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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. We have E here in the UK, think it's just Americans who skip E. They think the letters refer to words. F for FAIL. Also nice to have you back Brainbug. Glad you're shite film flopping has not deterred you permanently from this site.
  2. I'm not accusing anyone of lying, just people enjoying to hate on something collectively. I simply cannot physically see what they are referring to.
  3. Interesting, I imagine it differs from country to country. Here at school, C is a pass, D is a fail, so that's why I see C as positive. The A / B / C / D / F five point system lines up with the five star system so C to me, means three stars out of five. B is four stars, A is five stars. And I consider 3/5 stars to be good
  4. Really good up until the last half hour. Once he goes to John Lennon's house it nosedives and it ruins the whole of the film. I guess they just didn't know how to execute the funky premise of the film. Good as an elevator pitch, not good as a movie. That being said I thought the first two thirds were really funny and classic kind of richard curtis romcom which is up my street. Ed Sheeran one of the best 'playing themselves' performances that I can recall.
  5. Right so am I the only person on the planet who doesn't get the fuss over the trailer? It's a stage musical. This is what a musical looks like, people dressed up. The CGI looks terrific. The image that @That One Guy has as his avatar which I keep seeing everywhere (sorry dont know the actress) - yeah that looks bad. But I watched the trailer and visual wise it looks great imo. The CGI costumes are good and probably look even better by release. It just seems that everyone is (to quote above) circlejerking over how awful they think it is, when they dont think that at all. And Taylor Swift as a cat.... there's something I never knew I wanted. Meeaaow. [insert pussy pun here]
  6. Why is it sad that "some people are skipping it"? If you don't want to watch a film why should you be expected to buy a ticket?
  7. Critics "complaining about blockbusters"? No, critics complaining about one individual film that you liked. Biggest movie of the year, the definition of a blockbuster, Avengers Endgame, currently hold 94% approval from 479 critic reviews..?
  8. If they actually updated the visuals I'd absolutely be there but I doubt a re-release would include that. Probably takes a lot of money and time to do that, unless they've figured out a smart way to literally apply the graphics from A2 to A1.
  9. That looked great. Daytime in Venice or wherever they were, looked fantastic. Shame the rest of it is Marvel Studios Formula. That's one thing i would love to see in future MCU movies, letting them have distinct visual style. All the marvel films look the same currently. Now that Endgame has exploded, I really hope the cat's out of the bag in terms of allowing films to stray from the formula.
  10. Could someone explain something to me? I liked this enough, but "that" scene, with the crazy colours and mental confusion when they're fighting in the SHIELD hq. Why could Mysterio manipulate everything so easily? We've seen with Mysterio planning the funfair demon, it takes many hours of meticulous planning and designing the scene in order for his drone displays to be convincing. But when Spiderman and Mysterio are fighting, it seems like Mysterio can just mentally click his fingers and Spidermans world goes crazy. He can do it spontaneously and think up whatever he likes and the drones instantly display it. the scene really took me out of the film as I was really confused how can this happen?
  11. worse reception (i.e. from people who watched the movie), not critic reviews. Incidentally, I couldn't post at TLK release so I'll say it now. I told you guys MONTHS ago that it'd get bad reviews and critics would hate the lion king for being a shot for shot remake. You all laughed at me. Then you're all stunned when the reviews flooded in.
  12. Yes actually I was glad to see Avatar last summer. Awesome cinema experience. Every bit as good as it's ever been. I'd be interested in seeing in terms of countries where Avatar was bigger than Endgame or vice versa. I suspect Avatar is #1 in more places than Endgame globally. Agreed that JCS was an intelligent poster.
  13. so age of consent should be 25? That's very sensible. Great idea. I'm 23 and I work with some people as ancient as Leonardo Di Caprio, I suppose I should leave my job because I'm not mentally capable of interacting with people that old. Also, he's 44 not "pushing 50".
  14. yeah, like I said, haven't seen it. Only seen Reservoir Dogs and Hateful Eight. I'll watch the new one when its released in a few weeks.
  15. Interesting! Okay well I can see why QT would consider it one film. I would still say, I mean I assume that each film is edited for an individual release. Or does Volume 1 literally just end halfway through the movie
  16. 22 year old adult capablle of their own choices definitely the same as a child / teenager people are attracted to people who are at peak age fpr physical condition? crazy times we do live in.
  17. Except he totally can't because they just objectively are two separate films. He can believe it himself but he should not lie on posters and marketing. He has some internal control freak power issues. Feels the need to rewrite history just cause he can. I'm sure they were shot back to back or together or whatever but they are two separate movies that were released separately...
  18. Oh the new film has Queen Sersha, need to get on that when it comes out. Yes yes yes and yes. even if I have to suffer the presence of emma watson.
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