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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. Second highest grossing IMAX film. Space Station 3D later exceeded Everest.
  2. If it means anything, the 1998 film earned $87m. And it only played on IMAX. Shoot, I may make a club that the 2015 film doesn't earn that much.
  3. Watch the IMAX Everest documentary. I think it's on Netflix at the moment. It happened to be filming at the time of the disaster. There's some massive lump in your throat moments that play out. Mostly there isn't any need to heighten the danger and loss, though. The real story has plenty of thrills already.
  4. If it's anything to do with the 1996 disaster, it could be really gripping. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1996_Everest_disaster
  5. I find mountains terrifically interesting. Also bridges. Bridges are cool.
  6. Yeah. Shasta's pretty great. It's kinda the marker between the drive on I5 being nice or not. (Though technically it is part of the Cascade Range. I think it's the southernmost large peak, though.)
  7. Looks good. Nice bit of teasing on the villain. Some good humor focus. Hopefully the next trailer will give us a bit more on the other heroes.
  8. I'm guessing that skipping the first 25 pages or so of the thread is the best course of action for today. IAC, this is a mountain:
  9. That's only assuming that everyone gets paired up with someone, and only one person. You can get a lot more permutations if you start to assume that some characters could opt to remain single, relationships don't need to be limited to two, characters could have multiple partners, and so forth. Really, though, you need to ask the really important question: what are the proper ship names.
  10. I'm only counting fifteen. Each cluster is a pairing: 1 LB GH WF2 LB GW HF3 LB GF HW4 LG BH WF5 LG BW HF6 LG BF HW7 LH BG WF8 LH BW GF9 LH BF GH10 LW BG HF11 LW BH GF12 LW BF GH13 LF BG HW14 LF BH GW15 LF BW GH L = Honey Lemon B = Baymax G = GoGo Tomogo H = Hiro Hamada W = Wasabi no Ginger F = Fredzilla
  11. There's some critical points of discussion on the writing process to be had here. I'll probably post some thoughts once the whole thing is finished. Or at least PM you.
  12. It's the first time a film's gotten 100 reviews or more and retained a 100% average since Toy Story 2, right? Mostly, though, look at that average rating. Has anything stayed in the 9s... like ever?
  13. Favorite to watch on TV: 1) Olympic Indoor Volleyball 2) Olympic Gymnastics 3) Olympic Diving (Okay, seriously, this list will be a ton of stuff at the Olympics.) Favorite to watch live: 1) Baseball 2) Hockey Favorite to just follow: 1) Baseball Favorite to play: 1) Uhh...
  14. At this point, Lego is probably in a better position to win. But at this point there are really only two films in consideration. There have been no other films released that have any realistic chance of a win. (I expect several will be put forth for consideration, but they aren't going to win or even get nominated.) The rest of the year has at least five more films which can be heavy contenders, so we're still really heavily in wait and see mode. The narrative can change. Near the end of last year, it seemed that The Wind Rises was in the prime position, with Miyazaki's retirement playing into the story. A month later and the story was different and it was all about Frozen.
  15. Bit of an extension from the conversation over the weekend about Dashcon. Mark Oshino was a panelist at the con and has posted his view of it, which is considerably more nuanced than anything else I've read. http://markdoesstuff.tumblr.com/post/91769561890/i-was-at-dashcon-an-unnecessary-q-a-with-myself
  16. Just watched The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Rank the Terry Gilliam movies.
  17. Yeah. It's pretty much the same as Pixar saying "from the people who brought you Finding Nemo, Toy Story, and Monsters Inc." or whatever. There's a lot of cross-pollination within the studio, even if the directors change from feature to feature.
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