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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. @DeeCee @Spagspiria i didn't realise it was locked either.
  2. it's not as simple as that. And I think it was his girlfriend, or family member. Not a friend.
  3. look at the previous page in this thread, a week after the supposed shoot start date, Dwayne Johnson says filming will start "next month". I am inclined to agree with the idea that this may move. Which wouldn't be a bad thing, now that it's built an audience from the last one, the christmas period is not as essential. If it's another 3-month shoot same as the last one, then it has only about 6 months of post production. Doable, by all means, but if they have to do reshoots that may delay it. Dwayne will be shooting Red Notice after jumanji I think. dunno what the others are up to but I imagine Kevin Hart's busy too.
  4. I agree with @CoolioD1. if you want a picture or quote or something on you, just put it on a t shirt.
  5. Nah, there are loads of songs that have great use in a film, that were not made for the film. things like Stuck In The Middle With You for example is iconic because of the film scene. Recent films i can think of maybe like Baby Driver and GOTG.
  6. Plenty of times when the whole film just kind of suddenly goes darker, sometimes I think I am going crazy but no I dont think so. Like when you have a light on in the house and you run the shower it suddenly goes a bit dimmer.
  7. i just edited my post above to say exactly that. Filthy screens, broken speakers, dim projection. it's a shit show. Why cant they just do it properly. It's not even difficult, it's just lazy. I know cinemas run on tight budgets but it really is very poor.
  8. @feasby007 thanks. I will still only be watching in 2D. Will watch ava2 in 3D though. @IronJimbo there is not a whole lot they can do. Sure they can write a letter to the cinemas, as has happened many times but will the cinema actually act upon it? This is why if I want properly projected film I will buy an IMAX ticket. It's sad though that most local average cinemas can fail to do the most basic job of projecting a movie correctly. so many times I'll go to the cinema and: - very dirty screen - crackling audio / broken speakers - extra light coming in to screen from Fire Exit signs placed in poor positions - image projected wonky so some of the frame goes on to the wall / under / over the screen - 3D not turned up to compensate for 30% darker glasses its pathetic. That is the whole business, projecting movies. And half the cinemas cant do it right. and no one in the audience gives a crap. SAD !
  9. that's why I think Disney has been hiding so much. I bet the Genie looks awful and they have no idea how to fix it. When they release trailer aladdin will get laughed out of the room. Or maybe they will just avoid showing Genie at all until release day of the movie. Who knows.
  10. good man. This is why I dont watch 3D, it is just way too dark, sucks. Especially in a movie that looks mostly set in dark...
  11. The interview can be listened to here, it is 2 min long that Liam talks for to tell this story. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/liam-neeson-rape-black-man-attack-cosh-cold-pursuit-sexual-assault-interview-a8760866.html
  12. He said he would go out each night with a club, trying to find a black man in the hope that he would get in a fight with and kill him. You should listen to the interview itself I think its easier than reading the description of it.
  13. moving in to February, we had my highlight of 2018. 15 years since the release of the GOAT movie. I had seen the wiseausterpiece in the cinema before, but never met the legend himself. The Man. The Myth. The Master. In true football fashion, me and my friend dressed in tuxedo. we thought this would be funny - we did not expect that he would be so thrilled, that he invited us on stage to do Q&A session with him and Greg! (me in the middle) This was so much fun. Tommy may be crazy but he treats his fans well! I have not had this much fun in a cinema in really quite a long time. So after having a great time, me & my friend left London and went to our mates band do a gig, which was cool, then went out to a bar with the band afterwards... and who starts chatting to me but only a stunning professional model. I think it was my tuxedo that attracted her... we had a good night back at hers. Sorry if that is TMI for the forum/this thread but the thing is - this was just a perfect Saturday. the best day i have had in years. meeting a hero, surprise presenting one my favourite films to an audience, and having sex with a model. I was really happy this day. Thank you Mr Wiseau. ❤️
  14. wish there is a music video for the song. just listening to this song I want to see the film again.
  15. I'm not complaining, I think its a good thing that they don't wield the power they used to have. I am probably just overreacting to this . Sorry its just a topic (rape) that is very close to my heart. You are right Jake I don't even know what I am trying to say, look back at the posts I've made through this thread and I'm jumping from point to point.
  16. True. I hope it blows over soon. hopefully with an apology statement we will just move past it.
  17. And liam neeson did not deny trying to kill a black man my point is it doesn't take all that much for press & public to quickly turn on someone and never been forgiven. We're not in Polanski era anymore.
  18. those Weinstein people you mention had plenty of defenders. for Kevin Spacey all it took was for one person to make an allegation, no court decision or evidence or anything simply one allegation and his career was over the next day. James Gunn had many defenders and was fired the moment any controversy was created. Obviously he has not had a career extermination but i hope you get what i mean. Hollywood stars seem to be pretty vulnerable at the moment and it does not take alot to take one of them down. For better or for worse.
  19. I don't really know why it is. UK is usually second or (behind China) third biggest market for a hollywood film. It is bizarre that we don't have transparent BO tracking in the way that many many smaller markets do.
  20. UK box office tracking is useless, you wont get anything until international BO report on Sunday evening.
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