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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Small world indeed. Cambridge is a small city in fairness lol. To be fair I don't actually live in the city itself, live in one of the surrounding villages.
  2. St matthews is road between Court and the blue moon right? assuming these were there when you lived there... 😛 Good pub, great range of beers. My friends band plays there a lot. they have a very drinkable sweet Mango cider at the moment.
  3. I don't know how much the average American pays for their healthcare (I've read it is more than other countries tax contributions to health care) but it seems like you guys have quite a few taxes at significantly lower rates. For example you have tax on products which varies from state but about 5% i believe? Here everything is 20% and much of Europe has 20-25%
  4. i can find tons of posts and tweets complaining about Armie Hammer foot video, but I cannot find the video itself. typical Internet
  5. well I am going to have it spoiled because I don't know anything about the subject matter. Given I'll be seeing it in just a few weeks i think it makes sense to read up after watching the film rather than before.
  6. that's interesting. I also live in Cambridge, i agree it's quite fucking expensive! groceries are not too bad especially now with the German discount supermarkets which have invaded the country and dragged down all other supermarket pricing.
  7. Titanic is amazing, I had only ever seen it on TV and video, and thought it was soppy dreary shite, then I watched it in a cinema last year and wow it is one of the most beautiful, amazing films ever created.
  8. watched it again. This film just connects with my soul. It's much more than an amazingly well crafted action film. Still maintain that the film should end on the bridge, and that we were not given enough reason as to why Spacey character Doc would change his mind so flippantly when that doesn't fit his character at all. those are the only two criticisms at all. speaking of which Spacey is GREAT at delivering his lines in this. Interestingly I had not picked up previously that we actually hear the tinnitus for the entire length of the film. I watched it 7 times in the cinema and never heard that until watching on Netflix today. I suppose that speaks to how shite my local cinema's sound setup is.
  9. Agreed it starts off well but middle section drags. In the last 20 minutes, I fell asleep after there was a car on fire(?), woke up, saw some rabbits, fell asleep again, then woke up, saw three seconds of people holding hands and cut to credits. Hell of a rollercoaster ride. the fact i can't be bothered to rewatch the ending probably speaks to how meh i found it.
  10. Anyone else find the box office gross strange? Like the grosses are.... clones....? You can't tell which is which.
  11. I don't know anything about the subject matter, dont know who Manson is or anything other than hearing the term "manson murders", I would appreciate it if there's no spoilers in this thread. Thank you x
  12. visually looks horribly boring in that trailer... looks really flat like a low rent tv show? (inb4 "yOuRe JuSt sAyIng ThAt bEcaUsE oF tHe RaTiO")
  13. I just watched Baby Driver. Hell Yeah. Hadn't seen it since it was in the cinema, but every bit as good. Introduced my dad to it and he said 15 minutes in, "This non stop music is really annoying" but loved it by the end. You're back. Hi tele.
  14. Yep pretty nuts. I mean, 6 months of that year I wasn't doing anything, that was between me getting kicked out of school and starting my first job, so had a bit of free time. And then the other 6 months I worked in a cinema so very easy to watch films before / after work. But yeah. Last year think I did 120 cinema trips or so. I go two or three times a week, try to watch everything that comes out. If I have an evening where I'm not busy, i'll go out and watch a film. It's rather wonderful when money stops being an element of whether you watch a film. It's a 15 minute drive, free parking, and I tend to just get tap water rather than buying food/drink. Money simply doesn't come into it. It is very freeing. I worked in a cinema that had a similar subscription system too, and do notice that a lot of the customers seeing smaller films were the "Infinity" card holders. it definitely helps smaller films.
  15. are you for real, B? just because you personally (among others) did not like it, it's not possible for anyone to like it? yes it does help small films. Once you are used to the subscription, you just see anything that you might be tempted in, there is no cost of going to see any particular film. You dont feel like you need to get your moneys worth because you're only spending your time. First year i had unlimited films, I went from seeing ~15 films in 2014, to seeing 160 films in 2015. I saw all kinds of tiny little films, and big films, and all in between. it was awesome.
  16. No, but I don't recall being stung badly last time (last summer). A few months ago I worked at a motorhome (R-V you call them) rental company, and that company was disgusting with fees. Getting stung with a £15 "admin and processing" fee after you'd made the first, non-refundable payment. £9 fee for there being a TV on the vehicle. £35 fee removed from your deposit by default on all bookings for not refueling the vehicle - even if you did refuel it. Just hoped you wouldn't notice the fee being taken. Companies like that are disgusting and deserve to go out of business. Sorry dunno why I just went off on a rant but yes Companies that put in fees not clearly advertised anywhere other than at the bottom of the T&Cs, they are antiquated businesses.
  17. You probably thought that because the film is quite old, it was made several years ago, it's a Weinstein production from 2016.
  18. Avatar was not successful because of 3D. Would have been just as successful without it. One of the many untruths about Avatar that the internet likes to spread. Incidentally I don't know where the lie of Avatar being the first modern 3D film, where that came from. Many people (i presume younger people who don't remember movies 2009 and earlier) seem to believe this. 3D films have existed for over a century, I dont know why people think the technology was invented in 2009.
  19. Oh, I hate companies that try and nickel and dime you through booking fees. Pathetic. thought businesses had moved on from that in 2019. That is not abuse / exploiting. That is the point of the model. They want you to make the most of it, to see as many films as possible. It's not based on, "Please pay $20/month and hopefully you don't use it as much as you thought it would". Rather, it's "Please, come to our cinema, spend as much time here as is humanly possible" Where they can sell you the food and drink, which is where the money is made anyway. It also changes a consumer's attitude of what the cinema means. You spend more time there, it feels more homely, it becomes part of your identity and lifestyle. In the long run they profit greatly. This is a business model that has been tried and tested, and it works. I think it's great - and clearly needed as apparently the industry is collapsing!
  20. Why are people complaining about this subscription service? If I understand correctly, it's $20 or so, for genuinely unlimited films, yes? I am really glad they have brought this over to the USA. we have had these wonderful subscriptions in england for years, they are awesome for film fans who go several times a month. In fact here the subscription fee is less than two tickets a month. And yes the booking limit is annoying when you book tickets far in advance lol. One way round is to buy a paid ticket for the seat then on the night, cancel the ticket get a refund and use your memebrship card to get the now-vacant seat.
  21. Not really. It only seems that way to you because youre thinking of general, all audiences. Among the actual target audience it seems to be doing well. Its got average of 4 stars on Letterboxd for example. Just because it doesn't appeal to absolutely everyone, doesn't mean it's not well received. I am sure most people would be bored stupid by 2001 a space odyssey. what kind of idiots acclaim that movie, so out of touch with the general audience, Etc.
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