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Everything posted by Wrath

  1. 1) Will the Woman in Gold drop less than 18%? *YES* 2) Will Entourage cross 32 million when actuals come out? *YES* 3) Will Spy drop less than 25%? *NO* 4) Will Avengers have a Saturday increase of more than 40%? *YES* 5) Will JW finish second? *NO* 6) Will IO finish second? *YES* 7) Will Minions have an OD of more than 35 million? *YES* 8) Will Self/Less make the top 5? *NO* 9) Will any film increase more than 48% on Saturday? *YES* 10) Will more than 2 films increase on this Saturday from last Saturday? *NO* 11) Will Gallows make more than Self/Less *YES* 12) Will JW have a better Saturday gross than IO? *NO* 13) Will Minions make more than 100 million opening weekend? *YES* 14) Will any film in the top 10 drop less than 15%? *NO* 12/14 4000 13/14 5000 14/15 8000 What films finish in spots: 2 IO 3 JP 4 Gallows 5 TG 8 Ted 2 Bonus 1: What does Minions, Gallows and Self Less combine to gross this weekend? 5000 132.M Bonus 2: What does Avengers, Spy and Ted combine to gross this weekend? 5000 9.2M
  2. Eh. If we all lose points, then effectively none of us will. Edit - For me, I'm happy to have one part of the pre-season that I'm guaranteed not to lose points on relative to the front-runners.
  3. You lnow, it totally seems like Minions would compete more directly with IO, but JP4 has been the one whose weekend BO swings more like a family film. I bet IO isnt hurt much worse than JP4.
  4. Maybe it was the broken neck that picture suggests she suffered during filming.
  5. Indeed, and Spy is still running great. And I still think MM2 has a shot. Sure, its doing horribly at the box office, but it opened last Wednesday yet already has a 2.3. If it can make a *total* of another 18M (totaling around $45M, dom) it'll be over 4 and have a solid shot. Edit - I think question #3 will end up Yes (Jurassic Park falling more than 45%). Edit2 - 11/12 on questions is nice, but this was a bad week for me to finally stop calling for IO to catch JP and thus go 1/6 on placements.
  6. Speaking of which, we can answer almost, but not quite, answer all of the SOTM 3 questions now: What will have the best OW (this will include any 5 day openings): Inside Out What will have the best total? Inside Out What will have the best opening day? Inside Out What will have the best midnight/early shows from the day before the official release? Inside Out, ok, this one I'm only about 80% sure is correct. Anyone? What will have the best legs (multiplier...note, multiplier will count from a three day OW only)? Not sure yet. Could be Inside Out (currently 2.7), Spy (currently 3.4) or Magic Mike 2 (currently 2.3) What will have the smallest opening weekend? Dope What will have the smallest opening day? Dope Name at least two films that will make more than 150 mill (if you do not think there will be two, that can be your answer as well) Inside Out, San Andreas and nothing else is going to make it (sorry to Spy and Terminator, its just not going to happen).
  7. LOL! Baumer's post in the SOTM 5 thread just got me thinking about SOTM 3. MM2 is totally going to win the best legs question, isn't it? Going by the weekend estimates, its already at a 2.4 multiple and is likely to cruise, in its completely failing fashion, to a 3.5 and probably a 4.
  8. 1) Will Terminator gross at least 95 million dollars? *YES* 2) Will Terminator fall by less than 43% next weekend (July 10-12) *NO* 3) Will Terminator fall be less than 39% any weekend in July? *YES* 4) Will Terminator increase by more than 15% on any other Tuesday in July? *NO* 5) Will Terminator make at least 350 mill WW? *YES* 6) Will Terminator decrease by more than 22% on any Wednesday in July? *YES* 7) Will Terminator increase by more than 55% on any Friday in July? *YES*
  9. MM2 under Ted2 and in danger of falling below Max? Holy moley. I mean, I know the 4th was going to be a bad day for it, and its already profitable, but holy crap that's awful.
  10. Were you crawling through the grass naked? How did you even manage that?
  11. You claim its sharks, but we know its really about the hidden remains of your victims coming for vengeance. Edit - Would have been better on Halloween.
  12. Wow, that MM2 number is terrible. The reviews are in the same ballpark, so I was kinda expecting MM2 to do about as well as MM, minus a smidgen for the lack of novelty. Looks like its not going to do over 5 days what MM did over 3. Not good.
  13. I'm glad to hear that this time around, at least Skynet will have evolved as a result of it doing something useful.
  14. Well, its not a mistake, really, just a very timely coincidence. I mean, its sad that someone died, but the circumstances of the reporting are hilarious. "Guys. I don't even know what skynet is." Lol.
  15. 1) Will Terminator be number one? *NO* 2) Will Magic Mike be number two? *NO* 3) Will Jurassic World drop more than 45%? *YES* 4) Will IO have a Saturday decrease of more than 32.7% on Saturday? *NO* 5) Will Terminator or MM fall more than 20% on Thursday? *YES* 6) Will any film in the top 10, playing in more than 999 theaters, have a Friday increase of more than 75%? *YES* 7) Will Spy increase more than 22.2% on Thursday? *NO* 8) Will IO and JW both make more than Terminator? *YES* 9) Will San Andreas fall less % wise than Spy? *NO* 10) Will Ted fall more than 49%? *YES* 11) Will Max make more than 7 million? *NO* 12) Will JW be over 1.375 billion by Sunday estimates, according to RENTRAK http://www.rentrak.c...rankings.html#1 *YES* 10/12 5000 11/12 7000 12/12 9000 I think the questions are kind of tough this week. What films finish in spots: 1 JW 2 IO 3 MM 4 TG 5 Ted2 9 Dope 2000 each, get all 6 right bonus of 7000 Bonus 1: What will T5's total be for Wed and Thurs? 5000 $15M Bonus 2: What will JW's total be after Thursday? 5000 529M Bonus 3: What will Ted's total be after Sunday? 5000 64.5M Individuals: Will JW be number one for a fourth consecutive week? *YES* Will Ted make at least half of what TG does for the three day? *YES* Will MM make more on Sunday than TG? *NO* Will Spy fall more than 32%? *NO*
  16. Seriously. Ted2 wasn't great, but it wasn't insultingly god-awful the way SatC2 was.
  17. Have to give you props for calling Spy's trajectory almost perfectly.
  18. Yikes for Ted and nice for Max. Looks like JW is off and running again. Thanks, RTH.
  19. Oh, sure. I figured they told that to everyone.
  20. I did one one time as well, and they said I was basically happy and well adjusted and didnt really have much to gain from Scientology. I felt a bit rejected.
  21. Eh, that one was mostly good for the soundtrack and John C Riley. Cruise was overrated in it.
  22. To be fair, American Pie was genuinely a good movie. While Porky's was probably even better, but Id respect the opinion of someone who preferred American Pie. Alarming trivia point: Chronologically speaking, American Pie's release date is closer to Porky's release date than it is to today. Yikes.
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