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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. in an article about cineeurope: why was I not aware of this? Can't wait!
  2. the effects are fine. there was I admit one scene where a dinosaur moves past and characters are in front of it looking at it - and it is so clearly a green screen and CGI dinosaur and it looks pretty bad. apart from that no complaints. Obviously the effects are not as good as the original films because its CGI not models but I dont see any reason to take issue with it.
  3. Not sure what you were expecting but I did say at download, as in you know the rock / metal festival, I understand not everyone likes metal love the singers voice, love the theatrics and the theme, and the sound and the flow of the music.
  4. at download at the weekend I discovered this awesome band. Guess what they are called.
  5. Nice teaser. Will be good to see this film as I've never seen the original and don't know what its about other than it's got a flying elephant. No, not an awful screenwriter, just the wrong director. Should have hired Michael Bay and Bay/Kruger take over all Disneys new live action adaptations.
  6. wrong, genius director Tim Miller is making a sequel. And yes I am aware of this film in the works I just assumed it wasn't ever going to actually end up in production. The 4th time they are rebooting it, it's kind of painful to watch
  7. it's almost as if people can reproduce at any point once they're young adults and onwards... but I know what you mean. I don't get amazed by it though just envious, I would love to have a kid.
  8. Thanks @aabattery I had a look for spoiler thread earlier but couldn't find one, assumed you weren't doing it for this movie.
  9. Wrong, that film apparently features the voice of Rob Lowe, who had sexual harassment allegations made against him by two different babysitters he employed
  10. yeah easy you just plug your laptop into the TV use it as monitor, can do it to any screen just need the right cable
  11. OH just remembered the one thing I couldn't stand about the film, the black guy. Same with Rampage. These "beta male" characters are beyond irritating. Where in Rampage I can kind of understand Dwayne Johnson has a lot of input on his movies and he wants to make himself look as big and manly as possible because that's the point of his movies.... was this the same? some weird thing Chris Pratt forced the director to put in the film to make us all understand how manly Chris Pratt is? Owen Brady or whatever he's called jumped the shark in the first one when he says unironically "I am the alpha male" straight to the camera but this is just ridiculous
  12. You will understand when you watch the film. Can't explain without spoilers. I am not talking about dialogue or certain points in the film when I say "this script", I mean the entire premise and idea behind most of the film. None of it is revealed in the trailers fyi, the trailers would have you believe the film is about saving dinosaurs from the island. Spoiler alert - it's not. If you want to be spoiled and understand then you can PM me or make a post in the review thread or maybe just read the Wikipedia plot summary I dunno.
  13. Really don't know how to feel, it's a very strange movie. On the one hand - it is nice to see a big tentpole film where the director clearly has creative control and has resulted in a cohesive film. It's really well made and does not feel weighed down by its franchise at all. Where the first 4 films were more or less the same in their plot (dinosaurs on an island) and a lot of people have said the franchise is not moving anywhere; this proves you can take the idea in a different place and it works. I enjoyed it pretty much the whole way through. I like how it starts big and gets small, where most films usually do the opposite, or even worse start big and just get bigger and bigger. Setting most of the film (well half of the film but it's the main part) in one building keeps a sense of danger much more present. It's tense and gripping and thrilling. Cramped location = good. That's why the scariest scene in the original JP is... the kitchen scene right? Smaller is better (well... in some cases ) I also admired how dark it felt. Especially when the dinosaurs were all about to suffocate. I legit thought the movie was going to kill all the nice animals. And while it obviously didn't do that, the fact I thought it could is a testament to the rest of the film prior to that, because in any other blockbuster you know they're gonna be fine. The stakes are real. On the other hand... why in the FUCK did this film get the go ahead to be the sequel to JW? Setting a FUCKING JURASSIC PARK DINOSAUR MOVIE INSIDE A HOUSE. I am always glad to see good filmmaking take the lead over commercial interests but this is mind blowing bad decision making. I don't see the point of it. The ending of this film is where this film should have gone. The movie doesn't really serve any purpose. The opening scene was fantastic and had me really excited for the rest of the film, it was completely not what I wanted or expected. But I still thought what they've given us is good. Its like being served food you didn't order at a restaurant but it's still nice food, just the wrong order. Few stupid things in the film too. The indoraptor was a waste. Wasn't any more threatening than any other raptor and didn't have any of the abilities claimed. It behaved pretty stupidly in order for the action pieces to work. >"She can smell your scent 1 mile away" >moves in opposite directions around a concrete pillar to avoid detection
  14. Call me a junkie but whatever the Universal executives were tripping on when they greenlit this script, when they said "yep this is where we want the next Jurassic Park movie to go", I want it, I want lots of it and I want it now.
  15. Might change mine to an F actually. Complete waste of time, utterly vapid and dull
  16. it's really the third film since titanic is only at 1.8B without the 3D release
  17. I look forward in 10 years time to seeing the cultural impact of Infinity War Part One. People will be talking about it every day.
  18. To be fair, Infinity War has beaten Avatar in some huge important markets. Such as Bolivia.
  19. fucks sake my account just ran out a minute ago and now I'm getting ads on the forum, with the new forum design it is completely un usable. So slow and stuttery this is ridiculous. Why do you even need ads when the donations cover way more than the running costs. This new site is trash.
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