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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Wow, that's simplifying it a bit, don't you think? This is about international relations, North Korea censoring American art, a massive corporation being destroyed from the inside out by terrorists, and threats of attacks on civilians. And no matter what you think about it, this is the most talked about piece of news at the moment.
  2. Limited release still means majority of people who wanted to see it still won't see it, which is a shame. I want to watch the movie. Maybe because this is the biggest news story in the world at the moment?
  3. Ah, yeah that makes sense. I was like, "pretty sure Mark Ruffalo and Edward Norton aren't in Star Trek..." haha.
  4. I thought ID was good. And better villain than Bruce Banner? What? xD
  5. I watched Star Trek 2009 a few days ago, really don't see what everyone thought is so great about it. I just thought it was okay, not many issues with it but also not much to like.
  6. 10.0/10 is awesome. What does it take to get on imdb's top 250? Lol
  7. Most people don't have PSN so I'm not sure that's really fair. Don't know why they believed the terrorists, who now hold all the cards. They can just keep making demands and Sony will obey because they don't want this information to get out. They should have stood their ground.
  8. Way more people would have seen The Interview than if this whole debacle hadn't occurred. And no, North Korean threats don't hold water in the eyes of the public - NK is a laughing stock. You just made Anna Kendrick cry.
  9. Could the reason for the film being completely cancelled (incl. vod) simply be that Sony intends to release it in a few months once the dust has settled? It wouldn't make as much money as it would now but they will want their money back. Though that wouldn't quite make sense, if they think it'll be safe later on then surely they're not falling for the empty threats right now. Much more than $50 million, probably closer to $100 million when you add in marketing.
  10. It's even stranger because the film would have sold a lot of tickets. All this controversy has been giving the film what is arguably one of the best marketing campaigns in years. I agree, I'm not convinced it was all their choice. Same goes for the end result - cinemas aren't responsible for the film not releasing because if Sony wanted to release it but is being blocked by cinemas, they would put it on VOD. But they have said they don't want it to release in any shape. The film's release was the only silver lining of this situation, so you'd think cancelling the film altogether would be the last thing Sony and the cinema chains want.
  11. North Korea bombing cinemas in the US, even if somehow they were a threat to all 3500 cinemas this would play at, would result in war. The threats were never even remotely something to worry about.
  12. Apes increased 18% on its predecessor, that's disappointing?
  13. Way too early to say this will do less than Smaug. It's hard to say either way, though I still feel the previews number is promising given it's a Wednesday. Are schools out in the US yet? They broke up yesterday here in the UK, but don't know about over there. Godzilla, How to Train Your Dragon 2, Amazing Spider-Man 2, Transformers (to a lesser extent). Probably some others I can't think of.
  14. Pop quiz: you're releasing a film next week and you're getting terroist threats. What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO?
  15. Yes, Sony has had a couple of infamous hacks in the past few years, but your argument of "If it had been WB or Disney it wouldn't have happened" is utter bollocks.
  16. Tom Cruise should rule the world. Are you being serious?
  17. I can't really agree with that. If cinemas were exclusively at fault, and Sony still wanted to release the movie, then they would release it on VOD to regain some of the huge losses. Instead, they have decided to throw away the entire thing. Both parties are to blame (possibly government too).
  18. Coming off 2013, one of the most important years for the Internet, given the controversy surrounding government surveillance.
  19. Damn, I think 25 covers all of the movies I've seen this year, let alone the truly good ones.
  20. They've said they will not release it in any form; I think it's safe to assume that includes internationally. (except North Korea, who, ironically, are no doubt having quite the party) Would have easily topped This is the End given all the recent publicity.
  21. Though I agree with your sentiment, I would think a lot of the NK public would be upset by this. They have been brainwashed into thinking he is a truly amazing man. Remember when il died? Their civilians were all crying and upset.
  22. ???????????? The fuck is wrong with you Ethan? I don't like to be rude but seriously, WTF?! He's a ruthless dictator with zero care for his people's rights.
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