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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. I started my Mission Impossible series rewatch last night, definitely confirms to me that the first one is the worst one (wasn't sure as I'd only watched it once, a long time ago). Couple of good moments but just a bit bland with little tension, which it needs as it was more serious. Worst thing about it by far though is Jon Voight who is just phoning it in and looks like he doesn't want to be there.
  2. This! I dislike watching films at home as there are too many distractions, it's too easy for me to just look at my phone, then pause the movie, and two hours later I forgot I even started to watch the film. Best thing about the cinema is having no outside distractions, phone being turned off etc.
  3. 1. The fact you use "in the name of Christian values" as a moral defense of this Qanon shite just furthers the argument of people opposing you who will say this is right wing religious propaganda. If Angel Studios was actually interested in promoting a real life issue, they would be rejecting the Qanon promotion and banning the promoters of this film from talking about Qanon conspiracies. Because these conspiracies do not help, they actively make things worse when they give people false information. 2. The quality of the film is irrelevant. And how does it "raise awareness" of a real issue? The term "raising awareness" shouldn't mean "letting you know something exists", it should mean educating people with real factual information and solutions. 3. What action will you be taking to fight human trafficking, then? How is donating money to a movie studio "taking action" LOL? What charitable donations are you making, what charities are they going to, and how will those charities use the money to "take action"? Can you please provide a serious answer rather than vague phrases like "taking action" and "fighting". The only thing this appears to promote is Ballard's organisation that has lied and invented everything it claims to do. The only help they appear to demonstrably provide is helping themselves to the pockets of outraged moral-panic-induced "Concerned Christians".
  4. OH IT'S SO GOOD!!!! About 20 mins in I just let out the widest toothy grin, I was just enjoying it so much, and that continued right till the end. The final act is properly nail biting. I needed to pee so bad like 40 mins before the end and I couldn't move from my seat, I was so gripped. After the disappointment of Indiana Jones last week this is such a direct and superior comparison. James Mangold, Disney, Lucasfilm, that's how you do a real car chase, and THAT IS HOW YOU DO A TRAIN SEQUENCE!!!!!!! This franchise is so entertaining and so satisfying to give us sky high expectations and continue to exceed them. I LOVED it. Very very minor gripes: the villain pushes the edge of ridiculous on occasion; and the stunts here don't quite reach Fallout level of jaw dropping.
  5. I watched Reacher a couple of weeks ago and it was actually gripping and fun. Unlike the Cruise Snoozefest and its even more boring sequel. And the actor was way better as the character than Cruise (I say this as a big Cruise fan and someone who never read the reacher books)
  6. you know its possible for an actor to be in multiple different films right? For example in 1999 Tom Cruise filmed Magnolia and then 2 months later filmed Mission Impossible 2.
  7. Yeah that's what I'm thinking, even if there aren't "IMAX benefits" i'd still rather see it on as big a screen as possible.
  8. Anyone know if this is worth watching in an IMAX? Was shot with "IMAX approved cameras" but afaik it has no expanded image. It releases tomorrow here so trying to work out what format to get a ticket for tomorrow evening.
  9. The time travel was cool (and the shot of the planes flying through the wormhole was BEAUTIFUL) and Harrison Ford just about made me cry when he said he wanted to stay in the past. His look of wonder and amazement at seeing the Romans was 🤌 The rest of the film... not so cool. So generic, lifeless and boring. Marian and Sallah cameos were cringe. Should have actually used their characters for more than just cameos. D
  10. Just seen it. I have very mixed feelings because the film is basically (in my head) in two halves. The first hour of the film is complete junk. It's just a series of generic shootouts and CGI car chases. If it didn't have Harrison Ford you would have no idea its meant to be an Indiana Jones film. Then there's the second half which actually feels like an Indiana Jones adventure and is decent. They get on a boat and it literally felt like the boat took me out of the screen showing the generic action film and into the screen next door which is showing the new Indiana Jones movie. The second half slowly gets progressively better and by the climax at just over the 2 hour mark, I finally was genuinely enjoying it and for a brief moment I felt a sense of wonder that was missing from the rest of the film and from Crystal Skull. Top marks to Harrison for that. There are individual scenes which I enjoyed, but overall it is a bit of a slog, not helped by the straight up junk first hour. If you cut the first hour out of the film (which wouldn't affect the plot) I would consider it an enjoyable but throwaway instalment in the series. Lastly: pretty sure anyone who didn't like Crystal Skull is going to hate this film. I think word of mouth will be very poor. The part of the film that I thought was best, I suspect will be very negatively received.
  11. i'm excited to see it on wednesday. Even if there are only 5 other seats sold in my screening (8pm opening night)...
  12. That was amazing. I was working in cineworld at the time and couldn't believe the stupidity. Like OBVIOUSLY it is not going to be star wars. In fact, IIRC, Cineworld literally put out a message on social media in advance telling people that it is not Star Wars. and still people rocked up in their star wars outfits and then walked out of the screening.....
  13. AH yeah I just checked their twitter and yeah they are describing elemental. Thanks, now I know I can give today a pass.
  14. Any speculation on what today's secret unlimited film could be? Indiana Jones has no review embargo 🤔 Been a few years since I've done a secret unlimited screening so not sure if they still do major films
  15. Indeed... Endgame was huge deservedly, as it was by far the biggest weekend ever. Jurassic World because it seemed to come out of nowhere. iirc, in the weeks up to JW release, most people were estimating sub 100M, and then it opened way above expectations and then got bigger and bigger over the weekend. that was a super fun weekend on the forum. Star Wars and Batman v Superman were mostly just people arguing. (nothing changes lol)
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