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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. I'd just like to let everyone know that the order of the ranking could possibly have some play. How my scoring works 1.The Film with the most points ranks the highest 2.My system intentionally makes it where films will often tie on points, and I tie-break this with the number of individual votes. The points are weighted so the favorites of a few members can make the list over a film that is constantly scoring in a lower range by a higher amount of people. This tie-breaker then allows the films with more votes to move ahead of movies with less votes. 3.If for some reason two movies are tied in score and vote count then I am keeping track of where everyone ranked each film and I will average the scores given to each film. The film with lower average will win the tiebreaker 4.If for whatever reason they films are still tied by the mean, then I will go by which film had the most #1 votes, if still tied then which had the most #2, and so forth. 5.If it's still somehow tied then I will accept fate and allow the films to be tied.
  2. It's disappointment that the nth appearance of Cap, Stark and some other Avengers a year after a mixed Avengers sequel managed to out-open the first appearance of Wonder Woman and meeting of Batman and Superman on screen by 10-15m?
  3. 1.Finding Dory 2.The BFG 3.Warcraft 4.A Monster Calls 5.Passengers 6.The Nice Guys 7.Doctor Strange 8.Rogue One 9.Silence 10.Moana
  4. FYC Raiders of the Lost Ark Before Sunrise Before Sunset
  5. It's below expectations. People got carried away for a few weeks expecting insane over Avengers numbers. Heck I even bumped my predict up to 185m because of the hype. But it's not disappointing, a relatively light drop off from Age of Ultron is a great result for a semi-sequel.
  6. This is a great opening, I don't get the meltdowns. 180-190m is incredibly solid and right where I put it for the summer game
  7. It was an honest mistake on my part, I'm not very familiar with Boseman and I knew Ejiofor was in a Marvel movie coming up. I don't tend to follow these types of things that closely so I went with Ejiofor (especially given the cast size of the movie is insanely large). I probably should have checked, but I was typing out my response/review spur of the moment. If it was a more formal thing I would have pulled up sources to check.
  8. Okay, I am sorry I mixed up Ejiofor and Boseman who are both playing roles in upcoming Marvel movies. I'll go and edit my posts. But please don't imply that I am racist because I happened to mix up two actors. This hasn't been the first time I have mixed up actors, and I'm willing to be everyone on this forum has done it at some point. Especially when I am just giving my initial reactions in an opinion thread. You have the right to disagree with me, and that's fine. But being a dick because somebody made a written mistake on a forum speaks more about yourself than the person you're criticizing.
  9. People should know by now that movies are getting more and more based on pre-sales. Just because it was selling better online than a movie from last year doesn't mean it was actually going to have a higher number.
  10. That's a fine preview number, should open within the 180-200m range which is great for this movie. People have just gotten their expectations out of check, as usual.
  11. A Deadpool Zootopia B 10 Cloverfield Lane Captain America: Civil War Hail, Caesar The Jungle Book C Miracles From Heaven Hardcore Henry Risen D Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Dirty Grandpa The Divergent Series: Allegiant God's Not Dead 2 Jane Got a Gun London Has Fallen F The Choice Norm of the North Ratchet and Klank Z 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Bengazi
  12. All of these 215m-225m predicts and im not even sold on 200m. I think anywhere over 180m is a major win for the movie.
  13. I'm interested to see how big this gets, it seems to click well with audiences and got a nice round of applause in my theater (sold out).
  14. This was my initial reaction after viewing, I already stated I liked the movie, I just didn't love it. You're free to love the movie. To clear up some of my initial negative reactions 1.Yes, I found, and still find, the villain to be unmemorable and poorly motivated. He was a cookie cutter plot device, cartoonish, and rather unbelievable for a superhero movie attempting to ground itself in reality. That's my opinion, you're free to disagree, but it doesn't change the fact that I found him to be a weak villain. I liked the scene with Black Panther, but that was more because of Boseman playing off the moment very well. Again, I found Boseman to be one of the better parts of the movie and that scene was a reason why. 2.I get Stark's motivations during the final fight, I just felt like that specific plot point was weak. That this random guy who was upset that his family died became a master schemer able to dig up things on the heros and entire goal was to have Stark, Tony, and Bucky to end up in this one place (which is rather far fetched to plan out) in order to play a video in hopes to make Tony go berserk on Bucky. For a movie trying to ground itself from the fantastical world it places itself in, I found that to be a weaker storytelling part of the film. The actual plot point of Bucky killing Stark's parents was properly built up, but how it was revealed just felt lazy to me. It simply seemed like a way for the Russos to turn Stark into the clear villain (but keep your sympathy for him) in order for the audience to feel satisfied when Cap and Bucky win the final fight. I'm not even going to touch on the fact that I don't buy how they even won that fight, Iron Man seemed majorly nerfed in this movie compared to the Avengers and previous Iron Man movies. 3.I get the idea of the philosophical differences, but if they were trying to go for a grounded reality (which it seemed like they were) Cap's philosophy is wrong. There's no perfect system, but it honestly isn't his place to make national security decisions for the world because he feels like it. It's a fascist/ego-centric like philosophy to think it's your right to make decisions that should have been up to elected officials. If they're going to bring this issue up in the movie they should have at least acknowledged how ironically Un-American Cap's intervention philosophy was. 4.I also realize the movie doesn't entirely support either or, but it most definitely skews Cap's side and I don't think it does enough to make that side feel in the right. Cap finding out about the villain by happenstance and the end scene seemed like simple ways to try and justify his philosophy, and it seemed forced. 5.Yes, I did find the movie to have little consequences. There's some temporary problems caused, and it doesn't end on as happy of a note that most of the Marvel movies end on, but I hardly got the idea that the Avengers were destroyed. Maybe it's just because it all feels rather orchestrated and you know where the plot is going after this. The ending felt more like set up for future movies (like nearly every Marvel movie feels like) more than an, "Oh crap how do the Avengers rebuild after this?" Maybe because it seemed more like a family feud than a civil war. Again this is all my opinion, and I doubt I'll answer much more after this. I don't feel like debating so much just because I liked the movie but had problems with it instead of loved it. To me this just felt like a case of a good blockbuster that wanted to be more than it really was or should have been. It felt like it overstretched itself. It wasn't a bad movie, I just don't seem to love it as much as everyone else did. I'm not saying others can't love the movie or that they're wrong for it, but this seems like a case where I'm one of the people a well-liked movie didn't click for as much. It happens. (This could also be because of my superhero fatigue, I've gotten more and more critical of them lately)
  15. It was a good movie that could have been great, overall I found that it scratched the surface of strong themes but didn't fully develop them and I think it played it too heavy handed forward the end. What I Disliked 1.The villain was incredibly weak, his motivation and how he was able to achieve was unclear and he was simply there to put all of the pieces in play for the fight to happen. I also think they could have caused the conflict without him. 2.The ending felt fairly forced, they did a fairly decent job throughout it keeping the story evenhanded, but it just kind of turned into "boy scout and his buddy beat up bad guy Tony." 3.I understand it being Captain America's movie that he is the protagonist, but I hated his overall logic in the movie and the direction pandered to it. I think we were supposed to see him as a patriot trying to do what was right, but he came across as an egotistical self-righteous boyscout who doesn't believe his actions have consequences. 4.The entire philosophical divide between the characters was rather dumb. The Russo Bros were trying to tie a more grounded approach, but given that the film takes the Cap philosophy, I don't believe the grounding succeeded. They turned the government official into cartoonish loafs, the character logic often felt fairly hollow and rushed, and if they wanted to ground these superhero stories the Cap logic doesn't work. In reality theres a point to be made that the superheroes would be vigilantes and Cap seemed like an utterly whiny, self-righteous brat to assume that he gets to ignore laws. Now I understand it's a superhero movie, but the Russos brought the argument into the movie's core and they never gave sufficient reason to justify the side the movie was pushing, it ended up feeling like BvS to an extent in that by trying to ground itself it just exposed the logical holes in its own message. 5.It felt rather inconsequential. It was pushing the divided we fall thing, but there were little actual consequences. It just left Stark in somewhat sour relations with other characters. 6.There were so many characters that parts felt rushed, and it could often feel jumpy. The character arcs weren't smooth at all. Now I didn't hate or even dislike the movie, as there's a lot of really good moments and parts so what I liked 1.Boseman and Holland are really great in the movie, they were both my favorite parts. I also like Holland and Downey's relationship. 2.The action scenes were a blast and the best part of the movie. If you stop thinking about the lack of depth in the film trying to portray depth, it's a blast to watch. 3.Despite my complaints, the movie is never dull and is continually entertaining, especially from the second act onward. 4.The casting continues to be great, and everyone sells their characters. 5.The actual filming is some of Marvel's best, a great visual direction for the movie. 6.I liked the ideas behind the themes of the movie, it was most the little details that were skipped over that made the script overall miss for me. It's overall a fun blockbuster that tries at points to be more than it really is. B-
  16. I don't expect it to do well, anything Gibson touches now is poison. One of the rare cases Id say an individual being attached to a movie spells doom to it. Not to mention, Lionsgate is terrible at marketing their movies.
  17. One week to get your list in! @Alpha @ACSlater @grim22 @Ozymandias @Jack Nevada @La Binoche @tribefan695 @The Futurist @eXtacy @ecstasy @DeeCee @GiantCALBears @75live @BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA @Olive @Jayhawk @Daniel Dylan Davis @rukaio101 @FilmBuff @kitik @Blank Panther @CJohn @Water Bottle @Baumer @Telemachos @4815162342 @chasmmi @Jay Hollywood @Dexter of Suburbia @Spaghetti @Empire @Infernus @Walt Disney @Treetrunk Special @#ED @misafeco @WrathOfHan @MrPink @DAJK @AndyLL @Lordmandeep @Rey @redfirebird2008 @Daxtreme
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