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Everything posted by boogiezen

  1. Eh. What's the difference? There's nothing original about movies with sequels and the never ending reboots. Nothing new.
  2. You know it's funny the possibility of X-Men losing to a 50% RT movie in the domestic BO will be epic. The over the top hating for Maleficent on this board is hilarious.
  3. The possibility of Maleficent beating X-men (already beating Spider-man and Godzilla) at the domestic BO is hilarious. I can't wait to see this board implode.
  4. So, what's your point? One poster claimed that she's the biggest female draw, probably outside the US. International BO now matters. JLAW's career will be interesting to see, once she hit "the almost 40's" range. Hollywood is notorious for actresses who are in that range. That's why I find Jolie's success for Maleficent impressive because her last movie was made 4 years ago, and no actresses in Hollywood can bounce back just like that.
  5. Aside from Bullock and Jlaw, Angelina Jolie is one of the female actresses that can open a movie under her name. Heck, even the dramatic movie Changeling made over 100 million WW which was outside of her usual genre. To discredit her BO draw I can only see bitterness. Give credit where credit is due. Maleficent had a very polarizing reviews, some hated it, some don't. Without Angelina's performance it would have been worst, and I doubt the movie will go on 600 million WW just because it's a Disney movie.
  6. Nah. It is more like The Hollywood Royal Couple, which Aniston can only dream.
  7. Just because they're enjoying the movie, they're stupid now?
  8. Williams was ok, like her usual performance, subtle and forgettable. And how? That scene was fantastic not to mention the original score from JNH.
  9. What critics? The movie was still rotten. There's nothing to be proud of.
  10. Franco was not charismatic enough as the lead actor. Williams was too serious. Kunis was a miscast. The whole movie felt flat. At least Maleficent had the Christening scene which was the highlight for me, nothing about OZ that I can remember.
  11. In your own opinion. In OZ, the acting was just flat with the exception of Weisz. Maleficent had flaws but the lead actress saved the movie from being bad.
  12. Well, the fact that even Lebron James did watch the movie, meaning there was indeed a crossover appeal for the movie. Plus the target audience seemed very happy.
  13. Why is this so shocking? Angelina has a fanbase here. And not to mention the movie was released in the last week of May with families and children are the target audience. Pinoys loved Family or fantasy films, judging by the Metro Manila Film Festival BO results every year. Regardless of quality, they just want to be entertained.
  14. Thailand's current situation is shaky. The uncertainty of the government and the whole military control and yet the movie opened to number with an impressive 1.8 million. It's strong in the Latin America market and SouthEast Asia I think.
  15. Exhibitor Relations @ERCboxoffice · 21s MALEFICENT conjured up another $56M worldwide this weekend, and now $436M total w/ China & Japan still left to open. Exhibitor Relations @ERCboxoffice · 4s MALEFICENT top territories: MEX ($36M) RUS ($32M) UK ($22M) BRZ ($18M) ITA ($14M) GER ($10M) OZ ($10M) FRA ($10M)
  16. Maleficent ownage? Seriously with so much b!tching and hoping HTTYD2 will murder Maleficent it hit back like a boomerang. Though I still think HTTYD2 will end up better than Maleficent in the long run.
  17. And Ang Lee during one of his interviews before considered himself "Taiwanese". But then again I don't think China is into fantasy films anyway w/ the exception of The Hobbit.
  18. You're right. He wasn't also nominated for American Splendor which by far his best performance.
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