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Mr Terrific

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Everything posted by Mr Terrific

  1. Jim Caveziel clearly and loudly states his point of view. Which is ok and he needs no permission from me. He also declares those who disagree with him evil. That’s fairly rare in the question of whether you should separate art from artist discussion. In working with many abused kids, delinquent kids and crossover kids, we never ever deal with adrenochrome and harvesting. That’s the softie liberal social workers and the hardline cops and everything in between. People with those views try to monetize it with “talks” and “trainings.” This became more necessary for them because gay predators and video games weren’t effective scares any more. I challenge anyone who thinks this movie helps to watch it if you want and then actually help. Volunteer at a school, unhoused shelter, church, govt. agency. Donate money or goods. All of these places are notoriously short staffed.
  2. Due respect, Jim Caveziel is undeniably a very outspoken actor with controversial views. He has claimed people with my political views are working with “Lucifer.” As someone who actually works with abused children and has for decades… NO. I don’t concede that a man of his views can consider me evil. I don’t have to bow down to him when I’ve dealt with for real situations while he does TED talks. It is 100% a fact that people with his exact message monetize real suffering and throw rocks at actual professionals. I don’t know what is in Jim Cavziel’s heart and I will skip this movie. But some of “Lucifer’s army” don’t need his guidance.
  3. A poster suggested he has to protect his kids from Disney corrupting. That’s political and irrational. Not box office. Disney does good and bad things that can be discussed. But I appreciate moderation on people needing to police people offering reasonable takes on Elemental. There’s disagreement and there’s weird intensity.
  4. If you think your child has to be protected from the wild liberalism and subversive messages of Disney… oh crap. C’mon! I don’t think Disney puts increasing numbers of women, POC and gay people in their products out of good will. The population is going that way no matter how anyone feels about it. Any indoctrination is about getting young people interested in buying their material permanently. That’s as evil as you want to make it. The people freaking out about one kiss in Lightyear are the same people who were leaving the NFL forever over anthem issues. You’ll come back or they’ll be fine without you.
  5. As a Disney stan, I can tell you Mickey wants parents’ money more than kids’ adrenochrome.
  6. CBMs now 2, 3, 5, 11 and 19 on domestic list. Possibly the strongest, most vicious rejection of a genre in movie history. (Quality and budgets are an issue more now. The end ain’t that close though.)
  7. For me, Inside Out is so specifically great and important that a sequel actually does make me nervous. I can watch a bunch of iterations of Batman and compare/contrast them. Riley’s journey was perfect. I mean Bing Bong… c’mon.
  8. I’m greedy. I’m excited for what’s announced and am still thinking what about Alpha Flight? Squadron Supreme? I want Uni or Paramount to get rights to the Badger and The Elementals. Shoot up my nerd veins, Hollywood.
  9. At what year in history would intense movie fans have been just plain happy with movies? When could have BOT have existed without angst about a bad present and worse future?
  10. Disney movies are currently 2, 4 and 5 on the 2023 domestic chart. Elementals and Indy 5 have good shots of finishing top 20. It’s realistic that The Marvels finishes in the top 10. Quality is a fair discussion. Success relative to budget is a fair discussion. The idea that Disney movies are aggressively being rejected is pretty odd. I read her that GOTGv3 only made a good amount of money because it got good WOM. FFS. Good WOM is not some kind of illegal steroid.
  11. Looking at many current blockbusters struggling relevant to budget, how impactful was/is covid-era production a part of the problem?
  12. My memories of these discussions in the 80s were about creator rights and specifically Jack being sick and not being in great financial shape. The Cb media was fully on Jack’s side overall and about the artwork. Stan laid low in that and later it paid off for him as this beloved figure. But kinda the only beloved figure to mainstream audiences. That’s too bad. You’re right that these things can’t be fixed now. Still, I would be super cranky about it if I was Kirby’s family. Roy kinda both-sidesing it is disappointing. He himself is a true legend of the game. I was reading his Avengers stuff a million years ago. Roy stanning for Stan is like Triple H being given the mic about Vince McMahon. Kirby actually lampooned Stan and Roy in some of his work I love Stan though. I need to watch the doc itself.
  13. I like Roy Thomas and his work. Annnnd… he’s making a weird argument. The idea that Jack Kirby should have been nicer about Stan’s work is asking a whole lot of Kirby (RIP). Stan got the most credit at the time. Most credit over the years. And spent the last few years being the beloved face or mascot of hugely successful movies. Meanwhile, Kirby had to fight against Marvel to get back actual art work he did. I don’t think Stan was a villain. I think he was a favored son who didn’t seem to mind getting more credit than he should have.
  14. For the people seeing disaster for The Marvels… what domestic number are you predicting?
  15. Flash is just a mess. It’s not so much terrible as there’s nothing fresh about it. Part of why I like James Gunn so much is that he can balance cb action/drama and some lightness. This movie had no idea how to do that.
  16. The first one is one of my top five movies ever. I’m also someone who is usually very open to sequels. I’m still worried they’ll mess it up.
  17. Thanks. I know this is a box office board, but merch seems to answer why Disney can go so huge on these budgets.
  18. Incarnadine brings up a good point. Disney has a more ways to draw revenue. Merchandise is a big part of their equation. Does doing a TLM live-action movie gross $10 million more in merch than not doing one? $50 million? I have no sense of this.
  19. I think Riley is an expy of Pete Doctor’s daughter so that prob remains an inspiration.
  20. Yeah, but what is a dying brand? if Marvels does $250m domestic and finishes in top 10 domestic… MCU is dying because that’s a big drop for sequel especially with inflation or MCU is very strong brand cuz it’s got three movies in top 10 or 12?
  21. I agree that GA has become more suspicious of MCU product. AM3 was really disappointing for me given the alleged high quality. A nice Secret Invasion, Loki, Marvels stretch would be great. Beyond that, I hope the writers get paid big time so the train can keep going. Pay those meeen their moneee.
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