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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. For the sake of BSG we should count trans4mers opening as 97.5m, if it wasn't obvious Sunday it's obvious now it didn't actually make 100m for it's opening.
  2. Given it was Tuesday previews instead of Thursday that's fairly decent for Tammy. It could pull Heat numbers it could pull We're the Millers opening numbers.
  3. If it decreases below a billion and continues the trend with TF5 we might not get a 6.
  4. I'm hoping AoE decreases WW, maybe it would give Paramount a hint to end the franchise.
  5. This is somewhat true, just remember studios care about profit not gross. In china they gain up to one fourth of the gross which is significantly lower than their domestic share where they can at times get 100% of the opening weekend and diminish down to about 40-50% from there.Unless the policy for China changes, a movie would have to gross a significant amount more there than it would here to be more profitable in china. That doesn't mean it's not an extremely valuable market though.
  6. Mention Maleficent and I'll get pissed, unless the word bombing is next to it but to late for that.
  7. It's true actually, that's probably why the GA is eating it up.
  8. Yeah Frozen actually had thought put into the plot, I lost my suspension of disbelief in Wicked a couple scenes in because it keeps trying to tie itself into TWoZ only to have that very tie in be an inconsistency.
  9. They're both big budget spectacles that most knowledgeable people about the mediums hate and general audiences mindlessly eat up.
  10. I have so many problems with Wicked's plot but the biggest is that the Wicked witch never becomes wicked because the playwriter didn't have enough balls to make a play where the main character ends up evil.
  11. I agree, Wicked is to broadway musicals what Transformers is to blockbuster movies.
  12. I'll give it that, Oz the Great and powerful may have been terrible but it was much better than the musical Wicked.
  13. Alice in Wonderland. Oz: The great and powerful, Maleficent, they're all practically the same horrendous movie.
  14. Oz was a travesty, seeing Mila alibis destroy the character of the wicked witch was sickening.
  15. Yeah LEGO is a much more impressive run than Mal
  16. Where I'm from children's movies are fairly popular, at least the big ones.
  17. Disney still markets cap it's ridiculous to assume cap isn't one
  18. It did decently given that it was surrounded by direct competition.
  19. Mal is also getting what most of us predicted httyd2 to get, the family audience in a family film barren summer. Mal tapped that audience before dragon and held it.
  20. Kind of, but that just means people went to see the movie it doesn't mean the people that saw it liked it.Movies have good legs for an abundance of reasons, and just because more people saw a movie doesn't mean more people liked it or more people more passionately liked it than a lesser grossing movie. It simply means it made more money.
  21. A good goal, take one childhood-destroying movie down with another
  22. Whoever wins today's match will win the World Cup, quote me on that!
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