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Everything posted by TServo2049

  1. I don’t get how a movie can have huge trailer reception but then people don’t show up. I know it happens, but how much of it is losing interest after seeing more of the movie in later trailers/hearing reviews, how much of it is just plain losing interest over time, how much is waiting for digital, how much is waiting for piracy, and how much is not actually being interested in the movie at all and just being temporarily hooked on it like any other viral video that fades from memory? Part of me wishes studios would just drop these kinds of initial trailers that get great reception, right before release so that the movie will actually be there to see when the trailer is getting buzz. Instead we get them months out and by the time the movie comes out interest has often cooled.
  2. If Pikachu overperforms tracking, looks like I could get my photo finish weekend after all. This is gonna be fun.
  3. Wait, that cast list looks vaguely familiar... (looks it up) You sick bastard.
  4. He survives on nostalgia and false hope from 90s kids like me. (Though not actually me. I’m a bitter cynic as far as Sonic goes.)
  5. Back in 2013, I kept seeing the Despicable Me 2 trailer with Al Pacino’s name in theaters for at least a couple weeks after he was officially replaced by Benjamin Bratt, so my guess is this is also going nowhere.
  6. The design is what pushed the trailer (and by association, buzz about the movie) from “generically bad” to “uniquely bad.” They will give Sonic a makeover but it will still probably just turn it from a generically bad movie with a uniquely bad main character design, into simply a generically bad movie, period. It still feels like a remake of the Howard the Duck movie.
  7. Actually, A Dog’s Journey is the one coming out. A Dog’s Way Home is the one that already came out back in January, the one that’s adapted from a book which is by the same author but not part of the same series. Don’t worry, I get them mixed up too. It’s like 15 years ago when Richard Linklater’s Before Sunset and Brett Ratner’s After the Sunset both came out in the same year, though at least those were completely unrelated movies in different genres.
  8. If The New Mutants is Duke Nukem Forever, and Gambit is Starcraft Ghost, then I suppose Fantastic Four is StarFox 2. Finished, but shelved anyway.
  9. No, Gambit is the Duke Nukem Forever of comic book films. It’s been kicking around the release schedule for at least five years, went through three different directors without a frame being shot, and only now seems to have been put down. Then again, for the Duke Nukem Forever comparison to actually work post-2011, you actually have to have a release eventually. So maybe I’m wrong. TNM is more likely to be released, in which case it will be the Duke Nukem Forever of CBMs. Gambit won’t, so it will be the Starcraft: Ghost of CBMs - publicly in development for years but never finished.
  10. Anybody can contribute to IMDB as long as they setup an account. I can’t find any other info about this online, so someone could have just put it there as a hoax. Though 2D for one or both of these would be great. (Maybe for Tom and Jerry they get pulled into our world and they’re CGI here, but in their world they’re 2D? I hope not, that trope needs to die...)
  11. I can’t decide whether breath-powered flight or tail kick is funnier. (Oh, and we also need a GIF of Godzilla’s victory dance from Monster Zero, stat.)
  12. If Gunn writes Harley closer to how Paul Dini did, I will be happier.
  13. It’s disappointing to hear people who dislike/hate Harley, solely because of her portrayal in Suicide Squad. I’m not disappointed in you, I’m disappointed in the people making the movies. I loved the Harley Quinn character in the 90s cartoons. I just don’t care for the modern “Daddy’s Little Monster” Hot Topic Harley. The character deserves better.
  14. Ok, that last part is actually not accurate. I think it was supposed to be more PG-13, but there is no way it was going to be R. What Gunn said was that the MPAA nearly gave it an R because they misinterpreted a joke as being about oral sex. (No idea what joke, I haven’t seen the movie. Maybe they had to cut in in the end, anyway.) My understanding is that it was more like Galaxy Quest, where a movie scripted/filmed angling for a PG-13 was softened for a PG at the request of the studio. (Though I’m not sure Scooby was retooled as late as Galaxy Quest was - the “PG-13” version of that made it all the way to test screenings, and there are a few lines that are clearly dubbed to get the rating down, and a costume continuity issue caused by the removal of a scene.)
  15. Honestly, even if EG drops like that next weekend, it’s fine. I want to see Endgame/Pika fighting to take #1, it’s more interesting that way.
  16. Good point. But I’d still love more adventures beyond just a second movie. Preferably we get both.
  17. Even if they don’t go with another movie, Hopps and Wilde as full-blown buddy cops would make a good 2D series for Disney+. Furry Miami Vice for kids. Besides, we haven’t had a good cartoon cop procedural since Bonkers, so we’re overdue.
  18. Anybody remember the claim that kept circulating prior to IW’s release that the two films combined were budgeted at $1 billion? Yeah, I doubt that was true, but $356m for just one seems like a bargain in comparison.
  19. I was hoping for an Inside Out vs. Jurassic World squeaker between EG and DP, just because those are always fun. It feels more possible now than it seemed going into the weekend.
  20. Honestly, keeping him old would be fine. Placing it in the 70s would dovetail nicely with the possibility of him going up against former Nazis hiding out in South America. (This hasn’t been rumored, but honestly, it’s a perfect hook. Think “Old Indiana Jones and the Boys from Brazil.”) And that idea has precedent: LucasArts was going to do a sequel to Fate of Atlantis with a similar plot, but set in the 40s-50s. Everything I read says they scrapped it because they knew they would not be able to get such a game passed by the German censors due to the restrictions on depicting Nazis and Nazi imagery, particularly in video games. No matter if they replaced all the swastikas for the German version, there would have been no way they could have gotten around the story being about Nazis in exile in South America trying to resurrect Hitler. From what I know, Germany was a huge market for home computer games, and LucasArts’ graphic adventures were mostly exclusive to computers, so this would have cut off a major revenue stream. Fortunately, the story was repurposed as a comic book.
  21. This is interesting, because it could mean that Star Wars (A New Hope) has been holding the actual all-time adjusted domestic record since 1997, but nobody knew it. Using more accurate gross data for each release than BOM has (i.e., actually splitting the $307 million up between 1977. 1978, 1979 and 1981 instead of lumping it all into 1977), I’ve calculated that SW:ANH sold roughly 168.5 million tickets. That adjusts to something like $1.53 billion, less than BOM says but still more than enough to place it above The Sound of Music. Meanwhile, the high end of your “likely” scenario would adjust GWTW to only $1.46 billion. That said, it would still appear that with your GWTW numbers and my SW numbers, it would have taken the Special Edition to push ANH over GWTW. That was 30 million tickets by itself. (Hence why I said “since 1997.”) I acknowledge that GWTW was a cinematic milestone (and actually a unsung VFX achievement too), and that trying to elevate a single film to “the most successful movie ever” is folly, but the possibility that SW might have the adjusted record instead of GWTW...this does put a smile on my face.
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