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Everything posted by TigerPaw

  1. Distributor's decision. Not cinemas. Disney wants BW, Jungle Cruise out first. Anyway Bond being day-and-date with other countries is good; Malaysia cannot keep playing catch-up.
  2. Malaysia is know for Piracy, lol. list of movies and their release dates here https://www.facebook.com/61846747274/posts/10160290191937275/?d=n
  3. Only opens in Malaysia on 7th October. That's 1 week before D+ release?
  4. 0 hype for Dune here in most parts of Asia... Hope it does well in Europe. WB releasing this 1 month ahead of US to prevent piracy; but i just don't see the hype here at all.
  5. 21st Sep is Mid Autumn Festival, there are some shifts of weekends / working weekdays - Gavin is more familiar on the exact working days than me. There will be some good numbers from the box office in the small holiday; and there are some local films releasing in those few days; including a local disaster film which had pre-screening this week and good rating on Maoyan / TPP. I don't think they will allow Hollywood films to enjoy even this small holiday.
  6. Lack of competiton definitely helps with legs; maintaining screens etc. Doesn't matter CGV rating. Haha
  7. Eh; even prior to this, the haters usually don't go to Simu's weibo posts to post hate comments.. they share and comment on DiBa's post - i never really see anyone go to Simu's weibo to comment to be honest. So this aspect i see no difference. Di Ba moves to different things all the time.. don't think it is related to the case being "solved". Haha. And i personally am not sure why the translation was bad? Looks pretty legit to me...haha.
  8. Yes but to note also quality matters. If SC was of BW's quality - it will not do as well as it is doing now. There are many variables involved, some good some bad - Competition, delta, WoM etc; not just domestically but worldwide.. PA / Piracy is just one of the factors - but yes it is one of the key factors.
  9. I thought Xi and Biden just had a call like 2 days ago.. to discuss the countries' relationship?
  10. Not sure whether the move is worldwide? Asia is still looking at 14th October... no news of movement; maybe to avoid clashing with NTTD? I mean it could have a worldwide day-and-date release (including China) if it had stuck to Sep 24....
  11. Eh - that guess has 0 backing though. Different states in Malaysia are categorized by different status based on the COVID situation in each state. And you can only hope the other states open before Mid Oct. Malaysia is known for piracy..
  12. Malaysia only will cinemas open some cities; not across the country. AUS will help.
  13. The most viral post is still up though. This apology looks so fake.. almost like Disney bought this fake account - this account only has 2 weibo posts? Haha.
  14. Not exactly news, i had posted the screenshots few days back. Deadline is not the fastest at reporting + still pure speculation at this point.
  15. Bro... that is not how Wmoov works. I emailed them and asked before. Basically WMOOV uses the the RT critics score,RT audience, IMDB score and lastly score on their website and divided by 4. Why it went higher is because last week RT critics and audience score were not updated - takes usually 3 - 4 days. If you want to know local taste, HKmovie6 is more reliable.
  16. Told you Asia's hold will surprise. There is almost no competiton, even Dune next week has not much hype here.
  17. Eh..here in Asia... HK, Msia, Singapore... It is marketed as made for Asians. First Asian Superhero.
  18. Just relaying what I saw, like i said in my previous post - i help to translate and share stuff here - don't come at me as if it was my own opinion and I have to defend it. LOL. I think the interview was about why he came to Canada, you know people can always talk about the "pull" factors instead of focusing on the "push" and then further elaboration using the word communism. I am not saying what he said is wrong; and again.. reread what I said previously - i don't even think he meant to offend anyone. But sometimes it is not the intention that matters; sometimes it is how the message is received..
  19. Went to read more comments on Weibo this morning; there are rationale netizens there... a lot of them. And they pointed out it is okay to say there were people starving in China but it seems almost deliberate for Simu to use the word "communism" in his sentence...
  20. Then the sequel will probably not play in China as well. Even if it released people may boycott it. We don't want a situation where people are so unforgiving that any film that he is involved is being boycotted in China. We are here hoping for a best case scenario right? And strong global gross especially if there is a sequel. Of course good to pat on their back and give comfort. But who here isn't wishing for a best case scenario and hope it opens everywhere and have strong showing globally? If there is one thing i learnt in life.. it is always important to try and think about the most sensitive people. Sometimes people don't mean it; but there might be people genuinely hurt and affected by such comments. I am not defending any side here - and don't come debate me as if I agree with China netizens - i am just saying sometimes less is more. Lol. I feel like i am being bashed for bringing up something I saw and wanted to share with people here...
  21. Chloe Zhao said something similar. There is nothing to defend here IMO; Simu Liu can praise Canada without bashing another country - can always say better prospect in Canada, change of environment etc.
  22. Someone needs to tell Simu Liu to keep quiet if he wants the movie to be shown in China. He has no EQ or what. The interview is going viral in China.. i know it may not be recent but he has to be careful with his words. If anyone has any doubts about China, go down to China today and see how much she has advanced. I am from Singapore and when I visited Shang Chi in 2016... I was freaking amazed.
  23. Yeah. Exactly. Thank you. Raya claims it is Southeast Asian culture... there is no Southeast Asian culture - Southeast Asia is made up of different cultures; Singapore and Thailand is different, Indonesia and Vietnam is different etc... Lumping us altogether is crazy. But Asian Americans loved it. Similar to Shang Chi, i genuinely think reception in China.. even if it opens will be so-so, as can be seen in reception in some other parts of Asia. It is for Asian Americans, not really like East Asians living in Asia. I mean as a mandarin speaker watching the show; i feel the accent is all over the place - there is no way some of these actors can be related in real life. I.e. Father and Son. 😅 Mulan would have easily done USD100m in China IMO without PA or piracy even with the weak reception. Before it is released, HD links on China video hosting sites were everywhere, thousands of weibo posts showing people reviewing after watching it on their TV at home.. If Great Wall can do such good numbers, i dont think Mulan cannot do half or 3/4 of that without piracy. Plus Mulan had crazy number of trailer views in China - Jet / Donnie / Gong Li in a movie...everyone was curious and wanted to watch. But... they found a different method.
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