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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Er, what? Jurassic World and Star Wars were last year's two biggest films. A couple years ago, Guardians of the Galaxy was huge. Gravity did astonishingly well. The Hobbit trilogy made a ton of money. CG is not some fad that people are bored of... Also, to call it "soulless" is unfair, imo. Have you watched the film yet?
  2. Disney doesn't care. It will make $$$ so who gives a shit if it has physical actors or not. Also, think about something like Andy Serkis's Jungle Book, which does have physical actors despite virtually no human characters.
  3. Edge of Tomorrow definitely proved her box office worth. She wasn't secondary to one of the biggest movie stars of all time, and the film was SUCH a massive hit. 5M is not much anyway. She is a name, so eh.
  4. I'm still trying to get my head around Eric Bana being Charlie Hunnam's dad.
  5. Do you know if Alice is getting an IMAX release?
  6. Yeah, it's really annoying. For most US movies we are the #1 most profitable or highest grossing foreign market, and yet the info we get is barebone at best.
  7. I guess I will just go to Sheffield as they have laser IMAX, it's probably easier and cheaper to get there too. Hopefully the screen is not too small.
  8. I want to watch Warcraft on opening day at an IMAX laser presentation. So I emailed Empire as to when tickets will go on sale, and they told me that Leicester Square will not be getting Warcraft at all. Not just not IMAX, but not at all... anyone have any idea why this would be? It is currently showing things like The Boy and Big Fat Greek Wedding 2... but it won't be getting Warcraft? Just doesn't sound right. Does anyone have any knowledge of that cinema? Do they often miss big films? Or will Alice 2 be taking all the IMAX screens.
  9. Shit. I just found out the entirety of the Jungle Book is CG. I watched it and had no idea the environments and sets weren't real. Turns out the whole thing was shot on a soundstage. I feel like an idiot, but I suppose that's a real achievement for the film.
  10. i didn't call him ugly, just wondered who it was.
  11. @Mockingjay Raphael who's the ugly mug in your profile?
  12. Oh sure, if it's snow. Maybe you guys have a different meaning of "bad weather". Here "bad weather" means rain. That's all im talking about.
  13. I just found out that originally Kaa in the jungle book was male, so Scarlett also got caught up in womanwashing in that movie. Utterly despicable. Kaa is an iconic male character, can't believe they would do that to him.
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