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Everything posted by marveldcfox

  1. I can't believe they turned Sofia Boutella (the blade girl in Kingsman) to a white alien with black ridges on face...I mean WTF?! Such a badass sexy girl...Justin Lin trying to be James Cameron but failing badly. Cameron turned Zoe Saldana to a sexy blue navi alien, and was smart to not cover her or put a black suit on her. Paramount brought justin lin & Simon pegg on board as director & writer, and told them to make a movie that has potential to hit 1 billion...LOL...wtf...this looks like it will struggle to do even ST09 numbers worldwide. Waiting for the HD teaser to get a better impression of the movie.
  2. Got the trailer in at our cinema today (very rare we get one in before it shows up online). It's pretty short and fun - set to Sabotage by the Beastie Boys (which also seems to show up in the film itself as Kirk comments on it being a good choice). Lots of action shots - the ship seems to get destroyed again, leaving Kirk and co. without many resources seemingly stuck on an alien planet which looks great and the alien designs are really nice (I think on of them may have been Idris Elba but it was hard to tell - spends most of the trailer with a female alien) - white faced with black ridged lines over them. As I say, not a long trailer - just over a minute - and it's hard to grasp the plot but it look fun - and McCoy/Spock get a great comedy moment together. Though it is odd to see "From Justin Lin, Director of Fast & Furious" on a trailer for a Star Trek film. A description of the trailer from someone on blu-ray forums. http://forum.blu-ray.com/showthread.php?t=213540&page=71
  3. Huh? I clearly said the opposite. What I meant was that the first 3-4 HP movies consistently outgrossed LOTR movies in India even though LOTR was bigger than first few HP movies at worldwide boxoffice. Just saying that LOTR like Star Wars never caught on with majority of the Indian movie going public.
  4. As much as i like Pratt, he was lucky to have the one-two punch of fresh, original and awesome marvel comic book movie, and a decent but high on nostalgia Jurassic sequel. Let him do something completely out of his comfort zone and original then we will see how he fares. Ex: a movie like Rush , the judge, etc Passengers will be a test of his and jennifer's box office pull (atleast opening weekend) regardless of how the movie is recieved. Rdj has some pull depending on the type of movie. Sherlock +him is a great brand+actor combo, which works at bo. But his Oscar bait films have flopped. Sjo turned Lucy, a no brand, R rated, poorly reviewed but entertaining movie into a smash hit...now that's something. We will see if it was a fluke or real thing when Ghost in Shell hits theatres.
  5. Very true. Many of the big franchises of 1980s never connected with the Indian audience, primarily because they never released in Indian cinema. Star wars didn't hit Indian theatres until the re-release in 1996/97. There was some hype /merchandise (lays promoted it hevaily) then but it didn't connect with majority of the audience. Only appealed to hardcore sci-fi/fantasy/urban crowd folks. Even lotr franchise never got the kind of fandom/boxoffice as it should have. Consistently was beaten by HP and other much smaller movies.
  6. Is it just me or there isn't as much buzz or excitement for Star Wars in India? The last star wars film didn't do all that well. Many inferior Hollywood films that released in 2005 beat it in India.
  7. The animation is absolutely gorgeous. Should give tough competition to all animated films next year at the Oscars
  8. I really liked the trailer, but yes this will have a similar percentage drop as F4:rotss and gi Joe 2 had from their predecessors, domestically. Also, I expect reviews to be in the 30s range on RT. But it will still be loads of fun.
  9. Looks both hilarious and action packed. Infact, much much better than Central Intelligence.
  10. That looked insanely fun. Loads of action and money shots. But I couldn't tell if this was directed by different guy. The color , cinematography looks like first one. I guess Michael Bay ghost directs these movies...hahaha.
  11. OK...this has serious potential...the cast is superb. My only concern is the director, who I haven't heard of. But maybe it will turn out all fine.
  12. Attached with star wars. Will drop online either next week or the Monday after Star Wars.
  13. I enjoyed the first one for what it was, so I am looking forward to this. Oh man...it's going to be two weeks of trailer bonanza.
  14. Again, people are overrating this trailer because it's directed by Spielberg. A Monster Calls teaser was wayyyy better.
  15. Many of the trailers coming out in the next two weeks won't be attached to Star Wars unless they have booked a spot. That's why I will be watching them all online. Star wars doesn't release here until 25th December and we get maximum 2 trailers. Most likely will be Jungle Book and Civil War.
  16. Same here. I know it will be a bad movie, but loads of fun one nevertheless. Apparently, according to Alex Proyas, a new trailer is coming out with star wars. Probably one of many trailers that will hit next week and hope that theatre owners attach them to Star Wars.
  17. Meh. A MONSTER CALLS had a much intriguing teaser. Both look similar, but that one looked visually nicer. But since this is directed by Spielberg, this will get more attention.
  18. Looks great. Love it when Shane black does such type of films. So...will the predator movie have a Christmas setting or some Christmas reference...lol.
  19. I don't understand. I think critics have decided to save their raves for star wars and revenant. The reason why WB moved it to December is because they believed it is a great product which has Oscar potential.
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