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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. Election day is a pseudo holiday, so a drop over 40% isn't that surprising. Bad Moms is probably going to see a drop over 50%.
  2. If they attach the Batmobile to an airplane and drag it through a water tower, I'm in.
  3. If they waited until discount theaters for TLJ, they'll wait for discount theaters for Solo.
  4. Whatever Ragnarok is at on about Wednesday or Thursday is probably going to be half its DOM gross. Most MCU films hit the halfway mark between days 5 and 8.
  5. Man, when Civil War was released, wasn't everyone on about how it was the best Marvel movie ever and it would have crazy good wom? I think we should wait and see before declaring things one way or the other for Ragnarok
  6. The hint from rth in the weekend thread probably indicates that Thor: Ragnarok earned $8m for Monday. A drop of about 75% from Sunday. I'm holding onto my theory that it made $256, though. A drop of 99.99%. Also, a non-partisan but all encompassing reminder to any of our board members who happen to inhabit the United States: Tuesday, 7 November is Election Day. This is an off-year for most races, but there are a number of things on the ballot in many states, especially at local levels. Go engage in your civic privilege and duty: Vote! (You might get a cool sticker for it.)
  7. Those aren't new developments. That's Variety literally just saying that a story broke on CNBC.
  8. Now we just need some hazy breaking news that WB is buying Sony. That way we can get Spider-Man on the Justice League.
  9. The Frozen short is the reason I'll probably catch this within the first couple days.
  10. X-Men First Class and Green Lantern opened two weeks apart. TASM and TDKR opened 2... and a half weeks apart. GotG and TMNT opened a week apart. X-Men: Apocalypse and TMNT2 opened a week apart.
  11. You're not congratulating him on not getting a position he didn't apply for?
  12. 1. You're not helping your argument. 2. You really probably do need more sleep. Especially since you're a teenager and all. 3. Technically, it's "Daylight Saving Time". 4. DST just ended, so technically we're on normal time, now. 5. For all of four months. Woo.
  13. Chart, for people who don't want to click through: 1. Thor: Ragnarok (DIS), 4,080 theaters / $46M Fri. (includes $14.5M previews) / 3-day cume: $115M-$120M / Wk 1 2. A Bad Moms Christmas (STX), 3,615 theaters / $5.5M Fri. / 3-day cume: $15.8M /Total: $20.3M/ Wk 1 3. Jigsaw (LG), 2,941 theaters / $2M Fri. (-71%) / 3-day cume: $6.4M (-61%)/Total: $28.5M/ Wk 2 4. Boo 2! A Madea Halloween (LG), 2,202 theaters (-186) / $1.2M Fri. (-53%) / 3-day cume: $4.3M (-57%)/Total: $42.6M Wk 3 5. Geostorm (WB/SKY), 2,666 theaters (-580)/ $803K Fri. (-48%) / 3-day cume: $2.9M (-51%)/Total: $28.6M/ Wk 3 6. Happy Death Day (UNI/BLUM), 2,184 theaters (-1,351) / $814K Fri. (-45%) / 3-day cume: $2.6M (-47%)/ Total: $52.8M/Wk 4 7. Thank You for Your Service (DW/UNI), 2,083 theaters (+29) / $680K Fri. (-55%) / 3-day cume: $2.4M (-38%)/Total: $7.5M/ Wk 2 8. Blade Runner 2049 (ALC/WB/SONY), 1,464 theaters (-957)/ $611K Fri. (-45%)/ 3-day cume: $2.2M (-45%)/Total: $85.5M/ Wk 5 9. Let There Be Light (ATLAS), 600 theaters (+227) / $520K Fri. (-15%) / 3-day cume: $1.7M (-1%)/Total: $4.1M/Wk 2 10. Only the Brave (SONY), 2,073 theaters (-504)/ $508K Fri. (-52%) / 3-day cume: $1.6M (-53%)/Total: $15M/ Wk 3
  14. I liked it, but I didn't love it. It's a good film, but far from great. The flashes of brilliance from Waititi and co. were held back by the relentless MCU formula, which tends to sand away any rough edges until you get a film that fits into the mold, more or less. And the MCU mold isn't good for Thor, as a character. The first film remains the best, not just for the character, but for the series as a whole, because the house style hadn't been established, yet. Branagh could approach the material with the same sense that he did his Shakespeare adaptations, which lends a certain gravitas that fits Thor like a glove. Which isn't to say it's devoid of humor (Shakespeare did dick jokes with abandon, which Branagh clearly understood), but it does mean that the humor is applied appropriately, so as to not undermine the drama. I feel like Waititi should understand this. And it does seem that Ragnarok has two types of humor at war with each other. One is a wry, intelligent type, similar to what we saw in Hunt for the Wilderpeople, that understands correct timing to work with and enhance the drama and emotion. The other is a relentless slog of bathos quips at every available opportunity. And it's the latter that brings the film down. I mean, this is a movie where a ton of people died. And not just in a PG-13, hidden from view manner. Hela slaughters the Warriors 3, and it elicits barely any shock. The next jokes coming soon to erase that they even existed. Valkyrie has quite a tragic backstory, but it's barely given any weight. Even Hela has a lot of possible complexity, but they decided to smother that out and let her be a sword-flinging badass. Which is a shame: the reason the first Thor stands so well is how it ties both Thor and Loki together as complex characters; Loki is a bad guy, but he's a bad guy we feel for. The scene of Skurge holding the line is one of the most iconic in history. It's probably in the top 5 throughout Thor's various runs. But since Skurge himself doesn't get enough fleshing out as a character, it falls flat here. On one hand, it might be Waititi's worst film. (I admit I haven't seen Eagle vs. Shark or Boy.) On the other, the fact he's so good does mean it's better than anything the MCU has put out at least since 2013, and possibly since the first Thor. That's still only enough for third best superhero film of the year (so far). So, yeah, I laugh at the jokes, because they are funny and well done, but they don't a good movie make. As with previous MCU entries, there isn't enough that makes it stick as memorable in any way except "It was fun." I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about Black Panther right now. Because it really seems like Marvel is afraid to treat their heroes seriously for even a moment. 3/5
  15. My sister messaged me to say she really liked Ragnarok and is going to take my nephew next week. He's all into the MCU, so I'm sure he'll dig it. I just need to write another ~400 words today and then I can go myself.
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