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Everything posted by marveldcfox

  1. Well... Mohenjodaro's first trailer was terrible...the movie was okay, but boy it had really bad production values and they went for a revenge story in that period...so lame. That's why it completely bombed. This looks infinitely better but the main lead is miscast. Nevertheless, Period war film + Ashutosh Gowariker+ December + Maharashtra + maybe decent reviews + some support from the senior citizens/historians = 50+ If stars align it could potentially do a bit over 70 cr.
  2. Another sequel that will bomb because of a huge gap and no demand. Maybe it will do well in Int'l markets but no part 4 after this.
  3. Holy shit...wasn't aware that midway & doctor sleep were coming out this weekend. That's telling. Anyways, I am not into horror so Midway for explosions.
  4. Disney must be sweating bullets after seeing two of of the movies involving JC bombing. He may not have directed them but he was a producer and definitely was involved in some capacity during the production and post production. His imprints are all over the films. I am more convinced than ever that Avatar 2 will not do even 50% of the original worldwide. Disney will continue to rely heavily on Marvel and the diminishing Star Wars. Not many live action remakes left to do besides sequels which are guaranteed to either flop or disappoint.
  5. It is becoming obvious that women simply aren't interested in JC's women centric action movies. To them they want larger than life invincible like Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel. Not the whole vulnerable as hell but kicking ass type like Ripley and Connor. That and the comments he has made in the past 2-3 years has dented his reputation among film circles/ female geeks. They are not supporting his movies even if they get decent/good reviews. A silent revolt of sorts. BTW I would love to see Mackenzie Davis as Sue Storm/Invisible Woman in a MCU Fantastic Four. Could be the much needed big break.
  6. Really feel bad for the new actors and Linda. Linda didn't even want to come back but JC convinced her. Now it is looking like a bad decision. James Cameron, the producer, has an awful record at boxoffice. Should be embarrassed as he really put his name out there for 2 movies this year and both sadly flopped...one in a spectacular fashion which was not expected. At least 450M ww was expected. Now even 300 is out of question.
  7. Two minutes of silence for @IronJimbo @IronJim @Kalel009Shel @NCsoft @JamesCameronScholar @shayhiriEtc. who were damn sure that TDF will do much better than Alita at BO after being bummed out about its performance.
  8. When I say losing pulse I mean he is involved with movies that the general audience isn't interested in. They appeal only to the hardcores. Alita and TDF.
  9. Jim whatever at paramount is clearly not what he was made out to be on the fox lot. Tom Rothman >>> Jim
  10. That's bad. Alita did same on Wednesday night previews. So an opening and total under Alita is all but confirmed in North America.
  11. I have a feeling this will be Kingsman 2 type situation...solid fun but not as great as first one. Boxoffice will definitely be lower than first one in North America. Overseas could go either way.
  12. Watched it on IMAX with 25-30 people in a 300+ seater at a 4:10 pm show in North India's first and largest IMAX screen. There was an american wearing a black vest and biker gang shoes with long white beard who added more to the fun with his big laughs. He really looked like one of those texas biker gang dude and a hardcore JC/Terminator/Arnold fan. As for the movie, nothing new in terms of storytelling. Borrowed many of the great elements/scenes/sequences of T1+T2 and amped it up. The acting was great across the board. Really liked the actors playing Dani, Grace and the villain. The movie had lots of intentional comedic/funny moments, which was good. Felt like a marvel comic book movie. Great acting, action scenes, emotional scenes and comedic liners. The bonus is a solid villain. Deserves to be doing much much better but it will tank in India as well. Looks like a big flop internationally. Who would have thought that? I feel more for the new actors and Linda for whom this was a break/vehicle for hopefully bigger and better things. Sigh. Although I liked this movie a lot, one thing bothering me is that how in the world did it cost $180+ million to make? It didn't feel like it...a 100-130M sure. Looks to me like people got overpaid on this or there were lots of expensive reshoots to fix the movie or the director wasn't sure what he was doing. JC was heavily involved in this one and I feel like he is losing his mojo or doesn't get the pulse of today's audience. I am genuinely worried about Avatar 2. All in all a solid 8/10. T1 - 8.5/10 T2- 10/10 TDF - 8/10 T3Rise - 6/10 TS - 5/10 Genisys- 4/10
  13. Predator, alien, rambo, terminator...list goes on..80s remake either flopping or disappointing at box office..next up Ghostbusters.
  14. Ouch. This will sting JC and crew big time. Looks like China gives no fucks about terminator and JC. Bad signs for Avatar 2.
  15. Predator, alien, rambo, terminator...list goes on..80s remake either flopping or disappointing at box office..next up Ghostbusters.
  16. So which one to opt for? IMAX 2D or 4DX? I prefer to watch 3d in IMAX, but this isn't getting a 3d release in India.. BTW I have never watched a 4DX / MX4D movie ever..
  17. Alita over Terminator. Lmao. James Cameron should not be producing movies unless he is directing them. They never work commercially.
  18. Even Asian markets aren't that great. Europe is bad.
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