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Everything posted by Robertron

  1. So when should all estimates be finalized?It pisses me of that some studios report and others don't.
  2. Pitch PerfectOne of my favourite movies of 2012!
  3. Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't release dates more staggered than today?So it would only make sense that you would have the chance to see it in several parts of the world months apart and still be busy.EDIT: with 5 months between the US and AUS release, and 7 months between the US and UK release it makes sense that they would be packed as they were at the peak of their release when you saw them.Also, films were a lot leggier back then.
  4. Worldwide: Titanic (easily)Australia: Crocodile Dundee - sold tickets to over half the population at the time.Population in 1986: 16mEst tickets sold: 9m ticketsHowever Avatar and Titanic are in the 7-8m range from memory.
  5. Life of Pi is selling out a 3D session at my local. On a Wednesday. At 9.30pm.Apart from Avatar, The Avengers and the RARE Tuesday school holidays, 3D sessions NEVER sellout.Not even DH2 sold out a 3D session!! This is big.
  6. Is it just me or are there a lot more Aussies posting these days?
  7. 2011 - $12.87http://www.screenaustralia.gov.au/research/statistics/wcboprices.aspx2012 should be over $13
  8. Expecting a decent OD for Life of Pi today.If the rest of the world is any indication, it will do well here!Is 700k-900k a decent benchmark for it?
  9. RTH to the rescue........ pleeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeee!!!!
  10. Report:http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/foreign-box-office-hobbit-remains-407130
  11. Once The Hobbit and Skyfall are done TDK will be out of our all-time top 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. And at the same time Skyfall would've crossed AUD40m and will soon pass TDKR!!!EDIT: Due to the lousy Australian reporting of numbers, it would've been LAST weekend that it passed 40m, and is now even closer to TDKR, if it hasn't already passed it.
  13. And those are fantastic results for Les Mis and WIR - Les Mis especially!!Should have a similar run to Sherlock 1.
  14. Ouch. If it does, it's JUST going to scrape by $12m.Disappointing after that OD.
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