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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. I was going to make the same comment. Neat casting choices. I'm digging it.
  2. Oh, fucking hell, people. At least try not to fall to lazy, racist arguments. 1) There was never a period of time in European history when it was all white. This is fact. You can go back to prehistoric times and you will still find non-white people. 2) Andersen lived in the 1800s. He wrote his stories in the 1800s. If you think for a moment that Denmark of the time was lily white, you are really, really clueless. 3) Throwing out a few background characters of color (who have no names and don't even speak) is hardly giving fair representation. 4) Of the four main characters, they could have easily made Kristoff a POC, considering the Sami people were not especially white well into the 1800s. (I've not done a ton of research on it, but it looks as if there were concerted efforts to force them to assimilate, which is pretty horrific to think about. Thus over time they began to look closer to the rest of the Scandinavian population.) 4a) Disney could have been forgiven for getting the look of the Sami wrong, but they could have done better research in that regard. 5) All of this completely ignores the fact that historical accuracy is hardly necessary for a fantasy musical about a woman with ice powers and involves a singing snowman. And an exploding sled. 6) Note that all of this is criticism which indicates they could have done better, not that they did a bad job. 7) It's cool to like things that are problematic, but it's better to understand why they are problematic, despite liking them. 8) To get back on topic, one thing really cool about BH6 is a distinctly multi-ethnic cast. Kudos to Disney for that.
  3. Oh, man. I read up on DashCon today, and it's a trainwreck. I feel bad for the people who went, and the guests they invited. Back in the late 90s, I helped found an anime con. We often didn't know what we were doing, and there were ample problems and mistakes made, but it did survive and remains quite successful today. Seeing a con screw up to this magnitude makes me cringe.
  4. If there's legit criticism, it's legit criticism. I love Disney, and have for decades. It's still hella problematic at times. Bullshit. I'd bold the parts that are false, but it's basically your entire post. Educate thyself: http://medievalpoc.tumblr.com/post/76885844280/hopeless-hyperbole-the-internet-debate-over-disneys
  5. The criticism about Frozen's overwhelming whiteness is completely legitimate. The fact that the film is fantastic otherwise doesn't negate that. Those of us who were concerned about the film (and I was among them... and on Tumblr, to boot) had plenty of reason to be, even though we turned out surprised and many of us love it. There has never been a time in European history when it was entirely white people. Ever. To claim otherwise is a bigger piece of fiction than a woman being able to control ice and snow.
  6. Sports can have a great narrative. It's often in a larger sense, but it can happen within individual games.
  7. Well, mostly unscripted. Wasn't there that recent referee fixing scandal for soccer?
  8. 1) What will Transformers final gross be domestically by the end of the game? (3.5% cushion) 243.546
  9. Watching the game and I'm like okay. Association Football is cool and all to watch, but the best sport to watch on TV is indoor volleyball. Pity it's basically only shown at the Olympics.
  10. Jurassic Park vs. Mary Poppins Star Wars vs. The Godfather [abstain] The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers vs. The Avengers Raiders of the Lost Ark vs. The Empire Strikes Back
  11. It's possible, but there was that week (9 or 10 or something) where it came in second to Avatar due to the latter getting a Walmart promotion.
  12. 1. Big Hero 62. Book of Life3. Song of the Sea4. Inside Out5. The Boxtrolls6. Tomorrowland7. Inherent Vice 8. Mad Max: Fury Road 9. Cinderella10. Fantastic Four
  13. In the Beginning of the Planet of the Apes Big Bang of the Planet of the Apes This Time We Mean It, We're Really Starting the Planet of the Apes
  14. Am I the only one who thinks they got the titles of the Apes films backwards? The first should have been Dawn (as a beginning) and this one Rise (as an increasing), right?
  15. This after the "foot size doesn't matter" joke in Frozen.
  16. I would probably buy a PS4 if the Frozen one was available in the US.
  17. "Why isn't Apes doing better?" "Oh, it's doing fine." "Maleficent should do great!" *Obligatory pic of Angelina Jolie's legs along with some mention of "Dame"* "Maleficent Sucks. I weep for humanity!" "Why isn't Dragon doing better?" "It's doing fine. Expectations were unrealistic." *offtopic tangent involving sex* *offtopic tangent involving language* *offtopic tangent involving food* *offtopic tangent involving plans for the evening that do not cover going to see any movies* *discussion about the merits of a movie that isn't one of the blockbusters* *joke about Tele being old* That about cover it?
  18. First post updated with full numbers, if anyone cares for that. But I expect all the action to be in the Weekend thread, now. Jesus.
  19. I woke up and I was some 20 pages behind. Attempted to catch up during work, and I fell back to 30. Checked again and I'm 45 pages behind, so I'm not going to read through all that. Did I miss anything?
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