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Everything posted by TServo2049

  1. Oh sorry, I was going off the BOM number. So that's another BOM China number that's too low?
  2. That would still be damn good - wouldn't that edge out Croods?KFP2 made USD $92M in China. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that the all-time highest gross for an animated film in China? And that would have been shocking even if KFP2 *hadn't* been a domestic disappointment. (And I remember that KFP1's $26M was also a major shock in 2008, to the point where even the Chinese government film bureaucrats and others were asking "How did they make a more successful, more 'CHINESE' animated film than us?!" So the Panda franchise already had a history of surpassing expectations in China.)HTTYD2 getting more than $90M would have IMO been more WTF than Pacific Rim doing $100M or Need for Speed doing $67M. I'd love it to happen, but even in my wildest dreams pre-release, I never even considered it remotely possible.(I do, however, think KFP3 has a chance to be at least as big as KFP2. Not sure how much BIGGER, I don't want to get overly optimistic about any more DreamWorks sequels at this point. But it's a Chinese co-production, so it will probably get a very good slot and plenty of breathing room away from Star Wars.)
  3. Bay needs to make more R-rated movies. I would welcome any kind of hard-R Bay/Bruckheimer reunion.I'm still waiting for another Bay movie as awesome as The Rock was...still waiting...still waiting...
  4. Do you know of Israeli admissions numbers? I'm curious because I was just wondering if Lemon Popsicle still ranks high in all-time admissions (Wikipedia says it sold 1.35M tickets)
  5. EX3 being PG-13 also hurt it domestically, I'd think. The core audience for the first two resent the onslaught of PG-13 action films / reboots of R-rated 80s films.The leak probably KILLED EX3 in piracy-heavy Russia - if there is a DVD-quality version on every video-sharing site (and possibly even fan-made Russian voiceover translations by now) why bother seeing it?
  6. Krull is stupid, it's aged badly, but it's a guilty pleasure of mine. And I didn't even SEE it until 2007, I wasn't alive when it came out, so this is not 80s nostalgia talking.
  7. Oh man, as soon as you said it, it hit me. No, it's not just you.
  8. That post wasn't my actual opinion on Pixar. My true opinion of them is not anywhere near as negative as that. I'm optimistic about Pixar, they've had some stumbles but I don't feel they've really, truly sold out or lost their soul like some seem to.That was just my attempt to summarize the negativity I've seen towards Pixar since Cars 2, and ponder how much of it is a direct consequence OF Cars 2. I just ignored Cars 2 when it came out, and continue to ignore it. I don't believe it was Pixar's shark-jump moment, but a lot of people seem to treat it as such, and approach everything Pixar-related that came after it as somehow tainted.And no, I do not in any way believe Pixar should move toward PG-13 or R, that's ridiculous. I don't think anybody really wants that. But I remember that some people were a little frustrated when The Incredibles was followed by Cars. They loved how Incredibles took risks and explored mature themes and such, and they seemed to want EVERY Pixar movie to build on that from then on. The initial complaints from these people about Cars 1 were that it was too safe, too juvenile, too conventional.Those complaints stopped when Ratatouille came out, but after Cars 2, I know I've heard some lament that Pixar isn't as mature and sophisticated as they were up to 2010? I feel like Cars 2 somehow dragged down Internet opinion of Brave and Monsters University...
  9. The problem is that Cars 2 represented, and continues to represent, everything people like us DIDN'T want from Pixar. A sequel to a film which was not particularly critically liked, but which sold tons of merchandise (so a sequel that was made just for the money), which had a weak story and which centered around the most hated character from the original. Many people would have rather they made a noble original failure like newt.Cars 2 really poisoned the Pixar well for a lot of people. There was never really complaints about story interference before then (except maybe what Lasseter did to American Dog, but that wasn't actually Pixar). But the general attitude among some cinephiles and animation geeks seems to be "Pixar has become the worst things about Disney, they're too commercial, they're too safe, they interfere with directors' visions, they make too many sequels, they only care about money, they should be acting on principle and making more risky original projects even if they don't have as much revenue potential." They want the Pixar that we see in all those DVD extras from the 00s, the Pixar where creativity reigned supreme, and their financial success always seemed rightfully earned because their films were so good. The Pixar, and the John Lasseer, that was essentially a childhood hero to many millennial geeks.And there also seems to be sort of an underlying attitude among the people who grew up with Pixar, the aforementioned millennial geeks, that Pixar should grow up with them. The original Cars was met with scorn from the first teaser, because people expected that now that Pixar had matured with The Incredibles, they should keep maturing, keep pushing the envelope, keep moving forward. To these people, Cars looked like a step BACKWARDS. So a Cars 2 would be even more insulting from this mindset - "Pixar has betrayed its mission statement for easy money, and they've betrayed US too." In short, feelings of betrayal and anger at their childhood heroes, their artistic idols, selling out.I honestly wonder, if Cars 2 had never happened, would people have reacted less harshly to Brenda Chapman's removal from Brave, or the stuff with The Good Dinosaur, or even the cancellation of newt?
  10. So then, I guess the mathematically correct version of IndustriousAngel's statement would be she's NEGATIVE 3 times as pretty as them? Because that would make a positive number.
  11. Exception: Everyone on Tumblr is a woman until proven male.
  12. 2016 is going to be the greatest game of release-date musical chairs the world has ever seen.
  13. The only DreamWorks movies that do well seem to be the ones directed by Spielberg. I just realized that The Help is the only non-Spielberg DW film of the "Touchstone era" to gross over $100M DOM. The next highest is Real Steel (I keep forgetting that movie exists).
  14. I think the absolute BEST case scenario is a drop equal to that of HTTYD2 (greatly reduced 3D share, long time gap, moved from spring to summer). HTTYD2's gross drop from HTTYD1 is going to end up around 20-21%, which applied to Alice 1 would give Alice 2 a final total of $264-267M.I think the Clash-to-Wrath drop, which would yield a $170M total, is the WORST case scenario. It's more likely to finish at some middle ground - the mean of the hypothetical Clash-to-Wrath drop total and HTTYD1-to-HTTYD2 drop total comes to $217-218M.Then again, being up against X-Men suggests a Kung Fu Panda 2 or Hangover III scenario, so missing $200M is a possibility.
  15. Yes, but it feels like the World Cup hurt it to some degree in its earlier - and more important - LA markets (Brazil, Argentina, and especially Mexico). Brazil's gross is good, but being the host country for the WC damaged it (though maybe that was counterbalanced by having an open market? If its 58% drop was indicative of general OS frontloadedness rather than specifically taking a hit from the WC, then it was certainly helped by the holds in the following weeks due to no new competition.)Argentina could be better, and Mexico isn't going to cross US $20M.
  16. Exactly what I said about how there doesn't seem to be one reason.Movie too intense/dark/sad/scary/serious?Important character relationships from the first not given as much prominence?Uncompelling domestic marketing campaign?Hurt by the TV show?3D inflated the first film's numbers, and the decline of 3D in the next 4 years deflated the second?Public perception of DreamWorks hurt by several consecutive BO duds?Weak domestic market in general?World Cup in Latin America?TF4 (and to a lesser degree, Apes 2) opening so close to it in many OS markets?All of the above?We'll never know. i just hope it does well in China.
  17. As someone who liked HTTYD2, I still think you made valid points. There is also the argument that (in the U.S. at least) the TV show diluted the brand and made the movie less of an event. I'd buy that, some families could have elected to wait for Redbox or Netflix because the TV show is free and they didn't want to fork over $50 in tickets+concessions to see a "2-hour episode"? This was brought up a lot in the early days of release, but someone brought it up again in the Godzilla thread in the context of Godzilla 2 having a 4-year gap. Someone said 4 years was enough time for people to "forget" something as supposedly beloved as HTTYD. Why would they remember Godzilla which didn't go over nearly as well? Then someone else brought up the TV show to say that "the 4-year gap wasn't what hurt HTTYD2 most."People were discussing what went wrong in those early days, in multiple places, but no consensus answer was ever reached. It's probably going to be like "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop" - the world may never know.
  18. But it didn't increase ENOUGH to cover the U.S. underperformance - and was oddly frontloaded in a lot of markets. (Though it increased more than Kung Fu Panda 2 over Kung Fu Panda 1.)
  19. I reiterate, this is one comic site's speculation based on THR's speculation. There is zero evidence that Disney is even pursuing Time Warner, this is all as ridiculous to me as all the speculation that goes on prior to the NFL or NBA draft. At least box office speculation is based on tracking and historical trends and stuff. This is just baseless wild guessing.
  20. This is speculation on top of speculation. It's industry pundits predicting "Oh, who MIGHT want to buy Time Warner" without any proof that any of them DO, and then a comic book site speculating "Oh, what would happen if Marvel and DC were under the same ownership?" I don't read gossip, it's useless.
  21. Are there any theaters ONLY carrying GOTG in IMAX anyway? Most IMAX screens are in multiplexes that also have it running on other screens, no?Perhaps GOTG is getting dropped from some smaller 2/3/4-screen theaters to make room for the new releases? I know some theaters still exist like that in smaller towns that don't have enough real estate for a megaplex, or where the theater is part of an old strip mall. Carmike-type venues.
  22. It's still not healthy to put all bets on May-July and November - everybody stuffing their tentpoles into the same period hurts all of them to some degree. Marvel, and now WB (with Warner Animation after Lego, and now DC after GOTG) seem to be at least partially embracing the viewpoint that "The only winning move is not to play."
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