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Everything posted by Robertron

  1. Yep - they're marketing the crap out of Joe.It has tie ins with EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE!
  2. Assuming it has something decent to offer, yes.Again with A2 it's going to be leggy (if Dec release) but I can easily see $25m in midnights - but it's just so hard to predict anything right now without a proper release date or any teasers/posters etc.
  3. So 2, 3 & 4 are shooting at the same time?Ill see y'all at the cinemas in 2033.
  4. So I'm a bit confused. Why was Oz only on 268 screens last weekend, but on 558 now? Something or someone stuffed up.
  5. But I understand the Queens Birthday Long Weekend OW.
  6. Its weird not having a FF movie to look forward to next month. I really hope the crowded release date doesn't effect it's gross potential. I'd really love to see $30m for FF6.
  7. I actually think it has the potential to be one of our best comedies we've produced in a long time.I'm really excited to see it.
  8. I hate it when the report tells you what a film ranked in a market, but not the gross.I feel like yelling at them.. "WTF?! That was pointless!"
  9. 201314.01.2013 - The Hangover16.01.2013 - The Dark Knight Rises18.01.2013 - Real Steel29.01.2013 - The Avengers02.02.2013 - The Wizard Of Oz19.02.2013 - Stomp The Yard13.03.2013 - The Prestige15.03.2013 - Secretariat18.03.2012 - The Sapphires (Great Australian film. Check it out - DOM release next weekend but hoping for a wide rollout!)Films At Home In 2013: 9
  10. The Sapphires is opening in NA on a whopping great 4 screens next weekend.I really hope it can break out and get a wider release. We really need an Aussie film to break out in the DOM market.
  11. Melbourne can't catch a break. If its not two weeks straight of 35+ degree heat, it's thunder storms or severe rain!
  12. 201314.01.2013 - The Hangover16.01.2013 - The Dark Knight Rises18.01.2013 - Real Steel29.01.2013 - The Avengers02.02.2013 - The Wizard Of Oz19.02.2013 - Stomp The Yard13.03.2013 - The Prestige15.03.2013 - SecretariatFilms At Home In 2013: 8
  13. Goddess has very few sessions, at least at my local. Unless the limited sessions across the country are selling a decent amount of tickets, I think $2m will be tough.Maybe closer to $1m. I'm gonna go $1.3m OW, but with good legs.
  14. Pretty decent drop I guess.But more importantly, look at those holds from last week! IT is a BEAST!
  15. Tell me about it! She looked soooo ugly in some parts.But I'll just remember her by FwB.
  16. Exactly. It needs to be dropping around 30-35% to stand a chance of having any benefit from easter.
  17. True. I think anything above $20m we can call it a (mild) success here.
  18. Exactly. We just don't know how it's gonna play out.Could have excellent WOM, or it could flop. Guess we'll just have to wait and see :/
  19. Very meh weekend apart from Oz (although I was hoping for $6m) Also, I just realised how massive Life Of Pi was/is.. Out of nowhere its going to finish above $28m!
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