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Everything posted by James

  1. Still that is almost a 60% week-to-week drop for Dory and a 46% one for Tarzan. Things are good. If Dory doesn't recover this weekend 500m for it is gone.
  2. So @Rth, 2.3-2.4 for Tarzan and 2.1-2.3 for FTF?
  3. Better drop than IO after a better increase yesterday. Also way better than Minions.
  4. I seriously stared at that image's URL for 5 minutes. Could be that pets made 41m Wed Or maybe 640+364 = 10.4m?
  5. When taking out that Independence Day boost it got on it's first Sunday, it's second weekend drop was actually on par with TJB. I am expecting a way stronger hold than 44%. Something like 35%.
  6. You are awesome! FTF means Fuck that fish. So Dory around 13.4-13.5m.
  7. Give me that 3.2-3.5m number for Tarzan. It's all I want.
  8. Lights Out continued to surprise, rising a further 35,478 new likes to reach 233,723 likes overall. Its well on track to becoming one of the most liked horrors in 2016. Only The Conjuring 2 had more likes prior to release in the genre for 2016 so far, with The Forest, The Boy and The Darkness all trailing far behind. This film has a very real possibility of surprising in a few weeks as a counter-programming alternative to the ever-abundant blockbusters. http://pro.boxoffice.com/facebook-watch-almost-christmas-laughs-way-top/ Lights Out ain't opening under 20m. It's Twitter, Facebook and YT activity are very very good.
  9. Pets - 60 GB - 60 Tarzan - 13.6 Dory - 13 Mike - 7.5 CI - 5.5 Purge - 5 IDR - 4 BFG - 4 Infiltrator- 3 Next weekend: Star Trek - 60 Pets - 40 Ice Age - 37 GB - 35 Lights Out - 25 Tarzan - 7 Dory - 7 CI - 3 Mike - 3
  10. Also, The Conjuring 2 will hit 100m on Wednesday.
  11. Week-to-week drops for ID4, Dory and BFG are brutal.
  12. 3 (2) The Legend of Tarzan Warner Bros. $2,472,427 -61% 3,591 $689 $84,276,601
  13. Is that a good number for Dory? It certainly doesn't look like it.
  14. Lol, it's less than 59%. It's 58% and something. That is the same drop as IO (58.4%) and Minions. And it is a perfectly good number. Tuesday should hit 14-15m.
  15. But it doesn't matter if there were other movies before. It's like saying no WW2 movie is original because there were others before it. It's absurd. Disney's 2004 adaptation will be nothing like this probably.
  16. An IO multi would take it to 411m. It may not go that high, but 350m seems like a pretty safe bet.
  17. That's fantastic. A 58% drop, just like IO. Still waiting for that mediocre WOM to kick in.
  18. Gosh, it seems this will be another movie I'll have to defend for a whole year before it proves to be a decent flick after it's release. Just like Tarzan. YEEPEE... Seriously, after most of you moan and bitch bout the lack of original movie, I'd expect you wouldn't bash such a movie straight away. Yeah, it is based on a legend, but still.
  19. I'm experiencing a small change in taste. When it comes to blockbusters lately, something really has to pop up for me to be excited about it (I look forward to Inferno, because I liked the book, Fantastic Beasts and Bourne; not really interested in anything else this year; Dunkirk, King Arthur, Pirates 5 and Valerian next year). On the other hand, I found myself enjoying more and more some small budget movies, mostly dramas and thrillers., a lot of them DTV movies. First one yes. The second - no.
  20. I'm sure it will considering every single title increased (Pets, Dory, The BFG, Mike and Dave, Purge, ID4).
  21. Maybe it's just me, but I can't muster any kind of excitement for this movie. I think it will drop big, both DOM and OS.
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