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Everything posted by Robertron

  1. Great chart.Will be interesting to see how IM3 fares against TA, and even IM1&2!
  2. Fantastic chart!But The Avengera opened to $6.4m in Japan, not $17m :S
  3. Wow.IM3 OW > IM2 Total?!That's a big call.
  4. I'm not sure what LiT opened to, but - $23m OW for SY would require a near 10X multi to reach LiT.
  5. When will we get the predictions?What can we expect?
  6. Good point.I still don't think I even realise how big this opening is. I'm underestimating its gross.12, 13 days max.
  7. It'll be a bit more than 11 days to reach Pi's $28m.
  8. Depending on how the normal 4-day weekend went, IM3 is looking to beat HBP for the All-Time No. 5 OW here!
  9. Depending on how the normal 4-day weekend went, IM3 is looking to beat HBP for the All-Time No. 5 OW!
  10. That's $13-14m 5-day?Thor had an $8.5m 6-day, so $13m 5-day seems like it's in reach.
  11. Imagine Cameron directed it. Itd make 20B WW!
  12. That's the first 4 days. And remember that's on the 10:1 which doesn't really apply to Superhero movies. Always perform relatively better in NA.
  13. I'm willing to lock $35m at this stage.Anything above and it's just 100% pure, sugar overload icing on this sweet mofo of a cake.
  14. Rth just posted...Looking potentially $18m 5-day OW in Australia.TA made $19.3m 5-day OW.
  15. Awesome! So we're looking at an opening around $18m!
  16. IM3 is going to annihilate IM2.There is no '3D boost' happening here. This is thanks to an excellent marketing campaign and The Avengers. There is absolutely no denying The Avengers has taken all these films to a whole other stratosphere.
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