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Everything posted by marveldcfox

  1. Told ya all when I saw the intl 1st weekend numbers. Destroying Xmen dofp without 3d and China.
  2. I liked that teaser A LOT. Looking forward to it. Another movie coming out on the same weekend is Spectral, an action sci-fi movie, that I am curious about.
  3. Wtf? Why were my clubs which I opened a week before Deadpool released closed? If those clubs are successful, I won't get an opportunity to bask in the success and congratulate others. Now I am being lumped with those who before the release of Deadpool didn't give it a chance to beat xmen apocalypse or possibly be fox's highest grossing movie this year. My only clubs which had very good chance of succeeding and the mods decide to close. Not cool @grim22 and all the mods.
  4. MOTHER OF GOD! I thought it will do very very well but this has a shot at doing 400+ million domestically!!! All my clubs of Deadpool , Xmen apocalypse and it being highest grossing movie of FOX this year domestically are gonna be successful.
  5. Deadpool has very good shot of passing Xmen dofp ww without China.
  6. Most scenes are thankfully intact, but a few dialogues were censored. You could still tell what they were saying lol. It's the type of movie which you will appreciate when watching with a crowd.
  7. Holy shit. I remember that. I was furious. Deadpool too was censored and it did affect my experience but it's okay. I will watch it again when the blu ray is out.
  8. Damn right! Even the shitty sequel, which I believe was the second biggest hollywood hit of 2004 after spiderman 2. One year later Star wars episode 3 failed to outgross it. Comedy really.
  9. Exactly. In 1999 The Matrix and The Mummy were the most popular Hollywood films in India. The Mummy was a blockbuster, $4.46 million total!!! One of the biggest intl markets for mummy that year. Hell now that I recall, even Mighty Joe Young was more popular than Star wars and did better at box office.
  10. Overall movie Xmen FC Xmen dofp X2 The Wolverine X3 X1 Wolverine origins I wouldn't put Deadpool in the list because it is in a class of its own. It's been giving us nothing but joy since the day the footage got leaked. Sheer entertainment value is unparalleled. A tour de force!
  11. I never said they are going to be flops. Just underperformers at domestic boxoffice.
  12. I am really looking forward to Apocalypse and IDR, but neither will come close to Deadpool on opening weekend. Xmen might end up doing around 250 million domestically, but IDR will struggle to reach even 200M. The social media buzz, trailer views, anticipation for IDR is poor. And I definitely think it will get hammered by critics even if gloriously entertaining because it will be the cool thing to do as it is an Emmerich movie afterall.
  13. Will give The Avengers a run for its money. Wolverine+deadpool+cable+colossus+many more= $$$ Deadpool really is Fox's Iron Man. They have to deliver another solid sequel. And then go absolutely crazy with x force.
  14. I see what you did there! Xmen apocalypse already being walloped before it hits theatres. Singer should go back to his roots and just make great drama/thrillers/suspense movies.
  15. Already setting themselves up for failure. Haven't they seen the F4 fiasco last year? Stay true to the source material especially costumes. Xmen movies get away with it but now even the xfans feel that enough is enough. If others are getting faithful looking heroes then why not their beloved property..hell deadpool...should be an eye opener.
  16. Nice. I am from U.P. but born and brought up in Delhi. Once in a month ghaziabad k chakkar lag jaata h. If you are interested, we can go to the movies sometime next month..BvS maybe
  17. Hahahahahaha hahahahahaha...OMG! Mind blowing stuff. Loving it. 48 million friday!! Who would have thought! This is so destroying all of fox's xmen films and apocalypse boxoffice is gonna look shit in front of this. Will be fox's highest grossing movie domestically this year. No doubt about that. Deadpool 2 Deadpool 3 X force are all going to be greenlit on Monday morning. @iJackSparrow Fox should open their eyes and realize that under Singer the xmen frachise is stagnated as far as boxoffice is concerned. Eventhough his films are good, they arent what fans really want. They ar not crowdpleasers at all.
  18. It was packed at my showing today. Never seen a theatre so packed ever for a Hollywood film. And I watch many Hollywood movies.
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