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Eric the Clown

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Everything posted by Eric the Clown

  1. Moderation It's late. I'm tired. I don't want to wake up and deal with this further. It's clear nobody will change each other's minds. If you really wanna continue these arguments, please do so via PM
  2. The Broken Hearts Gallery Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-6 and Counting Sellouts Showings Seats Unavailable Total Seats? % Unavailable TOTALS 0 10 6 498 1.20% Comps 0.039x of New Mutants 6 days before release (2.9K) Didn't really plan on doing this earlier, but there's nothing else presales-wise to discuss, so might as well give this a shot. And yes, I am aware that New Mutants is a very flimsy comp...but I have literally nothing else to work with. Sorry.
  3. It was made years ago. It also had the exact same IP address as JB had through thousands of posts and did not make any posts for three whole years until one day after JB's suspension. You don't find that even the tiniest bit suspicious? You seriously believe that all of a sudden this Blue Rose figure decided "gee golly willikers I haven't done jack shit with this account. Might as well start posting about what happened to the politics forum and how BLM protesters are bad three years later"? Sorry to say, but this is a weird look. And it doesn't matter if other people are more annoying. He's broken the rules, made threads toxic, is an asshole, etc. Being better than other people doesn't excuse such behavior. And quite honestly, I feel like people like BKB and Jessie should have been banned ages ago and targeting towards rulebreaking should have been much more stricter back then, but I digress.
  4. Dude...you are. If you make an alternate account while suspended as a way to circumvent your suspension, you are automatically banned. You did that, so you're banned. You aren't allowed to post here. It's the rules. And if you try and create a new account, we'll ban you again. Sorry buddy. You're banned. You're gone. Bye-bye. See you later.
  5. And really, it's not like the reviews for Mulan and Tenet are that stark. Both have fans and detractors, their RT scores aren't that far behind, their MC scores are only a point apart, etc. I haven't seen either movies, and reactions don't really encourage much excitement for me from either releases, but please don't act like people are bowing down to Disney or that we're becoming zombies to corporate products and don't act as if people's personal tastes and interests should skew specifically towards you and only you.
  6. You didn't get moderated for calling redfirebird out. You got moderated because you were being a dick.
  7. Bring honor to us all by discussing this movie
  8. This movie never actually got released, but might as well have a thread I guess
  9. TIME RUNS OUT In a day and age where IPs reign supreme, originality is all but dead. Our current capitalist hellscape has made it so that anything based on an even mildly nostalgic brand is a hit, especially if they come from Michael Rat. Meanwhile midbudget releases and original blockbusters are a thing of the past, unless you’re trying to get an Oscar. Yet within a world where Pillsbury Doughboy: The Movie can open above $100 million, one man has the power and the guts to bring creativity and innovation to the simple masses. After Christopher Nolan made box office history with The Dark Knight, he used the blank check from his notoriety to make whatever movie he wanted to. Inception, Interstellar, and Dunkirk all served as masterclass works that got people excited for a movie solely on his very own presence. That is why he is given the moniker of Papa Nolan. A moniker given to Gods among men in the film world who can get people excited for something solely because of their amazing touch. And his next feature Tenet was set to be another instance of Papa Nolan showcasing his power and talents. Time travel gobbledygook, IMAX experiences, endless exposition, bad sound mixing, Denzel’s boy, Battinson, Michael Caine. It was set to be one of the most-talked about movies of 2020 from the minute it was greenlit. Little did we know people would talk about it for very different reasons. Helmed by the dude who gets horny at the sight of a cinema, Tenet has been pushed by both Papa Nolan and Warner Bros. as the return of the theatrical business and a boost for struggling movie theaters who are losing money every day from recent lockdowns...even though Warner Bros. will pocket 63% of the box office revenue and Papa Nolan is also supposed to get 20% of the box office haul. Ain’t corporate greed wonderful? By the way, did you know that capitalism is gonna kill us faster than corona will? Anyways, Tenet’s box office is being watched by everybody. If it’s a hit, then we’ll see more 2020 releases like Wonder Woman 1984 and No Time to Die on the big screen, and theaters have a fighting chance. If it doesn’t, expect many more delays, many more pushes to VOD, and further questioning about whether movie theaters can stay alive and stay relevant in a post-Disney+ society. Of course, when it comes to the opening, Papa Nolan faces an uphill battle. Overseas, the film has done solid business, earning about $53 million last weekend. But as for the US, Tenet is only being hosted in select cities, with plans to expand in the coming weeks. Of course it’s to be expected for the opening weekend to be muted, but so many other questions are rising here. Will people in other cities visit their local theater when it comes to their area? Is the movie good enough to take the risk? Do people want to go back to theaters in the first place? Is it safe to go? How will international box office fare? These are really tough questions, and we won’t really have an answer until long after Tenet’s release. But at least for this weekend, we can all at least try to parse these complicated questions. Rule time! 1. ABSOLUTELY NO SPOILER. NOT EVEN SPOILERS POSTED UNDER SPOILER TAGS. This rule is applied to all weekend threads, but it's especially true for this weekend. Tenet is both one of the most anticipated movies of the year and a film that’s shrouded in mystery when it comes to the plot and characters. And sadly, because this pandemic is still a bitch and a half, many people are just gonna wait until the movie arrives home. This also applies to other movies in theaters and films releasing on streaming or VOD. So no Mulan spoilers, no Bill and Ted spoilers, no Unhinged spoilers, etc. You are free to give general opinions, but try to avoid going into any further detail. If you do spoil something here, you will be banned. No exceptions. Don't be a dick. 2. KEEP YOUR AGENDA OUT OF HERE. We get it. Movie theaters are dead forever. Everybody predicting the end of theatrical business is an idiot. Streaming is a disease. Marvel is the greatest film series ever created and all other franchises are below it. Disney/Marvel is destroying cinema and Kevin Feige/Bob Chapek/Kathleen Kennedy is the spawn of Satan. James Cameron is the true king of the box office. Yadda yadda yadda. There's a time and place for these kinds of statements...actually, there isn't. But at the very least, it doesn't belong here. If you want to start these beefs related to all of these dumb children's movies, go somewhere else. This website would be so much better off with that bullshit gone. If you do this kind of stuff here, you will be banned. No exceptions. Not gonna name names, but you know who you are. Don't be a dick. 3. CURB YOUR POLITICS. In threads like these, politics often spring up for literally no reason. And straight up, politics just aren’t fun to talk about. So unless it’s truly relevant to the conversation...no. Don't be a dick. 4. THE REPORT AND IGNORE BUTTONS ARE YOUR FRIENDS. See a post that’s breaking the rules? DO NOT RESPOND TO IT. Just hit the Report button, give an explanation to the problem, including the context, then hit "Submit". We the mods will determine the post and see if it's breaking the rules and give out repercussions. See a poster that's consistently being annoying? Then just highlight their name and click "Ignore User" on the pop-up. It'll save lives and hopefully cause less of an uproar or infighting. While trolls are already bad, responding to them only makes it worse. So again...Don't be a dick. 5. IS OFF-TOPIC DISCUSSION OKAY? Well...yes and no. We want people to stick to box office numbers as best as they can. However, there are plenty of dead periods of time with no new numbers, and other discussions will surge. And honestly, things will probably be real boring this weekend from a numbers perspective. So off-topic discussions are okay to have, so long as they don't impede numbers discussion. So if there's no action, and you want to share your barbecue recipes, or rank the Disney Princesses, or praise Timothee Chalamet and his gorgeous hair, that's totally fine. Just remember to not talk about anything controversial and remember that when the numbers come to keep those discussions down to a minimum. Keep on doing that, and it becomes a chore for many who just want to know the numbers. Don't. Be. A. Dick. And lastly... 7. DON'T BE A DICK. Sometimes, threads can just be a chore to read. Whatever the reason may be, if you're not following any of these rules or are straight up not being nice, you're going to get the banhammer smashed onto you. Concern trolling? Banned. Revealing that The Protagonist kills Dumbledore? Banned. Trying to start arguments on controversial topics? Banned. Just posting something unpleasant or mean? Banned. And if you're unsure if you can handle being nice for one weekend, then, simply put, get out of here. You probably know what I'm gonna say next. TL;DR. No spoilers, no fanboy wars. Keep it nice, keep it neutral, don't attack others, and you'll be fine. If you don't do this stuff, you'll risk a threadban, a suspension, or even a permanent ban, so tread lightly. Outside of that, just have fun! And two last things... First... WE’RE HAVING A SALE... SALE HAS STARTED! 50% off Gold Account for One Month ($7.50 instead of the usual $15!) 50% off Premium Account for One Month ($5.00 instead of the usual $10) 50% off Gold Account for One Year ($82 instead of the usual $165) Now is a perfect time to jump on board BOT and support us! Thanks to the box office shutting down, we've seen donations decrease in general so help keep us going now that the box office is back and consider donating if you can! FEATURE RECOMMENDATIONS Second, instead of contracting COVID when going to your local theater, why not enjoy a movie at home? Sure, Mulan and Bill & Ted are available, and both seem like a fun time. However, why not watch a movie while also helping our fellow BOT members get bread on the table? The amazing @Water Bottle produced the independent romantic comedy Northwood Pie, directed by the equally amazing Jay Salahi. It’s got millennial angst, a coming of age tale, and pizza. Everybody loves pizza! It's available on Amazon Prime, and we're all slaves to Jeff Bezos, so you got no excuse to not check it out! Amazon Prime Link for US: WATCH FOR FREE! https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B08F3QX875/ref=atv_dp_share_cu_r The also amazing @Plain Old Tele worked on the recently released As Long as I'm Famous, also free to stream on Amazon Prime. Either way, just remember that you don’t have to risk your health to see Papa Nolan’s dumb bullshit. Disney and Keanu are always a fun time. And hey, Water Bottle and Tele both have mouths to feed. You’ve got plenty of exciting things to watch at home that can keep you entertained for hours without hurting your lungs or your immune system. You don’t even have to wear pants! Please stay home. Please. Please. And now... WITHOUT FURTHER ADO LET’S DO THIS SHIT
  10. Just a reminder to people that those being pessimistic over a movie isn’t an agenda or they’re out to get them or you. To you Nolanites taking part in this behavior (you know who you are), don’t make baseless statements because people aren’t being nice to your dumb spy movie and quit this idiotic persecution complex. You’re an adult, so act like one. That will be all
  11. Moderation I get you guys like the movie, but don't gang up on Krissy and force him to watch a movie his friends said sucks. It's not that big a deal if somebody doesn't care for it, or he heard from his peer group it's not worth it. And if you think it is, go read a book or something.
  12. Thanks! I love to write and I thought this was a perfect opportunity, especially because I suggested this as the movie to watch.
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