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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. It'll be over it either tomorrow, Thursday, or Friday then
  2. That's a much higher bump than I was thinking Tues: 8.7m Wed: 7.4m Thu: 7.6m Fri: 18.6m Sat: 28m Sun: 19.6m Wknd: 66.2m (-35.7%) Total: 200m Ie. A better multiplier than BvS in two weeks
  3. Hey... That number 1 is a massive step up from Transformers.
  4. Mon: 7m Tues: 7.5m Wed: 6.8m Thus: 7m Fri: 17.9m Sat: 28.6m Sun: 20m Wknd: 66.5m (-36%)
  5. If you want it on the list then how about you make one and put it on there instead of complaining?
  6. The Jungle Book does seem really out of nowhere with its success, but I'm really not too shocked. The nostalgia and buzz about how good it was made it easier to see a big opening coming this week.
  7. I don't get how it's that funny? Stuff like people saying the Revenant would flop or BVS would be an all time record breaking are giggling worthy. Those arent embarrassing of statements as they're relatively on point (just slightly off).
  8. I have to say, I think RT has gotten to the point where it can affect OWs and buzz for a film. Time and time again recently great reviews were followed by a huge increase in pre-release buzz and larger OW, whereas bad reviews have deflated the buzz and potential of other movies OWs. Im not saying it's the sole factor, I think great trailers and nostalgia helped TJB a lot too. But RT definitely seems to have hit the mainstream and gets people out to see a movie they may have otherwise waited for a friends WoM on.
  9. I really liked the movie. It was a technical marvel, with some of the best visual effects I've seen on screen (matched only by Gravity, Avatar and Life of Pi). The storyline was handled very well, and it was bolstered by strong vocal work (and a great performance by the kid who played Mowgli. Obviously not perfect, but he's a child reacting to practically nothing, cut him a little slack). Bill Murray was hilarious as Baloo, Kingsley was a near perfect Bagheera, Walken's King Louie had the right balance between light-hearted and intimidating, and Elba was a terrifying Shere Khaan (although the final action sequence was a bit underwhelming). The plotline flowed fairly well, although it did feel a tad episodic at points. I felt it kept the right balance between an original vision and giving a nice throwback to the animated version. It respects the original but still gives its own take on a classic story. I also honestly thought the ending change was more satisfying than the original ending, it feels more organic, although it trades that off by giving a more generic feeling to the ending than an artistic one. My biggest (and my only major) complaint is that the two musical numbers don't mesh well with the story they give, and that it makes the tone feel rather inconsistent at a few points. However, it's a great family movie. It treats the material and the audience with respect. After Maleficient I was completely against any more of these classic remakes, and Cinderella really didn't help the case much (although I didn't dislike it, I just found it uninspired). If Disney can treat the rest of their remakes like Favreu treated this movie, then I'm on board. Sign me up for more of these. This was a gorgeous movie with a warm, authentic touch. It's nearly an A- for me, and I may bump it up after thinking more on it. But for now B+
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