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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. I'm seeing this just for Huge Action's pirate rendition of Smells Like Teen Spirit.
  2. ha, did you hear about that movie about some farmer in a space desert who blows up a moon? what a dumb idea, bet that one never took off.
  3. And just releasing so close to each other. IMAX is expensive, and chances are that most people are going to need to pick between one or the other in terms of films designed for IMAX that they wouldn't watch on a smaller screen. Well, I guess The Walk is the one that bore most of the brunt, but I don't think it helped Everest at all.
  4. Yeah, most cinemas here have more 3D shows than usual. At my cinema we stopped showing 3D Martian yesterday, only in 2D now.
  5. Yeah they can photoshop one image, but they can't change the fact that she looks unrecognisable now. She stopped doing movies for five years, that combined with the 12 year gap between movies is just going to cripple this film at the box office. Dead franchise, dead actor, dead box office.
  6. Maybe the film's beige saturation is Mendes's way of acknowledging how boring James Bond is
  7. word of mouth will be great judging from the reactions from all the screenings I've seen + reports online. The film really is a crowdpleaser. 3.5x multi will be no problem.
  8. Obviously. I don't know why you'd need to bring that into the conversation
  9. I have an awful fear of heights and get sick looking down from a height. I'm definitely seeing this in 3D on the biggest screen possible - if I feel nauseous then it's a success and gets five stars from me. Probably.
  10. Caleb is a robot and the true test is whether Ava can figure out if he is human or robot.
  11. I just passed a mass of people leaving a showing. This is what I really like about the film: working in a cinema and seeing so many people just having a big dorky grin on their face. Feelgood blockbusters done well can feel so satisfying. I love the contrast between the rigorously detailed scientific accuracy, and the film's refusal to take a serious tone with itself. Makes for very pleasant and intelligent viewing. I'm glad it is hitting off this weekend. (Incidentally, we have been very very busy, all the shows were absolutely heaving. As I said before, this is the biggest opening since Inside Out.
  12. 3D hurt my eyes less than usual. Nothing comes out of the screen except for the UI on the vlogs.
  13. I didn't notice the length. I went into it thinking 'this is gonna be long' but by the end of the film's story, I thought 'huh? Isn't there half an hour more?' It really does fly by.
  14. Yep. He's always been hit and miss - both critically, financially, and in my own opinion of his films.
  15. Holy shit, our pre-sales are through the roof. We generally have a very low proportion of presales compared to other cinemas, but this is huge. Nothing in the past three months has opened as well as this is looking, closest would be Inside Out. And this is a Wednesday opening day.
  16. Um why are you trying to judge a score without watching the movie?
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