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Everything posted by Elessar

  1. Like i said, i just threw that number out. But it should be around $10m.
  2. Japan is a weird country. Poland should be friendlier to Hobbit and the country has come a long way since a decade ago, i think.
  3. Well, Pirates 4 did $10m in Poland. I just threw out a number, without checking what other movies did. I might not be that far off.
  4. Supposedly, it hasn't opened in Poland yet either. How big is the market? What can we expect? $15m?Just checked Avengers. It made just over $3m there. Such small market for that many people? Or did Avengers just badly there?Pirates 4 did $10m. That's more like it.
  5. I dunno, isn't boxing day supposed to be the busiest day? And Avengers opened on a bog-standard day, didn't it?But i guess for Hobbit that's good, since it's not this juggernaut as some of us expected.
  6. Right? It's like they are box office noobs. Friday should be over $10m and thus equal last Friday`s gross. It's doing fine unless you hoped for a weekend increase.
  7. Well, in case of Hobbit, Nikki has it doing up to $10m, which is rth's minimum, so they could both be right. It'll probably land right around $10m.
  8. Dunno whom to trust. 6pm is pretty late though, they should have a good idea how the day is gonna play out.
  9. Never understood those $14m. That would be amazing and suggest a weekend quite a bit bigger than last, because Friday might very well be bigger than Christmas day or at least gross about the same.
  10. Well, it goes without saying i hope you're right.
  11. That would be as big as its last Saturday. Sounds too much. FOTR increased just 58% for instance.
  12. I'm afraid equaling its last Saturday is asking a bit much. $12m seems more realistic.
  13. Sorry, should have asked you, since you are the man to know such things, apparently.
  14. Neither have you.$1b sounds about right, thank you very much.
  15. $1b i say.$200m for marketing? You nuts? $150m at the most.
  16. Get your facts straight. Costs for all three movie plus marketing should not exceed $1b. They will make more than enough profit on these movies.
  17. Okay, here i have to respond. I'm not having different opinions here than there. It might seem so because here i have to deal with a bunch of jaded haters, so i'm more in the defender role. On TORN i would say the same, the idea to split the films came from PJ and Co.Thanks for the compliments, btw.
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