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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. What does my country have to do with this? Look, all I'm saying is that the government may have pressured Sony to pull the film. Lol. Freedom of expression says no.
  2. No, as in Stand-up Presidential Speeches.... Look, this is an R-rated comedy film. It's designed to offend and provoke a reaction. Most comedy is about offense. There's nothing wrong with that.
  3. They may not have been given a lot of choice by the government.
  4. To calm tensions between the U.S. and North Korea, and coinciding with the alleged firing of Andrew Garfield from the franchise, Kim Jong-Un has been cast as the new Spider-Man.
  5. And artistic expression shouldn't extend to inappropriate things? Have you ever watched stand up? Or, for that matter, The Dictactor.
  6. So you honestly believe your personal comedic tastes should influence whether Sony greenlights a project or not? Again, I'll go back to my example of Neighbors. I don't like it, it's not my thing. Would I therefore say it should never have been made because it's not funny? Of course not. Box office success is generally what determines whether a film gets the go-ahead, not the opinions of you or me. You don't seem capable of separating your personal, subjective preferences from business decisions.
  7. How can you say "this wasn't a funny concept"? Humour is almost entirely subjective. I don't like the jokes and style of Neighbors, it's not to my taste, but I can't say that the film flat out is not funny, because plenty of people did find it funny. Similarly, there are films that I think to be hilarious and others don't. What do you mean "lose even more money"? This was never going to flop: there's not much competition for it, Rogen and Franco have been consistently successful in comedy, and the controversy in recent weeks had boosted the marketing campaign to amazing levels.
  8. This has happened before with North Korea, it's called Team America. Nothing happened. I don't think it would have been reasonable for them to block it from the start on the grounds that it was dangerous to do. As for humour - the marketing has been well received and although Team America flopped at the box office, it's well-loved and it's pretty funny. Humour can work in any context, it's just about execution.
  9. That's not really about them, though. If a studio stops Rogen from making a similar film, they'll also stop anyone else from making it. Rogen/Franco have very little to do with the issue (that being the content of the movie) so I doubt much will happen.
  10. No one is going to war over this movie. It's just empty threats. You think China would want to go to war with the US over a comedy film? Get real.
  11. Holy shit. I can't believe they've actually cancelled it. This is insane... It's particularly interesting since it's coming from North Korea, a country about as dangerous as my cat. Not to mention that it's unlikely that they could bomb 3,500 different cinemas. VOD is not going to work either. They haven't said.
  12. Elaborate marketing techniques by Sony. All this news is giving the film huge GA awareness. lol what the fuck. Crazy to think a Bond flick could cost the same as Avatar. lol what the fuck. Crazy to think a Bond flick could cost the same as Avatar.
  13. He's really not that attractive to me. Also his hair is horrible in those pictures! >_<
  14. Shrek Guardians of the Galaxy What happens at the end?
  15. Doesn't matter what a guy looks like, if he has Bane's voice then I'm dating him asap Eh, he wouldn't make it into my top 100 hottest guys. Probably not top 1000, tbh. But he won't be in a top 100 actors list by default, since he's not an actor.
  16. I don't pay much attention to the Oscars, I have no respect for the voters themselves and I don't generally agree with their choices.
  17. Is this real?! And what awards ceremony is it?
  18. It made like 55M this past week, why would it only have 42M left? It's going great overseas, it can hit 700M if it's lucky, and even edge past Gravity. 650M is the minimum.
  19. Those of you saying Chris Hemsworth isn't hot, or overrated, or whatever, you need to jump into a very deep hole. Hottest guy on the planet if you ask me <3 he's so big and muscly and gorgeous and masculine and.. ok I'll stop he just makes me go a little crazy.
  20. You make it sound like being aware of it makes it okay, something which I don't agree with.
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