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Everything posted by Robertron

  1. Didn't get around to seeing it.Was ready to buy tickets then one day I was at work and saw about 5 minutes of it.. It was more than enough to put me off
  2. Anyone else buttons all red? Like the 'report' and 'quote' buttons?Mine are bright red and really creepily stand out :S
  3. 2013 05.01.2013 - The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (3D HFR) - 7.5/10 06.01.2012 - Life of Pi (3D) - 9.5/10 08.01.2013 - Jack Reacher - 7/10 10.01.2012 - Life of Pi (3D) - 9.5/10 Films Seen In 2013: 4
  4. But like most of you have said, the cops motivation is completely left out. WTF?
  5. Thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm a bit hesitant when it comes to Tom Cruise action movies as sometimes he can be a bit bland but I loved him in this! 7/10
  6. 2013 05.01.2013 - The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (3D HFR) - 7.5/10 06.01.2012 - Life of Pi (3D) - 9.5/10 08.01.2013 - Jack Reacher - 7/10 Films Seen In 2013: 3
  7. Appears to be. Oh well. Still 3 movies over $40m!
  8. With good WoM and holidays, $20m appears to be safe bet.
  9. Argo is just going to scrape by $11m.. Never thought that type of movie would actually meet the 10:1 ratio given its content!
  10. HFR really made The Hobbit come to life. At first it was really uncomfortable because it felt too realistic, but once I got used to it, it was absolutely stunning! Yes, it's not everyone, but as long as it stays like it is now with 2D, 3D and 3D HFR sessions available, ill like it. And it should remain at no extra cost!
  11. Exactly. Given how rapidly the OS market has expanded in just the last four years, as well as post-Avatar 3D, too many films have been aided along to $1B: $1.5B IS the new benchmark.
  12. Yes and no.It's fantastic that we had yet another billion dollar grosser, but given the success of the LOTR films over 10 years ago, The Hobbit should have done OS, what it's going to do WW.
  13. TF3 definitely helped Paramount last year.That's an atrocious drop!
  14. Tomorrow is going to be ridiculously busy across NSW Cinemas.Not only is it Tuesday school holidays, but with temperatures set to hit over 45 degrees in some areas, going to the movies is a great way to escape it!
  15. Skyfall is going to be close to $50m , whether it be over or under. I have a feeling it's going to be painful to watch.
  16. Just checked..It's a higher gross-to-date than all three LOTR films, and higher second weekend than the first two, but over $1.5m less than ROTK which was the benchmark for $50m.
  17. Keep in mind that Life of Pi has both 2D and 3D screens. Also, I don't think there is a minimum number of sessions per day to qualify that screen in the count.I.e. JR could have 5-6 session per day on one screen, whereas LoP may have 6-7 sessions per day split across a 2D and 3D screen, but also share it with another movie.Screen count kind of makes it misleading when comparing 2D to 3D.
  18. What a stupid thread.. OBVIOUSLY its because TDK is the best movie ever made and nothing will ever compare to it. #whataloadoffcukingcrap.
  19. On a much more important note, hows Skyfall going?I really hope $50m is still in play!!
  20. This makes me so happy :)For some reason, even though I liked the film, I just didnt want it to do well.
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