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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Rather than talking out of your arse, why don't you look back in the threads from a year or two ago and read all my posts explaining why the December record does not matter. Stop telling me what my opinions are even when I've literally never seen you on this forum before.
  2. Here in the west of the globe, bad weather generally increases ticket sales as people are more likely to spend time indoors (e.g. in a cinema), compared to good weather which makes people go outside. Is it different in China? Just curious.
  3. So you're claiming "history is being rewritten" but are just going to ignore historic inflation. Cool. Your point about Jurassic World, how is that "breaking the rules"? It opened to identical number as Avengers 3 years ago, and made roughly the same overall. It did EXTREMELY well. But other movies have done extremely well too - how is it rulebreaking? Do you know what the word "rule" means? Other movies have sold more than Star Wars. Including the original Star Wars. And Deadpool is not the largest R rated film in history, Passion of the Christ made 370M back in 2004. Check yourself before you rek yourself.
  4. Apologies, I didn't see COCO on there. And that last one can be safely ignored. Disney may be strong but they are not stupid, they are not going to open their 200M family film against their own Star Wars.
  5. Lowballing Pirates? The series has been tumbling in similar fashion to Transformers, 200M is a perfectly reasonable early prediction. And given that Beauty and the Beast is a musical... I would put it somewhere between Into The Woods (125M) and Cinderella (200M). These are early quick guestimates for movies which don't even have posters let alone a trailer or any real information. Unless a prediction is just batshit insane, I don't see how you can claim someone is "lowballing" or whatever. They are just my predicts.
  6. I dunno about that. Look at the schedule for 2017: (w/ my predictions) Disney Beauty and the Beast - 150M Guardians of the Galaxy 2 - 400M Pirates 5 - 200M Cars 3 - 150M Thor 3 - 200M Star Wars 8 - 500M 1600 + nothing else since they only do tentpoles Fox Maze Runner 3 - 100M Wolverine - 150M Kingsman 2 - 200M Planet of the Apes - 250M Alien Covenant - 200M Croods 2 - 250M (Untitled) Dreamworks - 150M (Untitled) X Men - 200M 1500 + other smaller films
  7. For Fantastic Beasts to be above Batman v Superman it would need to beat all the first 7 Harry Potters, despite being a spin off with none of the characters. Never going to happen. If it got to 200M it would be a great achievement, 350M is impossible. And BvS outside of top 10? That would require 11+ movies over 300M. You seriously think that is going to happen? Even adjusted for inflation, the most 300M movies in one year is 7. This year may be full of blockbusters but it's not going to rewrite history. 11 300M films is impossible.
  8. I just read somewhere that in the final shot, Michael Shannon's eyes glow?! That changes the whole damn thing.
  9. Why wouldn't it? Age of Ultron did £18M 4day so why can't Civil War do £14M 3day?
  10. Never go full public.
  11. I am trying to be civil. I just want to apologize and forget about this whole mess. I'm not sure why you are suggesting I'm someone else.
  12. Since my moderator privileges are gone, it removes the count of all the posts I made as mod. The count and likes are what I had before I was mod.
  13. I am back, I'll stop posting on my dupe account. I'm sorry for messing everyone around. I would like everyone to know I have been demoted, but I am going to try not cause as much chaos. The staff made the right decision, and I am stepping down as mod. I apologize to everyone I messed around with. Sorry for all the confusion. Let's get this thread back to normal.
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