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Mr Terrific

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Everything posted by Mr Terrific

  1. When Trump rose to power, there was an article about what the alternate reality version would be for a lib celebrity rising to political power. They picked Penn. I think it really fit. I have very similar politics to the guy but he wraps it in an obnoxious package and is a trash human being.
  2. Pro sports are notorious for shit like this. With salary pools tied to revenue, owners try to be scammy with income. I believe it was the LA Dodgers who pioneered not counting stadium parking in baseball profits. Like that was a separate business and shouldn’t count.
  3. What? Other people following Drew Barrymore doesn’t make her choice good or bad.* * - it’s bad. It’s a bad choice.
  4. Drew Barrymore is doing exactly what management would want her to do. Try to make money for its own sake and lower the power of the strikers. Someone with her fame and fortune is ideally placed to help those with less stroke. But hey! She “has to” work.
  5. I still want to see Haymitch’s games. Maybe a 45-minute special presentation where Joanna Mason just glared at Blight (whatever his name was).
  6. I don’t think they clicked as characters in a way that predicates a series. I’m an MCU fan. I’ll watch them.
  7. I didn’t write that well. Back when, I would’ve wanted them focusing on more She-Hulk or overpaying Oscar Isaac to get more MK. I usually hate the argument against obscure characters because obscure characters can work. I think Echo and Agatha had a chance to click, but they didn’t.
  8. Blue Beetle has plenty to work with. It just came at a bad time in DC history. And it still is crushing Shazam 2. In your face, Levi.
  9. I’m usually not on board with Bob Train, but why spend time on Agatha and Echo? That felt like Steph Curry just checking things from 40 feet. Why not push more She-Hulk or do Daredevil sooner?
  10. Maybe the skeptics are right about this movie. I’m getting it. There is virtually no reason this movie will have financial success. I’ve looked at comps that are appropriate and the best one is Hero At Large (1980). That did $15.9 million. With solid to good reviews, The Marvels can squeak by with some late December legs. Won’t beat HaL in raw tickets sold obviously.
  11. I wanted to like Thor 4 so much. It just failed. if you’re talking mashed-together plot lines in CBMs, you’re talking X-Men 3. It’s about a mutant cureNO WAIT. IT’S DARK PHOENIX. And we don’t have Cyclops so we overuse Wolverine. AHHHHHH
  12. Ok. Which site hates Disney more… Inside The Magic or We Got This Covered?
  13. In a world where this did better financially, I’d be down to see what happened with Ted Kord. Was the Dan Garrett version of BB not visible to public?
  14. So to review, Superman isn’t a strong enough concept to make a successful movie?
  15. So, Blue Beetle is good. More like a B-plus paper. It got the character and themes right. Had some nice moments. But some quibbles and no big wow to move it to a higher grade. When people say a Blue Beetle movie was doomed, I would point out that big name heroes have been considered dead at the box office and bench players have done great. It’s too bad. BB did not have enough juice to overcome the marketplace for non-Batman DC product right now. I don’t know if we will see Xolo Madiuena as this character again but it was a nice show.
  16. Spider-Man movies have often been good or better. Still, we haven’t seen Spider-Man fighting some devious plot by the Kingpin. That could be the plot of next movie with Daredevil tied. Would be nice.
  17. Human gets it. Human understands. Villains trying to work together >>>>> faceless army
  18. Ant-Man and Captain Marvel are very similar in domestic popularity. Just look at the grosses. AM - $180m, $216m, $214m CM - $426m Um, yeah. That’s actually not very similar.
  19. That definition of bomb makes a film that scratches just short of even as the same as Indy 5.
  20. When people talk about recent years being a peak age for television, they shouldn’t overlook the freedom to have shorter seasons and varying episode lengths. There were plenty of quality shows from the 80s on (Hill Street Blues, St. Elsewhere, LA Law) that could’ve been better on the current playing field. I didn’t have a good grasp of how writers and other creatives were affected financially by the change over time. I mistakenly assumed it would be good for flexibility to work on more shows or a different schedule. I’m naive to particulars but workers obviously deserve fair pay.
  21. I enjoyed the movies plenty. Give me Haymitch’s games with way too much speculation on casting. Give me some years-after Katniss & Peeta throwaway.
  22. Caviezel: I’m donating all my wages for this movie to the greater good. No. Hold up! He’s actually saying… Nolan, I’m gonna let you talk but Tim Ballard is the best dude in the world.
  23. I thought this movie would be a nothing burger in terms of pushing positive change. At worst, I thought it would be a lost opportunity to get at the core issues that create the crimes at the end. And here we are now.
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