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Everything posted by filmlover

  1. I saw Skyfall on a legit IMAX screen on opening weekend. Sooooo pretty.
  2. I have not seen a Nicholas Sparks movie since Dear John. Man needs to be stopped.
  3. M. Night Shyamalan is behind all this, obviously.
  4. I have to say I haven't actually hated a single movie I've seen this year (I tend to avoid movies that sound terrible from the get go or that I think I won't enjoy). Ride Along and A Million Ways to Die in the West are the worst movies I've seen this year, and they were more actively annoying and unfunny than outright terrible.
  5. I agree. Just the scope of this franchise has assured it a permanent and important place in history. We'll never see anything like it again.
  6. Aren't you the same person who wouldn't shut up about what a "miserable flop" How to Train Your Dragon 2 was a few weeks ago? Or was that someone else with a Frozen avatar.
  7. Why so angry? Over friggin' Harry Potter, no less. Let them enjoy their trip down memory lane and just go away.
  8. What I really miss is the craziness whenever a new book came out. Seeing on the news all those lines and lines and lines people waiting outside the bookstore to buy it at midnight and hearing stories about some asshole who bought the book, ran outside, read the last few pages, and then ran back into the bookstore screaming what happens at the end only to then get stoned to death by angry, spoiled fans.
  9. It's so odd that the Fast & the Furious series is the only currently active franchise (besides I guess X-Men) that began before the world changed forever.
  10. I look forward to the day when my son discovers and binges the Harry Potter movies (which won't be until he's old enough to actually appreciate them) and I tell him about how I was there to witness all the insanity firsthand.
  11. More proof that the "mon" franchises cause all the pollution in the world.
  12. Webslinger: you so clever. I remember having really high hopes for this back when it came out and being disappointed by how very ho-hum it was. Incredible make-up and production design, but Mark Wahlberg was bland as hell (which sums his entire acting career pre-The Departed) and the conclusion was a pitiful attempt at topping the shock ending of the original that made zero sense.
  13. So many youngsters here, I feel like such a dinosaur. I was in college while ya'll were obsessed with Poke/Digi/Whatevermon. Might as well be shipped off to the same retirement home as Tele. LOL
  14. There really needs to be a filter on this forum that bans discussion of anything that ends with "mon" in these box office threads.
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