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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. 13 reasons why is a teen / young adult show right? You don't think that demographic makes up a Yuge part of Netflix's customer base? Young adults are easily the biggest consumer of Netflix.
  2. is it not valid to criticise something for celebrating criminal acts as some kind of moral victory against Le Patriarchy? Nothing wrong with showing people doing bad things, and nothing wrong with having bad-guy protagonists. Most heist movies are like this. But i don't recall classics such as The Italian Job trying to give our protagonists the moral high ground. People are cheering this film on for fighting back against men by robbing them. I think particularly since one of the cast members has done this, you can't really use any defence of "these characters aren't meant to be good" That said I haven't seen the movie so maybe I am getting the wrong impression.
  3. It would be quite nice if it were true.
  4. LOL. Imagine thinking Stanley Kubrick is dead. You honestly buy that BS? Who do you think is producing all the footage and images that NASA releases to the public from "Mars"? Sheep..
  5. I personally don't see how you can argue for it to be anyone other than Kubrick...
  6. 36 posts in the past month. https://forums.boxofficetheory.com/search/?&q=woke&search_and_or=or&updated_after=month&sortby=relevancy
  7. Yeah. Think some of the MCU fans are forgetting that Chris Evans has literally never been in a successful film outside of the Marvel franchise. Daniel Craig is also a nobody outside of Bond, the only things that were hits were back in his early career before he was a household name. Pretty much everything he's done has flopped. Its doomed to be Bad Times but with good reviews.
  8. Wait till it comes out and everyone sees that it's Bad Astra. Then we will be Glad Astra when it flops.
  9. Yes; just the time of the year. Once we're back into the fall/holiday swing of movies things will shift into gear. If there's not all that much big box office news, people just use the site a little less. Joker will probably kick everything going again.
  10. I think Jojo has pretty reasonable hollywood award chances given that it's won the popular vote so people clearly enjoy the movie. Anyone desiring to be seen as Woke will support this rubbish so it'll probably do well in certain areas. Although, that being said Green Book was un-woke and it won last year so who fuckin knows.
  11. The TV series was made for pennies, so would be surprised if it was $25M for the movie. Not sure how different the film and show are but apparently the episodes were only $1.5M.
  12. No it isn't I don't think. Not necessarily necessary, particularly if it's not that great. Don't see why it would be an awards movie other than that the writer was involved with The Big Short which i guess is kinda similar? They might be hoping for some makeup awards or maybe a performance nod here or there. But don't really see it being an awards contender.
  13. That's like saying "A pineapple pizza tastes better than a burnt blackened pizza".
  14. I really dislike the idea of Hustlers, from what I've heard its a film about strippers stealing money from people, like it's a good thing? I was taken advantage of by some strippers last year and they swiped my whole bank account, about $14,000. It's not funny and i don't see why it should be glamourised.
  15. Thanks. I don't know why I needed people to tell me that, I knew I had done the right thing. Went to work today but couldn't concentrate so went home. Feel calmer now, and I have a jam-packed weekend so lots to keep me occupied. Think some world of warcraft classic is in order to take my mind off things right now... At least my friend is safe which is all that matters. Cheers for the replies.
  16. I had to look after his mum and tell them he was going to be okay. Can you even imagine. you are watching your child attempt to kill them selves. She was hysterical. i am so sorry for her.
  17. he left the pub and then texted me to say he is standing on a bridge and I just drove as fast as i could to find him and help him
  18. i feel so angry iu just wnat to smash everything. Ive spent 2 hours on a bridge over a motorway. trying to stop my friend jumping. I was right behind him and he was going to die. and i was helpless because i would try and get him back and he would lean forward and i would grab him and . the police and fire brigade, ambulance came and i was fine i was directing traffic and looking after my friends parents and while i was doing that i was calm and collected like I usually am. and ive got home and I feel so violent and angry and I need to hit something or someone. I've called doctors and spoke to family and friends but it isnt helping. please someone reply i just want someone who doesn't know me to tell me I did the right thing and that it will be okay he was dragged away by the police cuffed and sent to hospital and he will be sectioned. it took TWO HOURS for a negotiator to arrive, what a joke, fucking stupid pricks
  19. It's pretty obvs from the trailer that's what happening. Unless it's a double bluff.
  20. why am i such a stupid fucking TWAT? I went out last night and got pissed and crashed my mums car into a ditch..
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