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Everything posted by Wrath

  1. What will have the best OW (this will include any 5 day openings). What will have the best total? *Inside Out* What will have the best opening day? What will have the best midnight/early shows from the day before the official release? What will have the best legs (multiplier...note, multiplier will count from a three day OW only)? What will have the smallest opening weekend? *Dope* What will have the smallest opening day? *Dope* Name at least two films that will make more than 150 mill (if you do not think there will be two, that can be your answer as well)
  2. Well, not as bad as Sopranos, but I feel immensely robbed that there wasn't a 5 second bit at the very end of Don saying "So, what do you think?"
  3. Yeah, China's almost a lock, Russia is doubtful but not entirely out of the question, Portugal is No, and Germany I have no idea. Im screwed on this one, but the way the scoring was set up it was worth rolling the dice.
  4. I think French Connection suffers a bit in that while it was groundbreaking at the time, everything it did has since been done better elsewhere. So it was huge at the time, and if you're into film history its *totally* worth respecting for what it did. But as someone today simply watching it as a movie, its good and all but I dont know that theres anything about it thats amazing by today's standards just its own rights.
  5. Not really. Each of the last two summers had 14 movies at 115m or over, and the year before had 12. Edit - Also, only having 5 movies over 165m is almost foolishly conservative. Last summer had *10*, the 2 summers before that both had 7.
  6. Every movie in my top 15 between #6 and #15 is in a $50m range, between 115-165m. I know I'm going to badly umdershoot a few but I dont know which. it ends up better to be too conservative than too aggressive.
  7. I noticed this in the AoU thread and it seems to be repeating here. Someone says something slightly optimistic but overall innocuous and you jump on them with about 10x a reasonable level of belligerence. Carnage ensues, and it eventually comes out that your estimate is like 15-20% (or less) lower than the poster you initially jumped on. So, your position, when its eventually pried out, is reasonable and even thoughtful. But the mystery remains of why you started a fistfight over a minor difference in expectations. My guess is calibration. I think you're a reasonably bright and thoughtful guy who is miscalibrating and is coming out much more combatively than intended, resulting in arguments rather than discussions. Just something to ponder.
  8. Squeaked into 15th place on mine. Probably be the only thing I get right during the competition.
  9. This has been an interesting read. The one thing i'll comment on is actually from the very beginning, just because Big Trouble in Little China is one of my favorite movies. Anyway, the point about Kurt Russell's character is that while the story is told from his point of view, and he certainly considers himself the hero (and plays himself like a parody of one), he's actually the comic-relief sidekick and Wang is the hero. Wang drives all the action and has all the contacts. Wang's fiancee is the one who's kidnapped and its Wang's cultural enemy who is the bad guy. Wang goes toe-to-toe with a demi god and wins, while Kurt continually struggles with mooks and even accidentally knocks himself out. Kurt does get all the good lines, but that's really it.
  10. I'm gunning for Tele's traditional spot at the bottom of the rankings. So far, everything is working out perfectly.
  11. 1) Will Pitch Perfect make at least 20 mill more than Mad Max? *NO* 2) Will Pitch Perfect make more than 49 mill OW? *YES* 3) Will PP have previews of more than 4 mill? *YES* 4) Will PP have an OD of more than 17.5 mill? *YES* 5) Will PP be number one this weekend? *YES* 6) Will Mad Max open to more than 30 mill? *YES* 7) Will MM have previews of more than 2 mill? *YES* 8) Will MM drop more than 25% on Sunday? *YES* 9) Will Avengers drop more than 45%? *YES* 10) Will Avengers increase more than 58% on Saturday? *YES* 11) Will Age of Adeline fall more than 25%? *YES* 12) Will the top three films combine to make more than 115 mill? *YES* Question 13: *ABSTAIN* This is an all or nothing question. If you go for it, you must get all four questions right. If you do not go for it, you get 0 points. However, if you do not get perfect on this question, you will lose 20,000 points. Getting it correct means you get 20,000 points. All or nothing. If you are not going to attempt this question, just say #13: Abstain. A) Will MM fall less than 10% on Saturday? Will Avengers have a Saturday decrease of less than 51% from last Friday? C) Will F7 increase more than 60% on Saturday? D) Will Woman in Gold fall more than 12% on Thursday? Bonus 1: What finishes is spots: 4 Hot Pursuit 7 Furious 7 8 Ex Machina 11 Cinderella 12 Monkey Kingdom 2000 each correct, 5000 bonus for all 5 correct. Bonus 2: What will PP and MM combine to make this weekend? 4000 93.5M Bonus 3: What will Avengers make on Sunday? 4000 11.1M
  12. Hot Pursuit is kinda funny in that, iirc, it was one of two movies that was listed both as a Top 15 movie as well as a Bottom 5 movie, though not by the same people, obviously. Trainwreck was the other.
  13. The Yoda-Dooku fight scene is reviled today? By who? I still think its awesome. But you know what makes it awesome? The fight itself I agree is mostly a gimmick around Yoda *finally* doing something other than hobble around and mangle his syntax. What makes the fight awesome is that the very instant its over, Yoda puts away his light saber, picks up his cane, and slowly hobbles away as though everyone didn't just watch him jump around like an Olympic gymnast.
  14. Usually I dont see a movie more than once (or read books more than once) but Ive seen GotG 6 times now (4 in theaters) and it still hasnt gotten old. The only other recent exception is BotFA which Ive seen 3 times, all with Wrathette #1 plus sometimes someone else because she lives for that movie and probably has a huge crush on Thorin.
  15. Your other hand is... Busy, I take it? You know theres actual porn out there for free, right?
  16. Just get her the works of Disney. Edit - Bah, beaten to it by Talismanring.
  17. That feels a little weak. Sadly too late to change my answers.
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