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Everything posted by franfar

  1. M Night still can still please the GA if he wants to For true controversy, I'd give xXx $20m DOM total
  2. "We need to show the true complex character of the racists in this movie." Seriously? Wow, I love how tone deaf some people can be. Motivations don't matter, actions do.
  3. It's things like that that really make me hate Disney. They have way too much influence w/their monopoly from the animated film industry. They keep pushing back copyright terms b/c they don't want Mickey Mouse on the public domain
  4. It's like I've been saying, there wasn't a real standout factor for that movie. BTW, my theatre was mostly families. I saw a few pre-teens as well.
  5. I saw Sing in Dallas on Saturday, Dec. 24th, and got the same trailers and similar reactions. However, Nut Job 2 got lots of laughs.
  6. Saw the trailer a couple of days ago, it's gonna be a real tearjerker. I would give it Marley and Me numbers, but there's not much star power in the film. DOM $110m I suppose I probably won't see it though, seems so cliche and sappy
  7. True. Looking at BOM, Frozen was the biggest animated musical since The Lion King. I would say the cultural impact was roughly similar. You can't replicate that success at will. It was catching lightning in a bottle
  8. But would they really see a movie based off it? I feel like this movie was more geared towards American audiences that listen to pop. Those are the vibes I got from the trailers when people were singing in their cars and shit.
  9. Well all the songs were from the Anglosphere, so I would say Sing is more Anglo-centric if anything. I don't know how foreigners really feel about singing competitions, but that should be the main factor in the OS BO
  10. They have to expand their markets outside of big city, secular liberals. Makes sense that now they're going to the Heartland Also, I love how the article refers to them as "flyover audiences." Yep, that's basically what the article said
  11. I thought that movie was gonna knock it out of the park (even though I didn't want it to, cuz Disney). It doesn't have that much of a hook, based off my feelings from the trailer
  12. I really enjoyed the Grinch as a kid. Perhaps the movie just had strong appeal to families based of the goofiness coming from Carey and the writing
  13. The Boston Bombing didn't happen that long ago and they're already profiting off of it... Boston Globe said something similar in their review
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