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Everything posted by Wrath

  1. On the one hand I see what you're saying and I definitely agree. On the other hand, its interesting to note that the two movies were set about 10 years apart (and, since they were both true stories, actually happened around 10 years apart. Roughly 1962 for Green Book and roughly 1973 or 1974 for BlacKKKlansman). So, thematically I agree with your point but its worth recalling that the events of Klansman happened 45 years ago.
  2. Look at the dates. The story I linked came out a month after the Snopes piece did. Also, the BBC's piece on Vallelonga's tweet in January noted that CBS *did* do a story that day about a group of Muslims celebrating the attack though it didn't run footage of them. Look, I like Snopes too, but in this case they got it wrong. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-46835917
  3. Oh, sure. The surest way to be made a fool of is to say Trump is 100% right about anything.
  4. Dude, its an extensively researched news story. You can't just call "fake news" because you disagree with it. And, no, by that afternoon it was commonly believed the planes were piloted by arab terrorists.
  5. Coleman's speech was wonderful. I totally believe she didn't think she was going to win.
  6. Right, but, if you read the article, probably not all. In a nutshell, Trump saying thousands of Muslims dancing in the streets and cheering after 9/11 was an outright lie. But someone saying they saw a news story about some Muslims cheering could well be factually correct rather than an obvious sign of racism. Do you see the difference?
  7. Actually, there was a fair bit of even-handed research done into this. Turns out, while there weren't thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets, there almost certainly were Muslims celebrating it in NJ and news stories reporting on it. https://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2015/12/exclusive_jersey_city_cop_residents_say_some_musli.html
  8. Ugh. Can *almost* score SotM 8, but not quite. Barring something weird (specifically, this weekend: Aquaman outearning Spidey-verse by about $1.9M or Glass somehow increasing) everything's position is set except for Lego and Upside (Lego will *probably* be 6th and Upside will *probably* be 7th, but only like 60% confident in that. Also, if Lego posts a ~20% drop this weekend that'll mess other things up). If no one had happened to include both of those movies on their list, we could score it now. But glassfairy and Chasmmi included those two, so we cannot. Still can't score any other SotMs.
  9. Hah. I figured it out. I had a typo and also forgot you got 25k for getting both right rather than 15k. In a nutshell, you're right and I'm wrong. Onto the next one!
  10. Hmm, yeah, it does look like you and Sheikh should have the same score. I'll double check my spreadsheet tomorrow. I do note that getting the 2nd place movie correct is only worth 8k, not 15k, so that'd pull down your totals a bit.
  11. SotM 7 scoring Ok, technically the final weekend hasn't happened yet, but with the power of analysis and projection we can overlook such trivialities. Conveniently, everyone who answered this SotM predicted HTTYD3 would win Wk17, and then picked either Lego 2 or Alita to come in second. This scoring assumes HTTYD3 wins (not a big stretch) and Alita comes in 2nd (a modest stretch, but not unreasonable). If Lego 2 ends up coming in 2nd instead I'll fix the numbers. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 Upside Glass Glass Glass Lego 2 Alita HTTYD3 2 Aquaman Upside Upside Upside Men Want Lego 2 Alita 3 Dog's Home Aquaman Aquaman Bala Cold Pursuit Romantic Lego 2 4 Spidey DB:Broley Kid King Aquaman Upside Men Want 5 Escape Room Spidey Spidey Spidey Glass Death Day Sorry for the awful formatting, but this tells you how each week turned out (except wk 17, which is my assumption of how it turns out). Based on this, scoring goes: These numbers were wrong. Use BobDole's below. Biggest swing for most folks was Wk16 where pretty everyone picked either Alita or Happy Death Day 2U as their #2 finisher. Alita was actually #1 so that was worth 3k. But Death Day was #5 so if you picked that it was -12k. Special props to glassfairy for being the only person to get Wk11 (the first and thus presumably easiest week) exactly right.
  12. 1. Will Dragon 3 Open to more than $45M? 1000 YES 5. Will Dragon 3 make more than 50% of the combined total of the top 5 movies? 5000 YES 6. Will Fighting With My Family open to more than $6M? 1000 YES 10. Will Cold Pursuit stay above The Upside? 5000 NO 17. Will Happy Death Day drop more than 33% on Sunday? YES 19. Will Alita overtake Green Book Domestic total by the end of the game (so including the Monday) 4000 NO 20. What will be the highest placed film to win an Oscar? 5000 Green Book 22. Will Miss Bala stay above the Oscar Short Films? 2000 NO 24. Will Mortal Engines make a mystical 55 Million this weekend and save my top 15?? 4000 NO 25. Will you be back for Summer? 5000 YES
  13. DOM - Escape Room is officially gone, passed by Lego 2. The only remaining race is Alita vs Green Book. It'll be close, but I think Green Book is going to hang on since its still making decent money. OW - HTTYD3 could still stumble, but its probably going to get into the mid-40s, knocking out Creed 2 and pushing Glass down to 7th. WW - Lego 2 appears to be dying horribly overseas, while HTTYD3 has already made enough OS for 11th place and after its domestic OW and another week OS it'll probably pass Glass for 9th. It would also take a miracle for Alita not to pass Nutcracker for 12th, so we're probably looking at an WW final 4 looking something like: 9. HTTYD3 10. Glass 11. Creed 2 12. Alita
  14. 1. Will Dragon 3 Open to more than $45M? 1000 YES 2. Will Dragon 3 Open to more than $55M? 2000 NO 3. Will Dragon 3 Open to more than $50M? 3000 NO 4. Will Dragon 3 increased more than 55% on Saturday? 4000 NO 5. Will Dragon 3 make more than 50% of the combined total of the top 5 movies? 5000 YES 6. Will Fighting With My Family open to more than $6M? 1000 YES 7. Will Fighting With My Family open to more than $10M? 2000 NO 8. Will Fighting With My Family open to more than $8M? 3000 NO 9. Will Fighting With My Family open in 4th? 4000 NO 10. Will Cold Pursuit stay above The Upside? 5000 NO 11. Will Green Book have a smaller percentage drop than Bohemian Rhapsody? 1000 NO 12. Will Spiderverse have a bigger decrease than Lego? 2000 YES 13. Will Total Dhamaal Open to more than $550k? 3000 NO 14. Will Total Dhamaal Open to more than $650k? 4000 NO 15. Will The Prodigy stay in the top 12? 5000 YES 16. Will Happy Death Day drop more than 55%? 1000 YES 17. Will Happy Death Day drop more than 33% on Sunday? 2000 YES 18. Will What Men Want increase more than 60% on Saturday? 3000 NO 19. Will Alita overtake Green Book Domestic total by the end of the game (so including the Monday) 4000 NO 20. What will be the highest placed film to win an Oscar? 5000 Green Book 21. Will The Upside cross $100M by end of Sunday? 1000 YES 22. Will Miss Bala stay above the Oscar Short Films? 2000 NO 23. Will Will the top 10 make more than $115M combined? 3000 NO 24. Will Mortal Engines make a mystical 55 Million this weekend and save my top 15?? 4000 NO 25. Will you be back for Summer? 5000 YES Bonus: 13/25 3000 14/25 5000 15/25 7000 16/25 9000 17/25 12000 18/25 15000 19/25 18000 20/25 21000 21/25 25000 22/25 30000 23/25 36000 24/25 42000 25/25 50000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. What will Dragon 3 make for its 3 day? 48m 2. What will Alita's Percentage drop be? -53% 3. What will Lego Movie's percentage change be? -45% 4. What will Green Book's PTA Be? 1,270 5. Will Will Ralph Breaks the Internet's Domestic Total Be at end of Sunday? 199,500 Part 😄 There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 2. Alita 4. Romantic 6. What Men Want 7. Happy Death Day 2 9. Cold Pursuit 11. Glass
  15. Wk17 - No This season has been one for confounding answers that seem like softballs, but I just really don't see it happening.
  16. Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight *everything* with fire.
  17. I also agree with all of this. Pirates 3 was too much of everything, but it drew the overall very good trilogy that was the first three Pirates movies to a solid and satisfying conclusion. It gets a lot of points for that. Plus, it countered out some of the tedious overstuffedness with all kinds of fun ridiculousness. Wasn't it the one with the sword fight on top of the rolling waterwheel? Also, the pirate fortress made out of ruined ships was awesome. Not since basically anything by Terry Gilliam has a movie so badly needed a firm content editing hand, for both better and worse.
  18. Well, less interesting than Trank in a personal sort of way wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. Less interesting artistically would be a problem.
  19. Having just updated the DOM, OW, and WW lists, I think I can safely say that I am personally extremely unlikely to be in the top 3. Which is fine, because I'm not shooting for top 3. I'm shooting for 4th, 6th, 8th or 9th as a stepping stone towards true glory.
  20. Updated again. I think we're getting close to what the final rankings will look like. Lego 2 should break onto the DOM top 15, knocking out Escape Room, but probably won't get much higher than 13th or so but I'm doubtful anything else (HTTYD3 or Alita) will catch Green Book for 15th. Creed 2, amazingly, is a HTTYD3-underperformance away from sneaking onto the OW list despite not getting picked by anyone, even as a back-up. Everything else is set (though I'm still bitter about Bohemian Rhapsody). For WW, Creed 2 is probably, but not definitely, safe and the last couple spots (Nutcracker and The Mule) are very much up for grabs. Reporting is slow on Lego 2 foreign sales because it has no data yet from a bunch of countries in which its already opened. Also, HTTYD3 is doing decent business in a number of markets already and still has its US OW to come, and Alita will open everywhere by the end of the game and has a shot as well. The Mule is probably toast, but I wouldn't be surprised by any 2 of Nutcracker, Alita, Lego 2 and HTTYD3 getting the final spots.
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