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Everything posted by Electric

  1. The ratings don't necessarily reflect the Top 25. I'm aware BaN is well-made, it just didn't appeal to me as much as it did most others.
  2. Interconnected is about where I expected it, similar to X-3 in 2006.
  3. I'd like to recreate the Final Fantasy Legend II/III, but not going to have Final Fantasy in the title. The plots were really great for the medium at the time.
  4. Those aren't unrealistic... like Paranormal Activity?
  5. I am looking forward to May, my first film finally is there
  6. That is all for requests that I have gotten. Overall a good year, very few weak films
  7. Karate Kong (8/10)A lighthearted movie. A good family film that doesn't rely on cheesy one-liners or pop culture references to entertain bored adults. It stands on its own merits as a good film that both kids and adults will enjoy. The voice acting went well. Jay Baruchel, I hope, does not get overused after his success in How to Train your dragon and now Karate Kong, though.Even though I really enjoyed it, I would not consider it a classic film. Certainly one I would not regret seeing in theaters, but at the same time, the "karate animal" story is not too original. But it works here, and works well enough that most people will like it.See: If you like children's films that don't insult the intelligence of kids or really enjoy some of the voice actors.Don't See: If you're tired of anthropomorphic animals in animation.
  8. Red Skin (7/10)Overall, Red Skin was held up by good performances from Clint Eastwood and Emma Stone, but the plot felt a little thin, and really dragged on in points. It seemed as though the movie thought it had more to say than it really did. I also felt like the violence could have been toned down without losing much of the story. A good effort by Eastwood and Stone, but it really did not hit home as well as they wanted it to.See: If you are looking for a well acted drama.Don't see: If you can't sit through a film with pacing issues.
  9. Prodigy (8.5/10)Ryan Gosling really makes this movie. I am sure there are still people out there who dislike him because of The Notebook, but I hope by now people have redeemed him. With the Ides of March, Drive, Interconnected, and now Prodigy, he's shown himself to be a versatile actor playing many different roles. This movie was very enjoyable. Action-packed, yet it had a great message as well. It wasn't perfect, of course. No film is, but this one suffered from a couple of tropes that are typical of superhero/action movies. There is always a military character that refused to yield to the ultimate power and gets in the way of things. Col. Warren's character was that one here. I felt he could have had more development on his own as hell. Obviously, Nihilo is the main story here, but I would like to see a movie that is more sympathetic and respectful instead of just having the generic military-bureaucrat that gets in the way of everything.But the film is something people should see. It is tightly edited and doesn't get overlong.See: For good action and an uplifting story.Don't See: If you are looking for something that truly breaks the fold.
  10. I am glad we haven't had too many headmuncher/bill/uwe bowel films here. Even the bad films at least are ones that could possibly be released in real life.
  11. The Dead in the House (9/10)A moving drama. It is darker than I normally prefer in a movie, but the film's excellent script and acting more than make up for that. I also liked seeing the child actors played by people close to the real ages of children, instead of taking someone in their mid 20s that "looks young." This made the movie seem more realistic and made the story hit home even more. My one gripe was that there seemed to be an anti-religious sentiment in the film, at least Karen's reaction to Arnold become born-again. Not a Christian myself, it did not bother me much, but I know some viewers would be upset by that, and I felt that particular scene could have been handled differently, or the characters religious beliefs explained a little more to add more context to that scene with the pastor.Overall, this movie is not going to appeal to everyone, but it is an excellent movie, and people should give it a chance.See: For a dark drama with realistic characters and clean production values, and if you're tired of over-inflated budgets and thin plots.Don't See: If you are dead-set on your movie having a really happy ending.
  12. And another film by Empowering Creations, year not determined yet. Nonexistence. A writer creates several characters to test out plots and speaks through them... but against his wishes, they take real form and begin to interfere with his life.
  13. Blue Heart (8.5/10)I really enjoyed this movie. I'm always a sucker for political drama, as politics is one of my main interests. The story worked well and the plot felt believable even with the use of animation. But I really don't feel like animation really added too much to the movie. I felt like the story stood up well enough on its own that it would have been a bit more enjoyable with just traditional film.One of the better movies of the year though. See: If you really enjoy political dramas and well-developed characters.Don't See: If you expect a typical animated film.
  14. 8AM: (8/10)This film did not stand out as too much other than an entertaining summer film overall, except for its intelligent use of 3D. Instead of using 3D to throw random objects at the audience or to lazily snatch a $4 surcharge per customer, 8AM encouraged 3D interaction with the character and 3D glasses. That part made it feel almost like an interactive movie or game. At time I wanted to reach out and touch things, and change the environment.I don't think this particular 3D element would be as enjoyable in a second movie, but it works very well here and makes a decent film into a very good one.See: If you are looking for a film that makes creative use of 3D and doesn't require you to overthink too much.Don't see: If you really hate Tom Cruise or can't tolerate (or have a condition that makes it so you can't see) 3D movies
  15. Planeswalkers: (6.5/10)A film that could have easily become campy and full of terrible product placement, it ended up being an enjoyable diversion. However, I felt like the film took itself more seriously than it should have. A little self-aware humor would have gone a long way, without making it too campy or cheesy.Overall, this will probably appeal more to MTG fans than anyone else. It does not really have enough of a gripping plot. The actors were good choices but ultimately they would have been better used with more interesting material.See: If you're really into MTG and fantasy films.Don't see: For something really exciting and easy to get into.
  16. Empowering Creations will be creating Love Bytes. A romantic comedy about young people who found each other online as teenagers, and 15 years later, bored with their lives, both end up searching for each other. Will they like what they find?
  17. After the second/final WoW film I am fine with others doing Warcraft stories/side stories that I glossed over.I'm not going to make WoW the 6 or 7 film ordeal I did in Cayom A.
  18. Theaters are usually forced to keep a film for two weeks. My manager was frustrated with this at AMC once.. .he put the movie SUpercross (2005) in one small theater one time a night in its second week
  19. I assume anyone posting here is a guy pretty much. I don't think we've ever had a female member active on this game
  20. Wolves of the Deep: (8/10) -Kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. The film benefiting from tight editing and not over-developing meaningless characters. The ending also seemed to suggest there could be a sequel. Even though it was enjoyable, it wasn't as great as some other films this year. It really does not demand repeat viewings... it's entertaining Liam Nesson March popcorn, which is great. See: For an enjoyable film full of action without much drama getting in the wayDon't see: If you're looking for a film with a lot of character development and a "deep meaning."
  21. I think eventually CAYOM will evolve with our own opinions. Though with Ry inactive, video game films won't be as huge as they were in CAYOM A
  22. Red Rabbit (9.5/10) -In most cases, the book is better than the movie, and the complaints of editing a book's pacing to fit in a movie slot upset many. But in the case of Red Rabbit, the movie outshines the book by making what would have been boring to read into an exciting film with an excellent job by its leads and a genuine love for its material.The time period was set excellently... all the details they set to make sure we knew it was in the 1980s reminded me of a scene in Charlie Wilson's War, where someone purchased food from the cafeteria, and the money they used was the old $20 bill. But this was done on a larger scale, throughout Europe. Overall, a well done film that just about anyone would watch.See: If you're looking for a gripping film with compelling characters and great acting.Don't See: If you don't like this kind of movie.
  23. It won't be an extended series, though. I'll only be using the actual decent script I made for one film.
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