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Everything posted by marveldcfox

  1. Awesome pawsome. You know this would have been a very good Valentine's Day movie. Oh well. Still will catch it in theatres.
  2. THE MATTHEW BRODERICK!!?!? Damn....missed him. Where was he all this while? Haven't seen him in anything since Inspector Gadget.
  3. PC is a disappointment. She wants to be part of hollywood so decided to accept the first project that came her way. Big mistake. If this flops and apparently her acting is awful in this, she will have to go back crawling to bollywood where I don't think she stands a chance in the current competitive cut throat climate.
  4. boring. I want AC to atleast crack 100 million domestically but even 80 looks tough.
  5. Still stand by it. Nothing to do with the quality of the movie or how I feel after watching it just like Alien Covenant.
  6. This is fant4stic level of reviews but this didn't had even iota of the negativity and shitstorm surrounding that project. All of a sudden, I have new found appreciation for that movie.
  7. Forbes list is garbage. I remember IDR being on that list last year and we all know how that turned out.
  8. hmm.....so this releases on 26th July in France? Why is this releasing on 21st July in North America, again? I think their strategy is all wrong. They should release this in France and few overseas territories before releasing in North America. If the reviews and good and wom good that will help domestically.
  9. As far as I know, no fan of the videogame wants to see nathan's teen years. Joe Carnahan should distance himself from this project. He seemed really excited for this, but it's going through a major overhaul in terms of character dynamics etc. An R rated x-force movie written and directed by Joe Carnahan should be happen ASAP. Stop with Bad boy 3 bullshit and this uncharted in name only nonsense.
  10. And that's supposed to be a good thing? WTF...this is getting worse. A prequel featuring baby face tom...who the fuck greenlit this shit? Let me guess....rothman...creatively bankrupt person. No one wants to see a prequel...it's like making a whole movie of Caps life before the serum. Utterly boring. This could have been the new indiana jones type franchise with a lead actor who has charisma and manly looks. But nah..trying to appeal to spiderman fans and tweens.
  11. ugh.....he is such a baby face compared to the Nathan Drake in the videogames. Sony just being lazy and hiring their spiderman for another franchise. tom holland is perfect for spiderman but wrong for nathan drake. I hope this tanks hard. F u hollywood.
  12. Btw Dangal was co-produced by Walt Disney Pictures!!!! Aamir just trolled them by releasing against GOTG2 in China.
  13. There is a huge disconnect between critics and audience on this.
  14. been saying for ages that this will be extremely frontloaded and end up sub 300 WW. Infact, now I think even 250 WW will be hard. Atrocious wom..surprising cuz I actually dug it. This is a reality check for fox, ridley and alien fans.
  15. hopefully only the original movies/properties will surprise and do very well. One can only wish!
  16. Been saying that this will be extremely frontloaded. Won't match its budget in North America. Fox will have a meeting with Ridley on Monday. And I can bet Ridley won't be pleased one bit.
  17. Other than the score the movie was awful. But funny thing is that the score was a rip off of Philip Glass's Koyaanisqatsi. Therefore, I have no respect for that movie and people involved with that.
  18. ANyone who says Valerian looks generic as hell clearly doesn't know jack shit. What are Marvel and the star wars movies then? I love them but they are definition of generic. tried and tested formula.
  19. RT is the worst thing to have happened to hollywood. Spoke a brilliant man once.
  20. The only summer movies I might check out in the theatre are WW, TM, SM, POTA, Val and BD depending on mood, time etc.
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