7 N Rock of Ages WB $ 255.853 - 264.794 1 8 7 Dark Shadows WB $ 229.219 -44,1 9.084.817 6 9 8 Avengers Disney/UPI $ 210.620 -45,6 32.943.855 8 10 10 Safe Concorde $ 189.375 -40,2 1.553.261 3 11 N A Few Best Men Concorde/Const. $ 188.787 - 318.568 1 12 9 Comme un Chef Senator/Const. $ 171.317 -52,5 717.568 2 Men in Black 3 Nr.1 again in week 4, Snow White had the higher PTAagain and more admissions. Rock of Ages - bleh - only nr.7 in a weak week. Theother Opener (A Few Best Men) came in behind for the weekend but overtook RoAincluding previews.
  5. Don't think so either, it needs about 300k admissions more to jump Nemo. "Official" admissions, mind you - I saw that "Intouchables" is playing at many of the open air cinema festivals but I don't think those admissions get counted.
  6. Tron Legacy had a surprisingly good soundtrack (at least for me - see my review). Inception was as mentioned above typical Zimmer.
  7. My personal "most depressing" film would be "Dancer in the Dark" ... a friend invited me so I actually saw it on the big screen and starting at about 15 minutes into the film I wanted to strangle the protagonist (played by Björk who I actually adore) or at least hit her with something like a heavy plank or a sledgehammer to beat some sense into her and that feeling didn't get better the longer the story unfolded. "Requiem for a Dream" was a pleasure-boat ride in comparison to DitD.
  8. Boy that's a disaster for Rock of Ages ... I'm no musical fan myself and have no plans to see it, but I thought the combo Cruise/Zeta-Jones/80s nostagia would generate enough business among my generation to propel it to Nr.3. Guess I was wrong.
  9. Well, excellent weather and the Euro 2012 collaborate to keep customers out of the theaters ...
  10. Trend for this weekend: It will be the worst 2012 weekend to date; only Snow White should exceed 100k admissions and Rock of Ages seems to miss the Top 3 ...
  11. Avengers and AP4 actually did got down this week in Germany (the accumulated cume, that is) - so as of yesterday Avengers made only 32mil US-$ in Germany+Austria whereas last week it already had 33mil in its coffers.
  12. Germany + Austria Top 12 June 08-10 TW LW Movie Studio Weekend Change Gross Week 1 1 Men in Black 3 Sony $ 3.150.482 -48,2 20.914.938 3 2 2 SnowWhite&H UPI $ 2.733.149 -39,9 8.813.635 2 3 N Street Dance 2 Universum/Const. $ 1.089.100 - 1.219.097 1 4 3 The Dictator UPI $ 869.628 -52,8 12.084.868 4 5 4 Hanni und Nanni 2 UPI $ 692.183 -31,9 4.220.282 4 6 5 LOL Constantin $ 541.135 -36,4 1.800.422 2 7 7 Dark Shadows WB $ 410.112 -47,0 8.754.333 5 8 6 Avengers Disney/UPI $ 387.299 -54,0 32.649.128 7 9 N Comme un Chef Senator/Const. $ 360.720 - 417.137 1 10 9 Safe Concorde $ 316.453 -49,6 1.291.359 2 11 8 American Reunion UPI $ 287.350 -55,8 26.291.015 7 12 N Deutschland von oben Universum $ 210.869 - 210.869 1 Men in Black 3 Nr.1 again in week 3, Snow White had the higher PTA again and more admissions. Street Dance 2 was the only opener doing much business but barely made the Top3. A strange effect: Avengers and AP4 made some 100k$ each but lost accumulated gross due to the falling Euro. If the Euro keeps falling Avengers will drop below 30milUS-$ ... This weekend Rock of Ages should make the Top 3 but I doubt if it can beat SWATH or MiB3. Australian Hangover-ripoff "Die Trauzeugen" is the second big opener and should hit other comedies but propably will not make the Top5.
  13. Well, admissions to live events or other events aren't counted among "usual" shows so they don't show up in statistics, but they cost about as much and I guess concession is even better with soccer fans.For instance, early each december there's a LotR-marathon at my theater, the triple shows are nearly sold out every year but you won't see an increase in statistics - only regular runs are counted.
  14. I hope so too.First trend for this weekend: Street Dance might not even crack the Top 3 (battles with Dictator and Hanni/Nanni), the top spot is not clear either (I guess MiB will win again $-wise while Snow White has more admissions). Weather is good (from theater's POV), let's see how the numbers are affected by the beginning Euro2012 championship - i guess openers will get hit harder than holdovers.Concerning the Euro 2012: During the last world championship the FIFA offered theatrical live broadcasts for selected games in 3D; we watched Argentina-Germany and it was sold out. This year the UEFA doesn't seem to offer a similar program - . I think this would have been perfect for theaters to counter the usual drop in admittances during soccer championships.
  15. Yep, besides Intouchables there hasn't been a single breakout. And that was in 2D, whereas 2010 and 2011 made their admissions with large 3D shares, so money-wise we're even farther behind, say 25%.
  16. I don't have the details for Germany, but in Austria it was the worst January-May period for years (in fact I'd have to go back looking when there was a worse one, but admissions were about 10% lower than in 2009 and 2010, and 5% lower than 2011.
  17. MiB3 should cross $30million, yes. 3D is helping quite a lot. I don't think it will reach Avengers admissions but it will be closer than it looked last weekend.The most surprising thing at the moment is how fast Dictator is outpacing Dark Shadows - this was sold as a comedy but obviously Burton/Depp are no guarantee for big numbers anymore.Snow White is really doing ok, it has no 3D and it was opening in less than 700 theaters while MiB3 had nearly 1100.Today is a holiday here, so many people took Friday off - it's a looong weekend and weather conditions are cool and rainy for much of Austria and Germany, just perfect for movie theaters, so expect a strong week and soft drops. Looking at presales, neither of the openers will battle MiB3 or Snow White for the lead, but maybe with strong evening business Street Dance makes the Top 3.
  18. Germany + Austria Top 10 June 01-03 TW LW Movie Studio Weekend Change Gross Week 1 1 Men in Black 3 Sony $ 6.086.159 -2,5 16.143.740 2 2 N SnowWhite&H UPI $ 4.544.348 - 4.625.252 1 3 2 The Dictator UPI $ 1.843.348 -7,4 11.265.759 3 4 6 Hanni und Nanni 2 UPI $ 1.016.159 +150,6 3.390.436 3 5 N LOL Constantin $ 850.556 - 964.044 1 6 3 Avengers Disney/UPI $ 841.921 -15,6 33.996.222 6 7 4 Dark Shadows WB $ 774.253 -12,5 8.553.429 4 8 5 American Reunion UPI $ 650.297 -16,5 27.433.551 6 9 N Safe Concorde $ 627.819 - 759.109 1 10 10 Moonrise Kingdom Tobis/Constantin $ 323.327 +55,1 746.943 2 Men in Black 3 was able to defend Nr.1 comfortably, helped by 3D tickets, though Snow White had the higher PTA (in Austria, Snow White also led $-wise). While still a far cry behind MiB1 and 2 this is at least no flop. In general, after last weeks horrible drops, this weekend was a compensation. Hanni + Nanni 2 (a children's film based on a Enid Blyton book) managed a fantastic increase without adding many theaters - either super WOM or a freak effect. Moonrise Kingdom is doing good numbers on the arthouse front; Intouchables still nr.12 in Germany. This weekend only "Street Dance 2" and "Kochen ist Chefsache" ("Comme des Chefs", a french comedy starring Jean Reno) are opening which is good news for the holdovers I guess.
  19. Yep, bad weather has driven the crowds indoors. MiB3 is looking at a very healthy drop, and matinees are crowded too - a few films, especially kid's fare, will even increase!The openers are not looking too well, Snow White has a just-decent start, Safe's opening is not a start at all, more like a stumble. LOL is not attracting major business either.
  20. The Dictator is showing some strength in Germany, after a comparatively small drop last weekend is looks like a strong 15% drop this weekend, it will end with far more admissions than Bruno and should reach Borat's numbers.
  21. Yeah, Griffin was wonderful. He brought humanity, science and fun into the story, all at the same time - imagine what an actor and character like this could have done to "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"!
  22. I think so too but don't expect monster legs, a best-case scenario would be a multiplyer of 4 I think, in which case MiB3 will have as many admissions during its complete run as MiB1 and 2 had on their opening weekends ... not exactly overwhelming.On the other hand, this will do ok on DVD/BD and it will make a nice triple pack for collectors so at least it's not a flop for Sony, just disappointing.
  23. Saw it yesterday, me and my ladyfriend both found it enjoyable an fun. In fact, much of the time travel line was as nice as in Back to the Future, even if MiB3 has less drive (and no - ok, little - romance). The villain was a bit by-the-numbers and too easily destroyed, but I loved about everybody else. The film works as good as it does because a lot of screentime was given to the characters themselves, often their faces. There were some money shots in the effects department but most of the film would have worked just as well with a low budget. Worthy entry in a franchise I had thought dead!
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