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Everything posted by IndustriousAngel

  1. The Marsupilami stories were very popular here too, maybe not on a Smurfs level but if the film's good it might do fine numbers too. Yep that's true here too (Innsbruck) but only for English (maybe one show a day) and Arthouses where nothing gets dubbed. If 2D is offered depends partly on the distributor - last year Paramount decided to sell Thor and CaptainA only in 3D ... since Avengers is handled by Disney I hope for a better policy, I refuse converted 3D.
  2. Germany's + Austria's combined Top 15 2010/2011 in USD 2010 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part One) 71.951.538 Tangled 50.491.401 Inception 40.450.046 Alice in Wonderland (2010) 40.273.664 The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 37.084.481 Despicable Me 30.102.936 Shrek Forever After 29.562.262 Sex and the City 2 28.473.721 Grown Ups 21.791.904 Sherlock Holmes 19.225.732 Toy Story 3 19.369.781 Resident Evil: Afterlife 18.547.371 The Last Airbender 17.763.871 How to Train Your Dragon 17.710.351 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader 17.237.748 2011 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part Two) 85.535.674 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (3D) 70.457.694 The Hangover Part II 48.570.740 Kokowääh 46.233.643 Transformers 3 42.792.941 Puss in Boots 40.029.108 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 37.615.731 The Smurfs 34.413.645 Fast Five 30.861.792 The King's Speech 25.996.409 Kung Fu Panda 2 24.485.258 Black Swan 23.637.366 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows 22.616.708 Bad Teacher 21.541.266 Cars2 21.209.442
  3. Germany, Austria and the german-speaking Part of Switzerland are one of the biggest overseas markets for Hollywood, with about 95 million inhabitants. Of course the French watch more films per year, but in Germany Hollywood films have a far bigger market share (most films are dubbed), usually exceeding 70% and sometimes reaching 80%, while they rarely reach 50% in France.BoxOfficeMojo lists Germany, Austria and Switzerland separately, but in fact those german-speaking areas form a single market, worked by the same distributors (and partly theater-chains), using the same opening dates and sharing a very similar demographic. The biggest distributors are UIP (=Universal+Paramount), Warner, Disney, Sony International, 20th CF, and local distributor/producer Constantin (with some sub-units).Germany + Austrians pay in EUR; the Swiss in SFR and since everything gets converted to USD for charts like on BoxOfficeMojo, those numbers are in a constant state of uncertainity and flux. Yet Rentrak also counts admissions and those don't wobble around while looking at them, so they're more reliable but don't tell the whole truth, especially with 3D still being a major factor.I'll try to post actual numbers once a week; usually this will be mid-week.
  4. Well, Austria is a really small market, usually it's more or less 10% of Germany's numbers - not very interesting to the industry i guess. But maybe we could do a Germany+Austria thread since it's really one big market with about 90 million people (I don't know if german-speaking Switzerland is worked by the same distributors? If yes, it could be added there too so we'd get near 100 million )
  5. It's exceeding all expectations. From my Crowd report when it opened here: - well, it more than doubled that already ... might end up with 80 million!
  6. That would be nice!Austria is only a small market (in fact, it's part of the german market as it's worked by the same distributors, same as Canada is part of the North American market), but Rentrak counts it extra. Here yo'll find data for 2011 - Top 25 by money and by admissions.Monthly charts available here. (Inofficial source - change year and month in adress to access the PDFs ) with admissions, but only the top 15 every month, plus statistics for Austrian productions.
  7. Yes, after a little slump in Germany's week 12 Intouchables is back with a vengeance and has increased now for two weeks in a row, heading towards a multiplicator of 25. World domination is only a matter of months ...Looking forward to its run in Quebec, should do very well there too!
  8. Finally saw this (I refused to watch it on the big screen).It's a really mediocre film but not in the way I thought it would be. In fact, story, characters and relationships work better than expected. ok, dialogue is bad in places and I didn't get why they were whispering half the time. But where this really misses the mark are camera and especially lighting, special and make-up effects and sets. Many scenes (like the complete first 20 minutes) look more like a major TV show than a big-screen release. The destruction sets are awful; most computer games look more realistic.C
  9. So, in ten weeks we'll celebrate 400 million! :Dit's down to a single show a day at my theater but that sold out today (Sun 6pm, 100 seats).
  10. According to BOM Intouchables has finally crossed the 300 million $ line. Wow.http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/default.htm?id=intouchables.htm
  11. Pirates! (2D) Tuesday 5pm 5 people in a 250 seater (5:30 show was equally slow) Trailers: Lorax, Ice Age 4 Film: (i'll put a short review here because there isn't a thread in thr review-forum) B Aardman fare at it's finest, the animation (characters and sets) was simply superb. For us older folks, the songs are very nostalgic! Pogues, Clash - fantastic selection, and the original music was at least not offensive. The story and morales are rather simple - the Pirate Captain has to choose between fame (Pirate of the Year award) and friendship - first he chooses fame (sadly, the Smiths were missing from the soundtrack - at least the melody to "fame, fame, fatal fame" should have been put in there) which leads to him losing everything, then by remembering friendship he gains everything back. The film lives on its wealth of visual gags and a bit of wordplay; if you dig those gags (as seen in the trailer) you'll like it; if you prefer a different kind of humor or are looking for exquisite storytelling then you should board another vessel. The one thing missing from "Pirates" is the kind of hero we have come to love in Aardman films. The Pirate Captain sure is a kind of underdog, but Wallace he ain't not. We just didn't care for him as much, and that means the film is funny but not as rewarding emotion-wise as Wallace&Gromit or Chicken Run. Don't know if we'll buy this on DVD or BR, so "only" a B.
  12. Most schools have Easter holidays this week, should be a good week.
  13. Was a strong overall weekend in Germany; a few films even managed an increase.
  14. And the 291.7 million number doesn't even include all areas; Italy's, Netherlands and Austria's last weekend are still missing.
  15. At least it's good to see they recovered from the Conan debacle last year. The more players, the better.
  16. Intouchables has a nearly unique run everywhere, more or less making the same numbers every week (now in Italy flat for the 4th week). I guess that there are much more repeat viewings than usual.
  17. Best Exotic Marigold HotelMonday 19; 8pm55 in a 500 seater, average age 35+Trailers: Moneyball (baseball's no topic here at all), My Week with Marilyn (no reaction), Bel Ami (some ridiculing)The film: See review. Lots of laughs and sighs, audience loved the film, very positive chatter afterwards.While this was a small audience even for Monday, WOM should be really good and propel this to reasonable Box Office (say, 10 - 15 million $ Germany+Austria combined)Edit: Just saw that there is no thread for this in "Review that movie", so I'll put it in here:Very enjoyable film, if very predictable. Seven british retirees all fall for an internet "scam" advertising a cheap yet stylish hotel, specialising in the "old and beautiful", in indish Jaipoor. Well, it's not really a scam but the style and most of the hotel only exist in the determined mind of manager/part-owner Sonny (Dev Patel of Slumdog fame), as they learn in their first minutes there. Will they be able to survive India?While similar to "King's Speech" and "Intouchables" (underdogs beating the odds via friendships), it's more on the bitter side since the main protagonists all KNOW that death is waiting for them rather sooner than later - one even bites the dust midway through the film. Still, it's full of laughs (partly cheap ones, but most good) and strange situations and it's a joy watching those guys cope with the harsh realities in Jaipoor and in their relationships. The cast is superb - special mention: Judy Dench, John Nighy and Maggie Smith. Dev Patel tries maybe a bit too hard, he comes away as the weakest part in an otherwise effortless comedy. Most characters even get some dimension - no easy feat when you have about 8 main protagonists! Even Penelope Wilton's Jean - she's the most one-dimensional, playing simply "The Shrew" - gets a bit of depth in her last scene. Highly recommended if you like those actors and don't mind that you can guess about 90% of the script after 10 minutes.
  18. Hobbit1 and Prometheus are my most anticipated films this year; nice that they are a few months apart!
  19. ... or the trailers they think appropriate. When we saw Muppets, they played 3 or 4 trailers, every single film for children <12 years - of which maybe one or two were in the audience; the average age must have been 30+! By the end of the trailers everyone was groaning ...
  20. The 270,9 is the Tuesday number where not every country was included, should be near 275 by now. On a completely different front, here in Austria Intouchables has finally overtaken "Puss in Boots" which was a real blockbuster here - in Germany, Belgium or France, PiB was no match at all. Look at PiB's international number and you see where this could lead - this should play very well to South American audiences too I guess.
  21. Intouchables may end up with more $ WW than John Carter without even playing in North America. And that on a budget of not even 15million$; the numbers are in fact very similar to last winter's "Black Swan" and "The King's Speech" which also made more than 300 million US$ worldwide on a 15 million budget.
  22. It's just a very good film, touching and moving and funny with lot of laughs, non-pc-humor and everything in good measure and with perfect timing. Think of a cross between "Driving Miss Daisy" and "Rush Hour". It really pleases all kind of audiences, this drew many seniors into theaters who watch maybe one film a year, like last year's "Kings Speech". And the 260 million from the topic were last week's number btw; it should have crossed 265 this weekend.
  23. Too much time spent hanging around online forums?
  24. Biggest film of the year in Germany? I have the Hobbit 1 pegged as No1 at the moment. However, the bar is set quite high by Intouchables. The Hobbit really has to deliver to beat this.
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