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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. Is it bad I'm glad Jack Ryan bombed? I mean I had bets against it in the casino so I'm biased, but if they are going I trash the franchise like they did they don't deserve to get money for it.
  2. Philomena is actually really funny at parts, for the concept it tackles it is fairly light. No, not a comedy, but lots of humor.
  3. Granted bad movies get nominated for make up and hairstyling, costumes, and visual effects all the time, but still.Here are movies that are Oscar nomineesThe Lone RangerBad GrandpaThe Great GatsbyThe Book ThiefAlone Yet Not AloneMovies that aren't oscar nomineesShort Term 12Fruitvale StationMudBlackfishThe Spectacular Now
  4. Hey, I'm pissed about a lot of snubs but I'll still watch, there were some interesting choices this year.I'm actually really happy Hill got in, I'm sad it was Bruhl who got out instead of say Cooper though.
  5. But AH is underserving in a year like this, I'm still a little mad Hanks got snubbed for Bale and Thompson was snubbed for Adams.
  6. I'm also really upset Llewyn Davis got snubbed, it was a fantastic movie.At least Oprah missed.
  7. It's a sad day when the fucking Lone Ranger has more oscar noms than Saving Mr Banks...
  8. The Lorax was trash, Horton Hears a Who was the only tolerable Seuss adaption (besides the classic animated Grinch), I just don't believe you can turn Seuss' thin children's book into full fledged movies without compromising the original story's charm. The only Seuss related thing I think could be a decent movie is Seussical, and that's more of a homage to Seuss.
  9. Jim Carrey's version is an atrocity, although if you grew up with Mike Meyer's cat in the hat it would definitely seem like a classic compared to that.
  10. Now that bet isn't even fair. 100 points Jack Ryan opens less over the four day than Lone Survivor's second weekend ( 4 day )
  11. That's what I like about the Oscars, there is actually some class to it. It's the only awards show where I care about the winners
  12. That's what I like about the Oscars, there is actually some class to it. It's the only awards show where I care about the winners
  13. Meh, I found it alright, but I really didn't care much about who they awarded.
  14. This was the foreign press, not the guilds, so it really doesn't show anything but the globes love of star power
  15. Hallelujah 12 Years a Slave won something, it's the globes though so none of this really matters.
  16. Fucking McConaughey, yeah 12 Years is getting snubbed tonight.
  17. I'm excited for the Oscar montages for picture, they are much better than Globe montages.
  18. Yeah or actor, but still im thinking Gravity might end up getting that
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