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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. You know, most people did not expect Skywalker to outgross Last Jedi even in best case scenario... drop off after TLJ was inevitable. Not sure why you say it like it is a bad thing.
  2. Hoping for a title change upon release of the trailer... not just boring old Fast & Furious 9 or F9.
  3. Vast majority of cinemas are closed on Christmas day. If any cinemas are open in Asian populated areas, then not surprising that Asian films succeed because they do not celebrate Christmas.
  4. Those numbers do not look right. 4.8 million views, and the tweet itself only has 18 comments.
  5. you know, I must be confusing it with something else. I was sure that some people were saying Tom holland / Will Smith movie will make like 300M. But I just read through the movie's thread and nothing positive in there. By the way: Congrats on becoming a mod, eric.
  6. 'member when the trailer for this first came out and everyone on here was raving about how its going to blow up the box office? i member.
  7. oh nice, I just logged into Paypal for the first time in 2 years and it turns out theres £100 in the account from when I sold something on ebay two years ago. must have forgotten about it. Some free christmas present money!
  8. just watched this. It's fine. the super slowmo action scenes are so early 00s. Super cringe every time theres an action scene involving helicopter or car.
  9. You are missing the point Schumacher. Its like saying Star Wars flopped this weekend because it only grossed half of what Endgame opened to. It is still a success. News outlets are reporting that Cats is doing badly in the UK when it is simply untrue.
  10. Whats les mis got to do with Cats? £3.4m is still a great opening for ANY film.
  11. can't really see what everyone else is shouting/complaining about. the CGI of the cats is fine for the most part if a bit unfinished. Its just extremely boring. It's actually somewhat engaging for first 20 minutes when it has some mildly whacky stuff then the rest is all thuddingly dull.
  12. the negativity surrounding this film is seriously overblown... the film is really not that awful and the CGI is not really a probllem, it's just extremely boring. Saw it with a friend and i really wanted to walk out because i was getting uncomfortable in my seat from boredom. I very almost chose to fall asleep because it would be less uninteresting than watching the film. if she wasn't there I would have gone home halfway through. But - I don't even understand all the reviews claiming it's horrific. like what are they complaining about. The cats look fine. not great. but not really that bad. ALSO taylor swift with a collar round her neck should be in every movie from now on.
  13. Man it really sucks to lose Boxofficemojo. The Numbers is a good numbers source but it's hard to use and missing some of the features of Mojo plus its just harder to compare / find info. I hope they are working on new stuff and site improvements. Even just things like the Daily gross layout was really neat on Mojo and made it easy to compare movies. I don't care if its put behind a paywall, we aren't entitled to this info for free, but why did they decide to remove all its functionality? A real classic case of "Don't fix what ain't broken". Yes Mojo was quite archaic but it did its job very effectively. I keep going to look up a film's gross and then realise I cant find what I want because the site's changed.
  14. I got the trailer in front of Star Wars last night. I knew RDJ was in it, but I did not know the voice he was trying. Pissing myself with laughter when he talked in the trailer. Can't wait.
  15. This was fine, whereas I didn't enjoy the first frozen. The Sven song was funny. I don't remember much else, pretty forgettable, but I enjoyed it while I watched it - and I've listened to Lost in the Woods on repeat. Seems like they haven't managed to make any of the songs a hit though.
  16. I read that as "Arnie's upcoming film".... got very excited for a minute As for point about it being less successful because of not being in a house. It seems a much easier sell to the general audience to have a movie set in Egypt with some kind of grander scale/landscape. Because tbh I can't envisage a murder mystery set in a house, grossing as much as Knives Out again.
  17. Yeah that's £3.4M weekend, brilliant performance. I tried to get tickets but every showing was sold out in any cinema near me - as you say it was put in a lot of small screens due to Star Wars.
  18. I am back from my latest forum holiday, and to chip in about this weekend - people are being so negative about "below expectations", ok yeah maybe it dropped a little more than expected but get real, it was expected to drop significantly from TLJ following the highly negative reception to that film.
  19. This was everything I wanted the previous 4 films to be. The first time I have loved watching a new Star Wars film since watching the originals as a child. I had such a beaming grin on my face for the whole night.... so, so happy. Weve had a rocky past few movies but we got there in the end.
  20. Probably similar to how the first one did. Disney princess movies are quite western. If you look at all successful hollywood animation in China, the ones to break out are ones featuring non- humans. exception being Coco. e.g. Zootopia, Kung Fu Panda, Despicable Me.
  21. the best part of the film was the KFC advert at the start.
  22. I just watched it and what a pointless 160 minutes. Literally. Nothing of note happens for the entire runtime except the random ending. I heard this was a movie about Manson Murders, well if I hadn't been told that before, I wouldn't have been able to tell. What was Margot Robbie doing in the film? So much screentime and yet nothing happens except she says hi to Leo and then movie ends...? Maybe movie makes more sense if you know more context of characters and story but I was just confused for the whole thing pretty much - didn't see the point of anything. I don't mind films where nothing happens but this just did not hold my attention and i was super bored. Brad Pitt was quite good. I was SO close to walking out near the start when there's some lines about how amazingly terrific Roman Polanski is. Characters don't talk or behave like human beings, just like thoughts in Tarantinos head. Lots and lots of scenes and shots which were unnecessary and added no value. Scenes of watching TV, I don't want to fuckin watch TV when i go to the cinema! Also all the foot fetish stuff I ve seen in memes online, thought it was all overexaggerated. Nope. And some really awful shots where the camera just stares at someone's arse. No thanks Movie needs a Not Cool react.
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