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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Many? There are... 2? LLL and the greatest showman. If you want to count beauty and the breast as a music film then there are 3. Also it went what 46 months without a drama film that gross 200M and now two come along at once. They should be celebrated.
  2. If you just want to judge most epic box office by how many dollars it grossed... there's a chart for that.
  3. iirc I remember taking my leftover zopiclone pills to a party once, me and my mates tried to have a trip... I believe hallucinatory side effects are extremely rare in terms of how many people experience that. It was something like 1 in 10,000 people experience hallucinations. Lucky me.
  4. i'll ask the doc if they can prescribe that. Cheers. I think they may be avert to prescribing me any drugs as they believe that I'll mix drugs in my system (?) at least that's what the last doctor said. @GraceRandolph I personally wouldn't take zopiclone, I remember being prescribed them a few years ago and wasn't aware they may have hallucinatory side effects. Went to bed trying to sleep and gollum opens my door, comes in my room jumps on me, telling me, "We hates the filthy hobbitses! Kill the fat, filthy hobbitses!" That was wild. Terrifying the first time and then after that, I was fine with it, but still hallucinating. Every time I took them one of the movie posters in my room would come alive. I had giant Jaegers, a tiger, Stormtroopers walking around my room and talking to me. Needless to say that did not help me sleep. Dont think i would be in a rush to get zopiclone again, though I know someone who sells it (seriously, sleeping pills sold by drug dealers... what has the world come to).
  5. Re-open the Alita thread! I want to pile on more!
  6. they are potentially addictive drugs and the doctor said since I have an existing drug addiction that makes me much more susceptible to becoming addicted to sleeping pills.
  7. I got signed off work for insomnia for a while, but soon lost the job anyway, being out of work hasn't helped. I'm not allowed to be prescribed sleeping pills apparently. It's a headache and a half, I know how you feel. I hope you're just kidding with the last sentence but I'm sure it will get resolved soon enough.
  8. Make sure to vote @JamesCameronScholar As Most Valuable forum user.
  9. Man I love going to bed completely drunk. It's the only time I can ever sleep well. I've had 6 hours sleep and now awake at 6am. I usually don't sleep until about 5am. Feels good man. Not sure why I stopped off to buy 40 chicken mcnuggets at maccas though.
  10. mclaren P1 ❤️ and nice to see a bike... have we even had a single bike in the series so far..?
  11. hopefully a busy weekend at the box office. HTTDY3 should do well, plus Green Book and Can You Ever Forgive Me both out this weekend with awards strapped to their arms, appealing to adults. And Escape Room for teenagers.
  12. Well not thousands. I've no idea how many but I read quite a lot. My point is that the tweets are real, you can read them, they are not fabricated.
  13. So? Does that make the tweets less legitimate? James Gunn making thousands of "distasteful" jokes is not a conspiracy. Being offended by the jokes is perfectly valid.
  14. Did you see the pictures of him and a girl in fancy dress, him as a priest and her dressed as a child with a leash round their neck? I'm not saying all the things he said weren't jokes but dude clearly has a thing for kids. It seems to be in his head an awful lot. Personally I don't really care and I don't agree with witch hunts against people who haven't actually done anything. But fair enough that someone like claire Holt above finds that an issue for themselves.
  15. I did find the character confusing though. He appears to have no record of criminality but straight up joins the drug cartel. Has no problem running drugs - fine. Then in a couple scenes he out of the blue seems to reprehend what he's doing, and he seems genuinely surprised that in the bag was drugs. Which makes no sense as clearly he knows what he's running. Also how can he just walk into rooms and women in their 30s just flock to him? Sorry I don't buy that for two seconds.
  16. Saw this today and enjoyed it enough. Found the ending very satisfying too. I agree with @Christmas baumer that certainly I was not rooting for him and I don't think Clint was asking me to. I kept rooting for Cooper to catch him and I still enjoyed it. I don't even think the character is racist. @The Panda you mention the tyre scene it uses racism as humour. It's just him being out of touch. He shows no aggression or negative feelings towards the black couple. I mean he changes their wheel for gods sake. I don't think the film itself is racist. Sexist possibly.
  17. Yeah it would never happen with a Nolan film, but he's the closest thing to JC in terms of being able to greenlight a massive megabudget original idea and have the craft and care/skill applied to it. If you're just talking immensively successful original movies in general... guess those days are just over. Gump adjust to what 500 or 600 M i think. There's really nothing like that any more. Over the past few years I guess the closest to that kind of film is like frozen and just typing that makes me feel sick.
  18. Thanks buddy. Yeah I'd think that sort of thing in a contract wouldn't hold in court, it certainly wouldn't here, but in America everyone loves to sue each other for that sort of thing so thought maybe it's a bit different.
  19. Yeah. I'm too young to have used blockbuster as an adult but do remember it from when I was younger renting a video for like £2 or whatever it is. Now, if it's not on your streaming service of choice, tough shit. Only option for that movie I can see is dvd for £18 on Amazon. No thanks...
  20. When you have Visionary Director James "priest" Gunn, that makes up for the $30million price that Will Smith would charge.
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